<%@ page import="java.net.*" %> <%@ page import="java.io.*" %> Task Pane

Hello Viewer

<% String sessionId = request.getParameter("SESSION"); String mapName = request.getParameter("MAPNAME"); %>

This sample shows different ways of calling MapGuide Viewer API functions.

1. The web layout contains a custom Invoke Script command that calls the ZoomToView() function. Click the button in the tool bar, task list, or context menu to reposition the map view. The Invoke Script command is defined in the web layout for the sample. It contains the following:

43.743934, 5000, true);

2. Click this link to display a different location. This loads a page into the hidden script frame.

<% ServletContext context = session.getServletContext(); File currentPath = new File(context.getRealPath(request.getServletPath())); String dir = currentPath.getParent(); String fullPath = java.net.URLEncoder.encode(dir); %>

3. Click this link to display a third location. This uses onclick to call JavaScript directly from the task pane.

4. The home task pane loads JavaScript from an external file. The script runs when the map first loads. It disables the task pane and waits until the map has completed loading before enabling the pane. It does this by hooking into the OnMapLoaded() function of the main frame.