About Connections
Overview Connections are the primary entry point into the functionality offered by the Maestro API. It abstracts away the various methods of interacting with a MapGuide Server into a single unified interface A connection is represented by the T:OSGeo.MapGuide.MaestroAPI.IServerConnection interface. Creating such connections is done via the T:OSGeo.MapGuide.MaestroAPI.ConnectionProviderRegistry class. This class uses the ConnectionProviders.xml file to resolve and load the matching implementation
Known Implementations There are 3 known implementations of the T:OSGeo.MapGuide.MaestroAPI.IServerConnection interface: Maestro.Http: A HTTP implementation (that communicates with the http mapagent) Maestro.LocalNative: A Local Native implementation (that wraps the official MapGuide API) Maestro.Local: A Local implementation (that wraps the mg-desktop mg-desktop homepage http://trac.osgeo.org/mapguide/wiki/mg-desktop _blank API) Additional implementations can be registered in the ConnectionProviders.xml file The LocalNative implementation source code is included with this SDK, but requires the official MapGuide API binaries to be also added to your application's directory. As a result this provider is disabled in the ConnectionProviders.xml file by default. The SDK includes a tool to help you build this LocalNative provider. Click here for more info. The Local implementation is not included with the SDK. The windows version of Maestro includes this implementation and you can copy the required files from your Maestro installation should you choose to use this implementation. All examples outlined in this guide assume the use of the HTTP implementation (Maestro.Http)