(* -*- tuareg -*- *) open Int32 open Int64 type 'a c_obj_t = C_void | C_bool of bool | C_char of char | C_uchar of char | C_short of int | C_ushort of int | C_int of int | C_uint of int32 | C_int32 of int32 | C_int64 of int64 | C_float of float | C_double of float | C_ptr of int64 * int64 | C_array of 'a c_obj_t array | C_list of 'a c_obj_t list | C_obj of (string -> 'a c_obj_t -> 'a c_obj_t) | C_string of string | C_enum of 'a | C_director_core of 'a c_obj_t * 'a c_obj_t option ref type empty_enum = [ `SWIGFake | `Int of int ] exception BadArgs of string exception BadMethodName of string * string exception NotObject of empty_enum c_obj_t exception NotEnumType of empty_enum c_obj_t exception LabelNotFromThisEnum of empty_enum c_obj_t exception InvalidDirectorCall of empty_enum c_obj_t let rec invoke obj = match obj with C_obj o -> o | C_director_core (o,r) -> invoke o | _ -> raise (NotObject (Obj.magic obj)) let _ = Callback.register "swig_runmethod" invoke let fnhelper fin f arg = let args = match arg with C_list l -> l | C_void -> [] | _ -> [ arg ] in match f args with [] -> C_void | [ x ] -> (if fin then Gc.finalise (fun x -> ignore ((invoke x) "~" C_void)) x) ; x | lst -> C_list lst let rec get_int x = match x with C_bool b -> if b then 1 else 0 | C_char c | C_uchar c -> (int_of_char c) | C_short s | C_ushort s | C_int s -> s | C_uint u | C_int32 u -> (Int32.to_int u) | C_int64 u -> (Int64.to_int u) | C_float f -> (int_of_float f) | C_double d -> (int_of_float d) | C_ptr (p,q) -> (Int64.to_int p) | C_obj o -> (try (get_int (o "int" C_void)) with _ -> (get_int (o "&" C_void))) | _ -> raise (Failure "Can't convert to int") let rec get_float x = match x with C_char c | C_uchar c -> (float_of_int (int_of_char c)) | C_short s -> (float_of_int s) | C_ushort s -> (float_of_int s) | C_int s -> (float_of_int s) | C_uint u | C_int32 u -> (float_of_int (Int32.to_int u)) | C_int64 u -> (float_of_int (Int64.to_int u)) | C_float f -> f | C_double d -> d | C_obj o -> (try (get_float (o "float" C_void)) with _ -> (get_float (o "double" C_void))) | _ -> raise (Failure "Can't convert to float") let rec get_char x = (char_of_int (get_int x)) let rec get_string x = match x with C_string str -> str | _ -> raise (Failure "Can't convert to string") let rec get_bool x = match x with C_bool b -> b | _ -> (try if get_int x != 0 then true else false with _ -> raise (Failure "Can't convert to bool")) let disown_object obj = match obj with C_director_core (o,r) -> r := None | _ -> raise (Failure "Not a director core object") let _ = Callback.register "caml_obj_disown" disown_object let addr_of obj = match obj with C_obj _ -> (invoke obj) "&" C_void | C_director_core (self,r) -> (invoke self) "&" C_void | C_ptr _ -> obj | _ -> raise (Failure "Not a pointer.") let _ = Callback.register "caml_obj_ptr" addr_of let convert_c_obj a = Obj.magic a let make_float f = C_float f let make_double f = C_double f let make_string s = C_string s let make_bool b = C_bool b let make_char c = C_char c let make_char_i c = C_char (char_of_int c) let make_uchar c = C_uchar c let make_uchar_i c = C_uchar (char_of_int c) let make_short i = C_short i let make_ushort i = C_ushort i let make_int i = C_int i let make_uint i = C_uint (Int32.of_int i) let make_int32 i = C_int32 (Int32.of_int i) let make_int64 i = C_int64 (Int64.of_int i) let new_derived_object cfun x_class args = begin let get_object ob = match !ob with None -> raise (NotObject C_void) | Some o -> o in let ob_ref = ref None in let class_fun class_f ob_r = (fun meth args -> class_f (get_object ob_r) meth args) in let new_class = class_fun x_class ob_ref in let dircore = C_director_core (C_obj new_class,ob_ref) in let obj = cfun (match args with C_list argl -> (C_list ((dircore :: argl))) | C_void -> (C_list [ dircore ]) | a -> (C_list [ dircore ; a ])) in ob_ref := Some obj ; obj end