#region Disclaimer / License // Copyright (C) 2011, Jackie Ng // http://trac.osgeo.org/mapguide/wiki/maestro, jumpinjackie@gmail.com // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA // #endregion Disclaimer / License using OSGeo.MapGuide.MaestroAPI.Commands; using OSGeo.MapGuide.MaestroAPI.CoordinateSystem; using OSGeo.MapGuide.MaestroAPI.Exceptions; using OSGeo.MapGuide.MaestroAPI.Feature; using OSGeo.MapGuide.MaestroAPI.Local.Commands; using OSGeo.MapGuide.MaestroAPI.Mapping; using OSGeo.MapGuide.MaestroAPI.Native; using OSGeo.MapGuide.MaestroAPI.Schema; using OSGeo.MapGuide.MaestroAPI.SchemaOverrides; using OSGeo.MapGuide.MaestroAPI.Services; using OSGeo.MapGuide.ObjectModels; using OSGeo.MapGuide.ObjectModels.Capabilities; using OSGeo.MapGuide.ObjectModels.Common; using OSGeo.MapGuide.ObjectModels.LayerDefinition; using OSGeo.MapGuide.ObjectModels.MapDefinition; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.Specialized; using System.Diagnostics; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Text; namespace OSGeo.MapGuide.MaestroAPI.Local { public class LocalConnection : PlatformConnectionBase, IServerConnection, IFeatureService, IResourceService, ITileService, IMappingService, IDrawingService { public event EventHandler SessionIDChanged; //Not used public static LocalConnection Create(NameValueCollection initParams) => new LocalConnection(initParams); private MgdServiceFactory _fact; protected LocalConnection(NameValueCollection initParams) : base() { _fact = new MgdServiceFactory(); _sessionId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); _configFile = initParams[PARAM_CONFIG]; var sw = new Stopwatch(); sw.Start(); MgdPlatform.Initialize(_configFile); sw.Stop(); Trace.TraceInformation($"MapGuide Platform initialized in {sw.ElapsedMilliseconds}ms"); } public override ICommand CreateCommand(int cmdType) { CommandType ct = (CommandType)cmdType; switch (ct) { case CommandType.ApplySchema: return new LocalNativeApplySchema(this); case CommandType.CreateDataStore: return new LocalNativeCreateDataStore(this); case CommandType.DeleteFeatures: return new LocalNativeDelete(this); case CommandType.InsertFeature: return new LocalNativeInsert(this); case CommandType.UpdateFeatures: return new LocalNativeUpdate(this); } return base.CreateCommand(cmdType); } public const string PROVIDER_NAME = "Maestro.Local"; //NOXLATE public override string ProviderName => PROVIDER_NAME; public override NameValueCollection CloneParameters { get { return new NameValueCollection() { { PARAM_CONFIG, _configFile } }; } } private string _sessionId; public override string SessionID => _sessionId; protected override IServerConnection GetInterface() => this; private string _configFile; private const string PARAM_CONFIG = "ConfigFile"; //NOXLATE private MgdResourceService _resSvc; private MgdFeatureService _featSvc; private MgdDrawingService _drawSvc; private MgdMappingService _mappingSvc; private MgdRenderingService _renderSvc; private MgdTileService _tileSvc; protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (disposing) { _resSvc?.Dispose(); _resSvc = null; _featSvc?.Dispose(); _featSvc = null; _drawSvc?.Dispose(); _drawSvc = null; _renderSvc?.Dispose(); _renderSvc = null; _tileSvc?.Dispose(); _tileSvc = null; } } private MgdResourceService GetResourceService() { if (_resSvc == null) _resSvc = (MgdResourceService)_fact.CreateService(MgServiceType.ResourceService); return _resSvc; } private MgdFeatureService GetFeatureService() { if (_featSvc == null) _featSvc = (MgdFeatureService)_fact.CreateService(MgServiceType.FeatureService); return _featSvc; } private MgdDrawingService GetDrawingService() { if (_drawSvc == null) _drawSvc = (MgdDrawingService)_fact.CreateService(MgServiceType.DrawingService); return _drawSvc; } private MgdMappingService GetMappingService() { if (_mappingSvc == null) _mappingSvc = (MgdMappingService)_fact.CreateService(MgServiceType.MappingService); return _mappingSvc; } private MgdRenderingService GetRenderingService() { if (_renderSvc == null) _renderSvc = (MgdRenderingService)_fact.CreateService(MgServiceType.RenderingService); return _renderSvc; } private MgdTileService GetTileService() { if (_tileSvc == null) _tileSvc = (MgdTileService)_fact.CreateService(MgServiceType.TileService); return _tileSvc; } public override IServerConnection Clone() => LocalConnection.Create(this.CloneParameters); private void LogMethodCall(string method, bool success, params string[] values) { OnRequestDispatched($"{method}({string.Join(", ", values)}) {((success) ? "Success" : "Failure")}"); } public override Stream GetResourceXmlData(string resourceID) { var res = GetResourceService(); //var result = Native.Utility.MgStreamToNetStream(res, res.GetType().GetMethod("GetResourceContent"), new object[] { new MgResourceIdentifier(resourceID) }); GetByteReaderMethod fetch = () => { MgResourceIdentifier resId = new MgResourceIdentifier(resourceID); return res.GetResourceContent(resId); }; LogMethodCall("MgResourceService::GetResourceContent", true, resourceID); return new MgReadOnlyStream(fetch); } public override void DeleteResource(string resourceID) { var res = GetResourceService(); res.DeleteResource(new MgResourceIdentifier(resourceID)); LogMethodCall("MgResourceService::DeleteResource", true, resourceID); OnResourceDeleted(resourceID); } public override ResourceList GetRepositoryResources(string startingpoint, string type, int depth, bool computeChildren) { if (type == null) type = ""; var res = GetResourceService(); GetByteReaderMethod fetch = () => { MgResourceIdentifier resId = new MgResourceIdentifier(startingpoint); return res.EnumerateResources(resId, depth, type, computeChildren); }; LogMethodCall("MgResourceService::EnumerateResources", true, startingpoint, depth.ToString(), type, computeChildren.ToString()); return base.DeserializeObject(new MgReadOnlyStream(fetch)); } public override ResourceReferenceList EnumerateResourceReferences(string resourceid) { return new ResourceReferenceList() { ResourceId = new System.ComponentModel.BindingList() }; } public override void CopyResource(string oldpath, string newpath, bool overwrite) { bool exists = ResourceExists(newpath); var res = GetResourceService(); res.CopyResource(new MgResourceIdentifier(oldpath), new MgResourceIdentifier(newpath), overwrite); LogMethodCall("MgResourceService::CopyResource", true, oldpath, newpath, overwrite.ToString()); if (exists) OnResourceUpdated(newpath); else OnResourceAdded(newpath); } public override void CopyFolder(string oldpath, string newpath, bool overwrite) { bool exists = ResourceExists(newpath); if (!oldpath.EndsWith("/")) oldpath += "/"; if (!newpath.EndsWith("/")) newpath += "/"; var res = GetResourceService(); res.CopyResource(new MgResourceIdentifier(oldpath), new MgResourceIdentifier(newpath), overwrite); LogMethodCall("MgResourceService::CopyResource", true, oldpath, newpath, overwrite.ToString()); if (exists) OnResourceUpdated(newpath); else OnResourceAdded(newpath); } public override void MoveResource(string oldpath, string newpath, bool overwrite) { bool exists = ResourceExists(newpath); var res = GetResourceService(); res.MoveResource(new MgResourceIdentifier(oldpath), new MgResourceIdentifier(newpath), overwrite); LogMethodCall("MgResourceService::MoveResource", true, oldpath, newpath, overwrite.ToString()); OnResourceDeleted(oldpath); if (exists) OnResourceUpdated(newpath); else OnResourceAdded(newpath); } public override void MoveFolder(string oldpath, string newpath, bool overwrite) { bool exists = ResourceExists(newpath); if (!oldpath.EndsWith("/")) oldpath += "/"; if (!newpath.EndsWith("/")) newpath += "/"; var res = GetResourceService(); res.MoveResource(new MgResourceIdentifier(oldpath), new MgResourceIdentifier(newpath), overwrite); LogMethodCall("MgResourceService::MoveResource", true, oldpath, newpath, overwrite.ToString()); OnResourceDeleted(oldpath); if (exists) OnResourceUpdated(newpath); else OnResourceAdded(newpath); } public override Stream GetResourceData(string resourceID, string dataname) { var res = GetResourceService(); //var result = Native.Utility.MgStreamToNetStream(res, res.GetType().GetMethod("GetResourceData"), new object[] { new MgResourceIdentifier(resourceID), dataname }); GetByteReaderMethod fetch = () => { MgResourceIdentifier resId = new MgResourceIdentifier(resourceID); return res.GetResourceData(resId, dataname); }; LogMethodCall("MgResourceService::GetResourceData", true, resourceID, dataname); return new MgReadOnlyStream(fetch); } private const int MAX_INPUT_STREAM_SIZE_MB = 30; public override void SetResourceData(string resourceid, string dataname, ResourceDataType datatype, System.IO.Stream stream, Utility.StreamCopyProgressDelegate callback) { var res = GetResourceService(); MgByteReader reader = null; string tmpPath = null; //If stream is under our hard-coded limit (and it's seekable, which is how we're able to get that number), use the //overload of MgByteSource that accepts a byte[]. Otherwise dump the stream to a temp file and use the //file name overload (otherwise if our input stream happens to be several GBs, we run risk of //System.OutOfMemoryExceptions being thrown back at us) if (stream.CanSeek && stream.Length < (MAX_INPUT_STREAM_SIZE_MB * 1024 * 1024)) { byte[] data = Utility.StreamAsArray(stream); MgByteSource source = new MgByteSource(data, data.Length); reader = source.GetReader(); } else { tmpPath = Path.GetTempFileName(); using (FileStream fs = File.OpenWrite(tmpPath)) { stream.CopyTo(fs); } MgByteSource source = new MgByteSource(tmpPath); reader = source.GetReader(); } try { res.SetResourceData(new MgResourceIdentifier(resourceid), dataname, datatype.ToString(), reader); LogMethodCall("MgResourceService::SetResourceData", true, resourceid, dataname, datatype.ToString(), "MgByteReader"); } finally { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpPath) && File.Exists(tmpPath)) { //Be a responsible citizen and clean up our temp files when done try { File.Delete(tmpPath); } catch { } } } } public override void UploadPackage(string filename, Utility.StreamCopyProgressDelegate callback) { System.IO.FileInfo fi = new System.IO.FileInfo(filename); if (callback != null) callback(0, fi.Length, fi.Length); var res = GetResourceService(); MgByteSource pkgSource = new MgByteSource(filename); MgByteReader rd = pkgSource.GetReader(); res.ApplyResourcePackage(rd); rd.Dispose(); LogMethodCall("MgResourceService::ApplyResourcePackage", true, "MgByteReader"); if (callback != null) callback(fi.Length, 0, fi.Length); } public override void UpdateRepository(string resourceId, ResourceFolderHeaderType header) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public override object GetFolderOrResourceHeader(string resourceId) { if (ResourceIdentifier.IsFolderResource(resourceId)) { return ResourceFolderHeaderType.CreateDefault(); } else { return ResourceDocumentHeaderType.CreateDefault(); } } public override void SetResourceXmlData(string resourceId, Stream content, Stream header) { bool exists = ResourceExists(resourceId); var res = GetResourceService(); byte[] bufHeader = header == null ? new byte[0] : Utility.StreamAsArray(header); byte[] bufContent = content == null ? new byte[0] : Utility.StreamAsArray(content); //MgByteReader rH = bufHeader.Length == 0 ? null : new MgByteReader(bufHeader, bufHeader.Length, "text/xml"); //MgByteReader rC = bufContent.Length == 0 ? null : new MgByteReader(bufContent, bufContent.Length, "text/xml"); MgByteReader rH = null; MgByteReader rC = null; if (bufHeader.Length > 0) { MgByteSource source = new MgByteSource(bufHeader, bufHeader.Length); source.SetMimeType("text/xml"); rH = source.GetReader(); } if (bufContent.Length > 0) { MgByteSource source = new MgByteSource(bufContent, bufContent.Length); source.SetMimeType("text/xml"); rC = source.GetReader(); } res.SetResource(new MgResourceIdentifier(resourceId), rC, rH); LogMethodCall("MgResourceService::SetResource", true, resourceId, "MgByteReader", "MgByteReader"); if (exists) OnResourceUpdated(resourceId); else OnResourceAdded(resourceId); } public override UnmanagedDataList EnumerateUnmanagedData(string startpath, string filter, bool recursive, UnmanagedDataTypes type) { var resSvc = GetResourceService(); var br = resSvc.EnumerateUnmanagedData(startpath, recursive, type.ToString(), filter); var result = (UnmanagedDataList)base.DeserializeObject(typeof(UnmanagedDataList), new MgReadOnlyStream(new GetByteReaderMethod(() => { return br; }))); LogMethodCall("MgResourceService::EnumerateUnmanagedData", true, startpath, recursive.ToString(), type.ToString(), filter); return result; } public override string TestConnection(string featuresource) { var fes = GetFeatureService(); var res = fes.TestConnection(new MgResourceIdentifier(featuresource)) ? "True" : "Unspecified errors"; LogMethodCall("MgFeatureService::TestConnection", true, featuresource); return res; } public override FeatureProviderRegistryFeatureProvider[] FeatureProviders { get { MgFeatureService fes = GetFeatureService(); GetByteReaderMethod fetch = fes.GetFeatureProviders; LogMethodCall("MgFeatureService::GetFeatureProviders", true); var reg = base.DeserializeObject(new MgReadOnlyStream(fetch)); return reg.FeatureProvider.ToArray(); } } public override FdoSpatialContextList GetSpatialContextInfo(string resourceID, bool activeOnly) { var fes = GetFeatureService(); MgSpatialContextReader rd = fes.GetSpatialContexts(new MgResourceIdentifier(resourceID), activeOnly); GetByteReaderMethod fetch = rd.ToXml; LogMethodCall("MgFeatureService::GetSpatialContexts", true, resourceID, activeOnly.ToString()); return base.DeserializeObject(new MgReadOnlyStream(fetch)); } public override string[] GetIdentityProperties(string resourceID, string classname) { var fes = GetFeatureService(); string[] parts = classname.Split(':'); MgResourceIdentifier resId = new MgResourceIdentifier(resourceID); MgPropertyDefinitionCollection props; if (parts.Length == 1) parts = new string[] { classname }; else if (parts.Length != 2) throw new Exception("Unable to parse classname into class and schema: " + classname); var schemas = fes.DescribeSchema(resId, parts[0]); var classes = schemas.GetItem(0).GetClasses(); LogMethodCall("MgFeatureService::DescribeSchema", true, resourceID, parts[0]); int ccount = classes.GetCount(); for (int i = 0; i < ccount; i++) { MgClassDefinition cdef = classes.GetItem(i); if (parts.Length == 1 || cdef.Name.ToLower().Trim().Equals(parts[1].ToLower().Trim())) { props = cdef.GetIdentityProperties(); int pcount = props.GetCount(); string[] res = new string[pcount]; for (int j = 0; j < pcount; j++) res[j] = (props.GetItem(j) as MgProperty).Name; return res; } } throw new Exception($"Unable to find class: {parts[1]} in schema {parts[0]}"); //LOCALIZEME } protected override FeatureSourceDescription DescribeFeatureSourceInternal(string resourceId) { var fes = GetFeatureService(); MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(fes.DescribeSchemaAsXml(new MgResourceIdentifier(resourceId), ""))); LogMethodCall("MgFeatureService::DescribeSchemaAsXml", true, resourceId, string.Empty); return new FeatureSourceDescription(ms); } public override FeatureSchema DescribeFeatureSourcePartial(string resourceID, string schema, string[] classNames) { var fes = GetFeatureService(); MgStringCollection names = new MgStringCollection(); foreach (var clsName in classNames) { names.Add(clsName); } string xml = fes.DescribeSchemaAsXml(new MgResourceIdentifier(resourceID), schema, names); MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(xml)); LogMethodCall("MgFeatureService::DescribeSchemaAsXml", true, resourceID, schema, "{" + string.Join(",", classNames) + "}"); return new FeatureSourceDescription(ms).Schemas[0]; } public override FeatureSchema DescribeFeatureSource(string resourceID, string schema) { var fes = GetFeatureService(); if (schema != null && schema.IndexOf(":") > 0) schema = schema.Split(':')[0]; MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(fes.DescribeSchemaAsXml(new MgResourceIdentifier(resourceID), schema))); LogMethodCall("MgFeatureService::DescribeSchemaAsXml", true, resourceID, schema); return new FeatureSourceDescription(ms).Schemas[0]; } public override IReader AggregateQueryFeatureSource(string resourceID, string schema, string filter, string[] columns) => AggregateQueryFeatureSourceCore(resourceID, schema, filter, columns, null); public override IReader AggregateQueryFeatureSource(string resourceID, string schema, string filter, System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection aggregateFunctions) => AggregateQueryFeatureSourceCore(resourceID, schema, filter, null, aggregateFunctions); private IReader AggregateQueryFeatureSourceCore(string resourceID, string schema, string query, string[] columns, System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection computedProperties) { var fes = GetFeatureService(); MgFeatureAggregateOptions mgf = new MgFeatureAggregateOptions(); if (query != null) mgf.SetFilter(query); if (columns != null && columns.Length != 0) foreach (string s in columns) mgf.AddFeatureProperty(s); if (computedProperties != null && computedProperties.Count > 0) foreach (string s in computedProperties.Keys) mgf.AddComputedProperty(s, computedProperties[s]); var reader = fes.SelectAggregate(new MgResourceIdentifier(resourceID), schema, mgf); LogMethodCall("MgFeatureService::SelectAggregate", true, resourceID, schema, "MgFeatureAggregateOptions"); return new LocalNativeDataReader(reader); } public override DataStoreList EnumerateDataStores(string providerName, string partialConnString) { var fes = GetFeatureService(); GetByteReaderMethod fetch = () => { return fes.EnumerateDataStores(providerName, partialConnString); }; LogMethodCall("MgFeatureService::EnumerateDataStores", true, providerName, partialConnString); return base.DeserializeObject(new MgReadOnlyStream(fetch)); } public override string[] GetSchemas(string resourceId) { List names = new List(); var fsvc = GetFeatureService(); var schemaNames = fsvc.GetSchemas(new MgResourceIdentifier(resourceId)); LogMethodCall("MgFeatureService::GetSchemas", true, resourceId); for (int i = 0; i < schemaNames.GetCount(); i++) { names.Add(schemaNames.GetItem(i)); } return names.ToArray(); } public override string[] GetClassNames(string resourceId, string schemaName) { List names = new List(); var fsvc = GetFeatureService(); var classNames = fsvc.GetClasses(new MgResourceIdentifier(resourceId), schemaName); LogMethodCall("MgFeatureService::GetClasses", true, resourceId, schemaName); for (int i = 0; i < classNames.GetCount(); i++) { names.Add(classNames.GetItem(i)); } return names.ToArray(); } protected override ClassDefinition GetClassDefinitionInternal(string resourceId, string schemaName, string className) { var cls = GetFeatureService().GetClassDefinition(new MgResourceIdentifier(resourceId), schemaName, className); var klass = Native.Utility.ConvertClassDefinition(cls); var parent = new FeatureSchema(schemaName, ""); parent.AddClass(klass); return klass; } public override Version SiteVersion => typeof(MgdMap).Assembly.GetName().Version; public override string[] GetCustomPropertyNames() => new string[0]; public override Type GetCustomPropertyType(string name) { throw new CustomPropertyNotFoundException(); } public override void SetCustomProperty(string name, object value) { throw new CustomPropertyNotFoundException(); } public override object GetCustomProperty(string name) { throw new CustomPropertyNotFoundException(); } public IFdoProviderCapabilities GetProviderCapabilities(string provider) { var fes = GetFeatureService(); var res = (IFdoProviderCapabilities)base.DeserializeObject(typeof(OSGeo.MapGuide.ObjectModels.Capabilities.v1_1_0.FdoProviderCapabilities), new MgReadOnlyStream(() => fes.GetCapabilities(provider))); LogMethodCall("MgFeatureService::GetProviderCapabilities", true, provider); return res; } public string TestConnection(string providername, NameValueCollection parameters) { var fes = GetFeatureService(); System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); if (parameters != null) { foreach (System.Collections.DictionaryEntry de in parameters) sb.Append((string)de.Key + "=" + (string)de.Value + "\t"); if (sb.Length > 0) sb.Length--; } var res = fes.TestConnection(providername, sb.ToString()) ? "True" : "Unspecified errors"; LogMethodCall("MgFeatureService::TestConnection", true, providername, sb.ToString()); return res; } public string[] GetConnectionPropertyValues(string providerName, string propertyName, string partialConnectionString) { var featSvc = GetFeatureService(); MgStringCollection result = featSvc.GetConnectionPropertyValues(providerName, propertyName, partialConnectionString); LogMethodCall("MgFeatureService::GetConnectionPropertyValues", true, providerName, propertyName, partialConnectionString); string[] values = new string[result.GetCount()]; for (int i = 0; i < result.GetCount(); i++) { values[i] = result.GetItem(i); } return values; } public IReader ExecuteSqlQuery(string featureSourceID, string sql) { var fes = GetFeatureService(); MgSqlDataReader reader = fes.ExecuteSqlQuery(new MgResourceIdentifier(featureSourceID), sql); LogMethodCall("MgFeatureService::ExecuteSqlQuery", true, featureSourceID, sql); return new LocalNativeSqlReader(reader); } public override IFeatureReader QueryFeatureSource(string resourceID, string className, string filter, string[] propertyNames, NameValueCollection computedProperties) { var fes = GetFeatureService(); MgFeatureQueryOptions mgf = new MgFeatureQueryOptions(); if (filter != null) mgf.SetFilter(filter); if (propertyNames != null && propertyNames.Length != 0) foreach (string s in propertyNames) mgf.AddFeatureProperty(s); if (computedProperties != null && computedProperties.Count > 0) foreach (string s in computedProperties.Keys) mgf.AddComputedProperty(s, computedProperties[s]); var fsId = new MgResourceIdentifier(resourceID); MgFeatureReader mr = fes.SelectFeatures(fsId, className, mgf); LogMethodCall("MgFeatureService::SelectFeatures", true, resourceID, className, "MgFeatureQueryOptions"); return new LocalNativeFeatureReader(mr); } public void DeleteResourceData(string resourceID, string dataname) { var res = GetResourceService(); res.DeleteResourceData(new MgResourceIdentifier(resourceID), dataname); LogMethodCall("MgResourceService::DeleteResourceData", true, resourceID, dataname); } public ResourceDataList EnumerateResourceData(string resourceID) { var res = GetResourceService(); GetByteReaderMethod fetch = () => { MgResourceIdentifier resId = new MgResourceIdentifier(resourceID); return res.EnumerateResourceData(resId); }; LogMethodCall("MgResourceService::EnumerateResourceData", true, resourceID); return base.DeserializeObject(new MgReadOnlyStream(fetch)); } public Stream GetTile(string mapdefinition, string baselayergroup, int col, int row, int scaleindex, string format) { var ts = GetTileService(); GetByteReaderMethod fetch = () => { MgResourceIdentifier mdf = new MgResourceIdentifier(mapdefinition); return ts.GetTile(mdf, baselayergroup, col, row, scaleindex); }; LogMethodCall("MgTileService::GetTile", true, mapdefinition, baselayergroup, col.ToString(), row.ToString(), scaleindex.ToString()); return new MgReadOnlyStream(fetch); } public Stream DescribeDrawing(string resourceID) { var dwSvc = GetDrawingService(); GetByteReaderMethod fetch = () => { MgResourceIdentifier resId = new MgResourceIdentifier(resourceID); return dwSvc.GetDrawing(resId); }; LogMethodCall("MgDrawingService::GetDrawing", true, resourceID); return new MgReadOnlyStream(fetch); } public string[] EnumerateDrawingLayers(string resourceID, string sectionName) { var dwSvc = GetDrawingService(); var layers = dwSvc.EnumerateLayers(new MgResourceIdentifier(resourceID), sectionName); LogMethodCall("MgDrawingService::EnumerateLayers", true, resourceID, sectionName); var layerNames = new List(); for (int i = 0; i < layers.GetCount(); i++) { layerNames.Add(layers.GetItem(i)); } return layerNames.ToArray(); } public DrawingSectionResourceList EnumerateDrawingSectionResources(string resourceID, string sectionName) { var dwSvc = GetDrawingService(); GetByteReaderMethod fetch = () => { MgResourceIdentifier resId = new MgResourceIdentifier(resourceID); return dwSvc.EnumerateSectionResources(resId, sectionName); }; LogMethodCall("MgDrawingService::EnumerateDrawingSectionResources", true, resourceID, sectionName); return base.DeserializeObject(new MgReadOnlyStream(fetch)); } public DrawingSectionList EnumerateDrawingSections(string resourceID) { var dwSvc = GetDrawingService(); GetByteReaderMethod fetch = () => { MgResourceIdentifier resId = new MgResourceIdentifier(resourceID); return dwSvc.EnumerateSections(resId); }; LogMethodCall("MgDrawingService::EnumerateDrawingSections", true, resourceID); return base.DeserializeObject(new MgReadOnlyStream(fetch)); } public string GetDrawingCoordinateSpace(string resourceID) { var dwSvc = GetDrawingService(); var res = dwSvc.GetCoordinateSpace(new MgResourceIdentifier(resourceID)); LogMethodCall("MgDrawingService::GetCoordinateSpace", true, resourceID); return res; } public Stream GetDrawing(string resourceID) { var dwSvc = GetDrawingService(); GetByteReaderMethod fetch = () => { MgResourceIdentifier resId = new MgResourceIdentifier(resourceID); return dwSvc.GetDrawing(resId); }; LogMethodCall("MgDrawingService::GetDrawing", true, resourceID); return new MgReadOnlyStream(fetch); } public Stream GetLayer(string resourceID, string sectionName, string layerName) { var dwSvc = GetDrawingService(); GetByteReaderMethod fetch = () => { MgResourceIdentifier resId = new MgResourceIdentifier(resourceID); return dwSvc.GetLayer(resId, sectionName, layerName); }; LogMethodCall("MgDrawingService::GetLayer", true, resourceID, sectionName, layerName); return new MgReadOnlyStream(fetch); } public Stream GetSection(string resourceID, string sectionName) { var dwSvc = GetDrawingService(); GetByteReaderMethod fetch = () => { MgResourceIdentifier resId = new MgResourceIdentifier(resourceID); return dwSvc.GetSection(resId, sectionName); }; LogMethodCall("MgDrawingService::GetSection", true, resourceID, sectionName); return new MgReadOnlyStream(fetch); } public Stream GetSectionResource(string resourceID, string resourceName) { var dwSvc = GetDrawingService(); GetByteReaderMethod fetch = () => { MgResourceIdentifier resId = new MgResourceIdentifier(resourceID); return dwSvc.GetSectionResource(resId, resourceName); }; LogMethodCall("MgDrawingService::GetSectionResource", true, resourceID, resourceName); return new MgReadOnlyStream(fetch); } public IFeatureService FeatureService => this; public IResourceService ResourceService => this; private IConnectionCapabilities _caps; public IConnectionCapabilities Capabilities { get { if (_caps == null) { _caps = new LocalCapabilities(this); } return _caps; } } public bool AutoRestartSession { get; set; } public IService GetService(int serviceType) { ServiceType st = (ServiceType)serviceType; switch (st) { case ServiceType.Drawing: case ServiceType.Feature: case ServiceType.Resource: case ServiceType.Tile: case ServiceType.Mapping: return this; } throw new UnsupportedServiceTypeException(st); } private LocalNativeMpuCalculator m_calc; public override IMpuCalculator GetCalculator() { if (null == m_calc) m_calc = new LocalNativeMpuCalculator(); return m_calc; } private ICoordinateSystemCatalog m_coordsys = null; public ICoordinateSystemCatalog CoordinateSystemCatalog { get { if (m_coordsys == null) m_coordsys = new LocalNativeCoordinateSystemCatalog(); return m_coordsys; } } public string DisplayName => $"Local MgDesktop ({_configFile})"; //NOXLATE public void RestartSession() { } public bool RestartSession(bool throwException) => true; internal void InsertFeatures(MgResourceIdentifier fsId, string className, MgPropertyCollection props) { try { MgdFeatureService fs = GetFeatureService(); MgFeatureReader fr = null; try { fr = fs.InsertFeatures(fsId, className, props); } finally { if (fr != null) fr.Close(); } } catch (MgException ex) { var exMgd = new FeatureServiceException(ex.Message); exMgd.MgErrorDetails = ex.GetDetails(); exMgd.MgStackTrace = ex.GetStackTrace(); ex.Dispose(); throw exMgd; } } internal int UpdateFeatures(MgResourceIdentifier fsId, string className, MgPropertyCollection props, string filter) { try { MgdFeatureService fs = GetFeatureService(); return fs.UpdateMatchingFeatures(fsId, className, props, filter); } catch (MgException ex) { var exMgd = new FeatureServiceException(ex.Message); exMgd.MgErrorDetails = ex.GetDetails(); exMgd.MgStackTrace = ex.GetStackTrace(); ex.Dispose(); throw exMgd; } } internal int DeleteFeatures(MgResourceIdentifier fsId, string className, string filter) { try { MgdFeatureService fs = GetFeatureService(); return fs.DeleteFeatures(fsId, className, filter); } catch (MgException ex) { var exMgd = new FeatureServiceException(ex.Message); exMgd.MgErrorDetails = ex.GetDetails(); exMgd.MgStackTrace = ex.GetStackTrace(); ex.Dispose(); throw exMgd; } } internal void ApplySchema(MgResourceIdentifier fsId, MgFeatureSchema schemaToApply) { try { MgdFeatureService fs = GetFeatureService(); fs.ApplySchema(fsId, schemaToApply); } catch (MgException ex) { var exMgd = new FeatureServiceException(ex.Message); exMgd.MgErrorDetails = ex.GetDetails(); exMgd.MgStackTrace = ex.GetStackTrace(); ex.Dispose(); throw exMgd; } } internal void CreateDataStore(MgResourceIdentifier fsId, MgFeatureSourceParams fp) { try { MgdFeatureService fs = GetFeatureService(); fs.CreateFeatureSource(fsId, fp); } catch (MgException ex) { var exMgd = new FeatureServiceException(ex.Message); exMgd.MgErrorDetails = ex.GetDetails(); exMgd.MgStackTrace = ex.GetStackTrace(); ex.Dispose(); throw exMgd; } } public override RuntimeMap OpenMap(string runtimeMapResourceId) { throw new NotSupportedException(); } public override RuntimeMap CreateMap(string runtimeMapResourceId, IMapDefinition mdf, double metersPerUnit, bool suppressErrors) { var mdfId = new MgResourceIdentifier(mdf.ResourceID); var implMap = new MgdMap(mdfId); var map = new LocalRuntimeMap(this, implMap, suppressErrors); map.ResourceID = runtimeMapResourceId; map.ResetDirtyState(); return map; } public override RuntimeMapGroup CreateMapGroup(RuntimeMap parent, IBaseMapGroup group) { var impl = parent as LocalRuntimeMap; if (impl == null) throw new ArgumentException("Instance is not a LocalRuntimeMap", nameof(parent)); //LOCALIZEME var rtGroup = new MgLayerGroup(group.Name); rtGroup.DisplayInLegend = group.ShowInLegend; MgdMap.SetGroupExpandInLegend(rtGroup, group.ExpandInLegend); //MgdMap.SetLayerGroupType(rtGroup, MgLayerGroupType.BaseMap); rtGroup.LegendLabel = group.LegendLabel; rtGroup.Visible = group.Visible; return new LocalRuntimeMapGroup(impl, rtGroup); } public override RuntimeMapGroup CreateMapGroup(RuntimeMap parent, IMapLayerGroup group) { var impl = parent as LocalRuntimeMap; if (impl == null) throw new ArgumentException("Instance is not a LocalRuntimeMap", nameof(parent)); //LOCALIZEME var rtGroup = new MgLayerGroup(group.Name); rtGroup.DisplayInLegend = group.ShowInLegend; MgdMap.SetGroupExpandInLegend(rtGroup, group.ExpandInLegend); rtGroup.LegendLabel = group.LegendLabel; rtGroup.Visible = group.Visible; var implMap = impl.GetWrappedInstance(); var groups = implMap.GetLayerGroups(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(group.Group)) { int idx = groups.IndexOf(group.Group); if (idx >= 0) { var parentGrp = groups.GetItem(idx); rtGroup.Group = parentGrp; } } return new LocalRuntimeMapGroup(impl, rtGroup); } public override RuntimeMapGroup CreateMapGroup(RuntimeMap parent, string name) { var impl = parent as LocalRuntimeMap; if (impl == null) throw new ArgumentException("Instance is not a LocalRuntimeMap", nameof(parent)); //LOCALIZEME var group = new MgLayerGroup(name); return new LocalRuntimeMapGroup(impl, group); } public override RuntimeMapLayer CreateMapLayer(RuntimeMap parent, ILayerDefinition ldf, bool suppressErrors) { var impl = parent as LocalRuntimeMap; if (impl == null) throw new ArgumentException("Instance is not a LocalRuntimeMap", nameof(parent)); //LOCALIZEME var ldfId = new MgResourceIdentifier(ldf.ResourceID); var layer = new MgdLayer(ldfId, GetResourceService()); return new LocalRuntimeMapLayer(impl, layer, this, suppressErrors); } public Stream RenderDynamicOverlay(RuntimeMap map, MapSelection selection, string format) => RenderDynamicOverlay(map, selection, format, true); private static MgdSelection Convert(MgdMap map, MapSelection sel) { if (sel == null) return null; MgdSelection impl = new MgdSelection(map); var xml = sel.ToXml(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(xml)) impl.FromXml(xml); return impl; } public Stream RenderDynamicOverlay(RuntimeMap map, MapSelection selection, string format, bool keepSelection) { var impl = map as LocalRuntimeMap; if (impl == null) throw new ArgumentException("Instance is not a LocalRuntimeMap", nameof(map)); //LOCALIZEME var renderSvc = GetRenderingService(); GetByteReaderMethod fetch = () => { var implMap = impl.GetWrappedInstance(); var sel = Convert(implMap, selection); return renderSvc.RenderDynamicOverlay(implMap, sel, format, keepSelection); }; return new MgReadOnlyStream(fetch); } public Stream RenderDynamicOverlay(RuntimeMap map, MapSelection selection, string format, System.Drawing.Color selectionColor, int behaviour) { var impl = map as LocalRuntimeMap; if (impl == null) throw new ArgumentException("Instance is not a LocalRuntimeMap", nameof(map)); //LOCALIZEME var renderSvc = GetRenderingService(); GetByteReaderMethod fetch = () => { var implMap = impl.GetWrappedInstance(); var sel = Convert(implMap, selection); var opts = new MgdRenderingOptions(format, behaviour, new MgColor(selectionColor)); return renderSvc.RenderDynamicOverlay(implMap, sel, opts); }; return new MgReadOnlyStream(fetch); } public Stream RenderRuntimeMap(RuntimeMap map, double x, double y, double scale, int width, int height, int dpi) => this.RenderRuntimeMap(map, x, y, scale, width, height, dpi, "PNG", false); public Stream RenderRuntimeMap(RuntimeMap map, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, int width, int height, int dpi) => this.RenderRuntimeMap(map, x1, y1, x2, y2, width, height, dpi, "PNG", false); public Stream RenderRuntimeMap(RuntimeMap map, double x, double y, double scale, int width, int height, int dpi, string format) => this.RenderRuntimeMap(map, x, y, scale, width, height, dpi, format, false); public Stream RenderRuntimeMap(RuntimeMap map, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, int width, int height, int dpi, string format) => this.RenderRuntimeMap(map, x1, y1, x2, y2, width, height, dpi, format, false); public Stream RenderRuntimeMap(RuntimeMap map, double x, double y, double scale, int width, int height, int dpi, string format, bool clip) { var impl = map as LocalRuntimeMap; if (impl == null) throw new ArgumentException("Instance is not a LocalRuntimeMap", nameof(map)); //LOCALIZEME var implMap = impl.GetWrappedInstance(); var renderSvc = GetRenderingService(); GetByteReaderMethod fetch = () => { implMap.SetViewCenterXY(x, y); implMap.SetViewScale(scale); implMap.SetDisplaySize(width, height); implMap.SetDisplayDpi(dpi); return renderSvc.RenderMap(implMap, null, format, false, clip); }; return new MgReadOnlyStream(fetch); } private static double CalculateScale(double mcsW, double mcsH, LocalRuntimeMap map) { var mpu = map.MetersPerUnit; var mpp = 0.0254 / map.MetersPerUnit; if (map.DisplayHeight * mcsW > map.DisplayWidth * mcsH) return mcsW * mpu / (map.DisplayWidth * mpp); //width-limited else return mcsH * mpu / (map.DisplayHeight * mpp); //height-limited } private void GetDisplayViewAndCenter(double llx, double lly, double urx, double ury, LocalRuntimeMap map, out double vcx, out double vcy, out double vscale) { vscale = CalculateScale((urx - llx), (ury - lly), map); vcx = llx + ((urx - llx) / 2); vcy = ury + ((lly - ury) / 2); } public Stream RenderRuntimeMap(RuntimeMap map, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, int width, int height, int dpi, string format, bool clip) { var impl = map as LocalRuntimeMap; if (impl == null) throw new ArgumentException("Instance is not a LocalRuntimeMap", nameof(map)); //LOCALIZEME var implMap = impl.GetWrappedInstance(); var renderSvc = GetRenderingService(); GetByteReaderMethod fetch = () => { double x, y, scale; GetDisplayViewAndCenter(x1, y1, x2, y2, impl, out x, out y, out scale); implMap.SetViewCenterXY(x, y); implMap.SetViewScale(scale); implMap.SetDisplaySize(width, height); implMap.SetDisplayDpi(dpi); return renderSvc.RenderMap(implMap, null, format, false, clip); }; return new MgReadOnlyStream(fetch); } public Stream RenderMapLegend(RuntimeMap map, int width, int height, System.Drawing.Color backgroundColor, string format) { var impl = map as LocalRuntimeMap; if (impl == null) throw new ArgumentException("Instance is not a LocalRuntimeMap", nameof(map)); //LOCALIZEME var renderSvc = GetRenderingService(); GetByteReaderMethod fetch = () => { MgColor bgColor = new MgColor(backgroundColor); return renderSvc.RenderMapLegend(impl.GetWrappedInstance(), width, height, bgColor, format); }; return new MgReadOnlyStream(fetch); } public System.Drawing.Image GetLegendImage(double scale, string layerdefinition, int themeIndex, int type) => GetLegendImage(scale, layerdefinition, themeIndex, type, 16, 16, "PNG"); public System.Drawing.Image GetLegendImage(double scale, string layerdefinition, int themeIndex, int type, int width, int height, string format) { var mappingSvc = GetMappingService(); GetByteReaderMethod fetch = () => { MgResourceIdentifier resId = new MgResourceIdentifier(layerdefinition); return mappingSvc.GenerateLegendImage(resId, scale, width, height, format, type, themeIndex); }; return new System.Drawing.Bitmap(new MgReadOnlyStream(fetch)); } public string QueryMapFeatures(RuntimeMap rtMap, int maxFeatures, string wkt, bool persist, string selectionVariant, QueryMapOptions extraOptions) { var impl = rtMap as LocalRuntimeMap; if (impl == null) throw new ArgumentException("Instance is not a LocalRuntimeMap", nameof(rtMap)); //LOCALIZEME var rs = GetRenderingService(); var res = GetResourceService(); var map = impl.GetWrappedInstance(); MgWktReaderWriter r = new MgWktReaderWriter(); MgStringCollection layerNames = null; string featureFilter = ""; int layerAttributeFilter = 0; int op = MgFeatureSpatialOperations.Intersects; switch (selectionVariant) { case "TOUCHES": op = MgFeatureSpatialOperations.Touches; break; case "INTERSECTS": op = MgFeatureSpatialOperations.Intersects; break; case "WITHIN": op = MgFeatureSpatialOperations.Within; break; case "ENVELOPEINTERSECTS": op = MgFeatureSpatialOperations.EnvelopeIntersects; break; default: throw new ArgumentException($"Unknown or unsupported selection variant: {selectionVariant}"); //FIXME } if (extraOptions != null) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(extraOptions.FeatureFilter)) featureFilter = extraOptions.FeatureFilter; if (extraOptions.LayerNames != null && extraOptions.LayerNames.Length > 0) { layerNames = new MgStringCollection(); foreach (var name in extraOptions.LayerNames) layerNames.Add(name); } layerAttributeFilter = (int)extraOptions.LayerAttributeFilter; } MgdFeatureInformation info = rs.QueryFeatures(map, layerNames, r.Read(wkt), op, featureFilter, maxFeatures, layerAttributeFilter); string xml = ""; GetByteReaderMethod fetch = info.ToXml; using (var sr = new StreamReader(new MgReadOnlyStream(fetch))) { xml = sr.ReadToEnd(); } impl.Selection.LoadXml(xml); return xml; } public override ILongTransactionList GetLongTransactions(string resourceId, bool activeOnly) { var featSvc = GetFeatureService(); var resId = new MgResourceIdentifier(resourceId); var rdr = featSvc.GetLongTransactions(resId, activeOnly); return new LocalLongTransactionList(rdr); } public override ConfigurationDocument GetSchemaMapping(string provider, string partialConnString) { var featSvc = GetFeatureService(); GetByteReaderMethod fetch = () => { return featSvc.GetSchemaMapping(provider, partialConnString); }; using (var stream = new MgReadOnlyStream(fetch)) { return ConfigurationDocument.Load(stream); } } } internal class LocalLongTransaction : ILongTransaction { public LocalLongTransaction(MgLongTransactionReader rdr) { this.Name = rdr.Name; this.Description = rdr.Description; this.Owner = rdr.Owner; this.CreationDate = rdr.CreationDate.ToString(); this.IsActive = rdr.IsActive(); this.IsFrozen = rdr.IsFrozen(); } public string Name { get; } public string Description { get; } public string Owner { get; } public string CreationDate { get; } public bool IsActive { get; } public bool IsFrozen { get; } } internal class LocalLongTransactionList : ILongTransactionList { private readonly List _transactions; public LocalLongTransactionList(MgLongTransactionReader rdr) { _transactions = new List(); while (rdr.ReadNext()) { _transactions.Add(new LocalLongTransaction(rdr)); } rdr.Close(); } public IEnumerable Transactions => _transactions; } }