This directory and the tools here are used to generate Windows project files for the main XQilla library and related projects. Both VC6 and Visual Studio 7.1 files are generated. The latter can be opened using Visual Studio 2005 (8) and later releases as well. The process: 1. Source (including header) files are added to 2 file: (1) and (2)xqilla.template.xml See those files for format. Be sure to update that file when files are added or removed from the project. At some point, it will probably be possible to generate from xqilla.template.xml, but for now, both need to be updated manually. 2. Run the script, s_win32, which calls the 2 scripts, s_win32_dsp and s_projects to generate project files. These files land in ../Win32Projects/{VC6,VC7.1}. s_projects requires that the xqilla command line utility be in your PATH, because it uses XQuery and the input XML document (xqilla.template.xml) to generate the project files. The scripts must be run on a Unix-style machine, most likely, as they use bash and commands that are typically available on Unix. They *may* run under cygwin. DO NOT EVER manually edit the output project files (*.dsp, *.vcproj). If changes are required, edit the templates and scripts and generate the changed projects. Maintaining 2 mechanisms and 2 file lists is a bit of a hassle, but at some point, support for VC6 will likely be dropped, and/or the Todo items below may be done. Details: The VC6 scripts use template project files (ending in ".src") and do a lot of field substitution from configuration found in these files: lib_paths.sed s_win32_* The s_projects script uses lib_paths.sed to substitute variables in xqilla.template.xml, substitutes the project name in the XQuery script, genproject.template, then calls the xqilla command passing the resulting script, which uses the XML document input to generate a specific project file. Todo: 1. Generate from xqilla.template.xml to remove multiple manual steps. 2. Maybe generate from xqilla.template.xml as well (or vice versa).