%module libdb_csharp %{ #include "db_config.h" #include "db_int.h" #include "dbinc/txn.h" #include "db.h" %} typedef unsigned int u_int; typedef unsigned long u_int32_t; typedef u_int32_t size_t; typedef unsigned long db_pgno_t; typedef unsigned long db_recno_t; typedef u_int32_t db_mutex_t; typedef u_int32_t db_threadid_t; typedef unsigned long db_timeout_t; typedef int pid_t; typedef uintptr_t roff_t; typedef u_int32_t uintptr_t; typedef int int32_t; typedef int64_t db_seq_t; typedef long long int int64_t; typedef u_int32_t DB_CACHE_PRIORITY; %csmethodmodifiers "internal"; %typemap(csclassmodifiers) SWIGTYPE "internal class" %pragma(csharp) moduleclassmodifiers="internal class" %typemap(csclassmodifiers) DBTYPE "internal enum" %typemap(csclassmodifiers) db_lockmode_t "internal enum" %typemap(csclassmodifiers) db_lockop_t "internal enum" %typemap(csclassmodifiers) db_recops "internal enum" typedef enum { DB_BTREE=1, DB_HASH=2, DB_RECNO=3, DB_QUEUE=4, DB_UNKNOWN=5 /* Figure it out on open. */ } DBTYPE; typedef enum { DB_LOCK_NG=0, /* Not granted. */ DB_LOCK_READ=1, /* Shared/read. */ DB_LOCK_WRITE=2, /* Exclusive/write. */ DB_LOCK_WAIT=3, /* Wait for event */ DB_LOCK_IWRITE=4, /* Intent exclusive/write. */ DB_LOCK_IREAD=5, /* Intent to share/read. */ DB_LOCK_IWR=6, /* Intent to read and write. */ DB_LOCK_READ_UNCOMMITTED=7, /* Degree 1 isolation. */ DB_LOCK_WWRITE=8 /* Was Written. */ } db_lockmode_t; typedef enum { DB_LOCK_DUMP=0, /* Display held locks. */ DB_LOCK_GET=1, /* Get the lock. */ DB_LOCK_GET_TIMEOUT=2, /* Get lock with a timeout. */ DB_LOCK_INHERIT=3, /* Pass locks to parent. */ DB_LOCK_PUT=4, /* Release the lock. */ DB_LOCK_PUT_ALL=5, /* Release locker's locks. */ DB_LOCK_PUT_OBJ=6, /* Release locker's locks on obj. */ DB_LOCK_PUT_READ=7, /* Release locker's read locks. */ DB_LOCK_TIMEOUT=8, /* Force a txn to timeout. */ DB_LOCK_TRADE=9, /* Trade locker ids on a lock. */ DB_LOCK_UPGRADE_WRITE=10 /* Upgrade writes for dirty reads. */ } db_lockop_t; typedef enum { DB_TXN_ABORT=0, /* Public. */ DB_TXN_APPLY=1, /* Public. */ DB_TXN_BACKWARD_ROLL=3, /* Public. */ DB_TXN_FORWARD_ROLL=4, /* Public. */ DB_TXN_OPENFILES=5, /* Internal. */ DB_TXN_POPENFILES=6, /* Internal. */ DB_TXN_PRINT=7 /* Public. */ } db_recops; struct __db; typedef struct __db DB; struct __db_compact; typedef struct __db_compact DB_COMPACT; struct __db_lock_u; typedef struct __db_lock_u DB_LOCK; struct __db_lsn; typedef struct __db_lsn DB_LSN; struct __db_preplist; typedef struct __db_preplist DB_PREPLIST; struct __db_repmgrsite; typedef struct __db_repmgrsite DB_REPMGR_SITE; struct __db_sequence; typedef struct __db_sequence DB_SEQUENCE; struct __dbc; typedef struct __dbc DBC; struct __dbenv; typedef struct __dbenv DB_ENV; struct __dbt; typedef struct __dbt DBT; struct __dbtxn; typedef struct __dbtxn DB_TXN; struct __key_range; typedef struct __key_range DB_KEY_RANGE; %typemap(cstype) char ** "ref string" %typemap(imtype) char ** "ref string" %typemap(csin) char ** "ref $csinput" %typemap(cstype) char *** "ref string[]" %typemap(imtype) char *** "ref string[]" %typemap(csin) char *** "ref $csinput" %typemap(cstype) int * "ref int" %typemap(imtype) int * "ref int" %typemap(csin) int * "ref $csinput" %typemap(cstype) u_int32_t * "ref uint" %typemap(imtype) u_int32_t * "ref uint" %typemap(csin) u_int32_t * "ref $csinput" %typemap(cstype) u_int * "ref uint" %typemap(imtype) u_int * "ref uint" %typemap(csin) u_int * "ref $csinput" %typemap(cstype) db_pgno_t * "ref uint" %typemap(imtype) db_pgno_t * "ref uint" %typemap(csin) db_pgno_t * "ref $csinput" %typemap(cstype) time_t * "ref long" %typemap(imtype) time_t * "ref long" %typemap(csin) time_t * "ref $csinput" %typemap(cstype) db_timeout_t * "ref uint" %typemap(imtype) db_timeout_t * "ref uint" %typemap(csin) db_timeout_t * "ref $csinput" %typemap(cstype) db_seq_t "Int64" %typemap(imtype) db_seq_t "Int64" %typemap(csin) db_seq_t "$csinput" %typemap(cstype) db_seq_t * "ref Int64" %typemap(imtype) db_seq_t * "ref Int64" %typemap(csin) db_seq_t * "ref $csinput" %typemap(cstype) u_int8_t [DB_GID_SIZE] "byte[]" %typemap(imtype) u_int8_t [DB_GID_SIZE] "byte[]" %typemap(csin) u_int8_t [DB_GID_SIZE] "$csinput" %typemap(cstype) u_int8_t * "byte[,]" %typemap(imtype) u_int8_t * "byte[,]" %typemap(csin) u_int8_t * "$csinput" %typemap(cstype) DBT * "DatabaseEntry" %typemap(csin, post=" GC.KeepAlive($csinput);") DBT * "$csclassname.getCPtr(DatabaseEntry.getDBT($csinput))" %typemap(csfinalize) DB, DB_ENV, DB_SEQUENCE "" %typemap(csdestruct, methodname="Dispose", methodmodifiers="public") DB, DB_ENV, DB_SEQUENCE %{ { lock(this) { if(swigCPtr.Handle != IntPtr.Zero && swigCMemOwn) { swigCMemOwn = false; } swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero); GC.SuppressFinalize(this); } } %} %typemap(csout) int close(u_int32_t flags) { int ret = $imcall; if (ret == 0) /* Close is a db handle destructor. Reflect that in the wrapper class. */ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero); else DatabaseException.ThrowException(ret); return ret; } %typemap(csout) int get_transactional{ return $imcall; } %typemap(csout) char **log_archive { IntPtr cPtr = $imcall; List ret = new List(); if (cPtr == IntPtr.Zero) return ret; IntPtr[] strs = new IntPtr[cntp]; Marshal.Copy(cPtr, strs, 0, cntp); for (int i =0; i < cntp; i++) ret.Add(Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(strs[i])); libdb_csharp.__os_ufree(this, cPtr); return ret; } %typemap(csout) char **get_data_dirs { IntPtr cPtr = $imcall; List ret = new List(); if (cPtr == IntPtr.Zero) return ret; IntPtr[] strs = new IntPtr[cntp]; Marshal.Copy(cPtr, strs, 0, cntp); for (int i =0; i < cntp; i++) ret.Add(Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(strs[i])); return ret; } %typemap(csout) int log_compare{ return $imcall; } %typemap(csout) int log_file{ return $imcall; } %typemap(csout) int open { int ret; ret = $imcall; if (ret != 0) close(0); DatabaseException.ThrowException(ret); return ret; } %typemap(csout) int remove { int ret; ret = $imcall; /* * remove is a handle destructor, regardless of whether the remove * succeeds. Reflect that in the wrapper class. */ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero); DatabaseException.ThrowException(ret); return ret; } %typemap(csout) int rename { int ret; ret = $imcall; /* * rename is a handle destructor, regardless of whether the rename * succeeds. Reflect that in the wrapper class. */ swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero); DatabaseException.ThrowException(ret); return ret; } %typemap(csout) DB_REPMGR_SITE *repmgr_site_list(u_int *countp, u_int *sizep, int *err) { IntPtr cPtr = $imcall; if (cPtr == IntPtr.Zero) return new RepMgrSite[] { null }; /* * This is a big kludgy, but we need to free the memory that * repmgr_site_list mallocs. The RepMgrSite constructors will copy all * the data out of that malloc'd area and we can free it right away. * This is easier than trying to construct a SWIG generated object that * will copy everything in it's constructor, because SWIG generated * classes come with a lot of baggage. */ RepMgrSite[] ret = new RepMgrSite[countp]; for (int i = 0; i < countp; i++) { /* * We're copying data out of an array of countp DB_REPMGR_SITE * structures, whose size varies between 32- and 64-bit * platforms. */ IntPtr val = new IntPtr((IntPtr.Size == 4 ? cPtr.ToInt32() : cPtr.ToInt64()) + i * sizep); ret[i] = new RepMgrSite(new DB_REPMGR_SITE(val, false)); } libdb_csharp.__os_ufree(this, cPtr); return ret; } %typemap(csout) void *stat { return $imcall; } %typemap(csout) void *lock_stat(u_int32_t flags, int *err) { return $imcall; } %typemap(csout) void *log_stat(u_int32_t flags, int *err) { return $imcall; } %typemap(csout) void *memp_stat(u_int32_t flags, int *err) { return $imcall; } %typemap(csout) void *mutex_stat(u_int32_t flags, int *err) { return $imcall; } %typemap(csout) void *repmgr_stat(u_int32_t flags, int *err) { return $imcall; } %typemap(csout) void *rep_stat(u_int32_t flags, int *err) { return $imcall; } %typemap(csout) void *txn_stat(u_int32_t flags, uint *size, int *err) { return $imcall; } %typemap(csout) int verify(const char *file, const char *database, FILE *handle, int (*callback)(void *handle, const void *str), u_int32_t flags) { int ret; ret = $imcall; /* Verify is a db handle destructor. Reflect that in the wrapper class. */ swigCMemOwn = false; swigCPtr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero); DatabaseException.ThrowException(ret); return ret; } %typemap(csout) int { int ret; ret = $imcall; DatabaseException.ThrowException(ret); return ret; } typedef struct __db_compact { u_int32_t compact_fillpercent; /* Desired fillfactor: 1-100 */ db_timeout_t compact_timeout; /* Lock timeout. */ u_int32_t compact_pages; /* Max pages to process. */ /* Output Stats. */ u_int32_t compact_pages_free; /* Number of pages freed. */ u_int32_t compact_pages_examine; /* Number of pages examine. */ u_int32_t compact_levels; /* Number of levels removed. */ u_int32_t compact_deadlock; /* Number of deadlocks. */ db_pgno_t compact_pages_truncated; /* Pages truncated to OS. */ /* Internal. */ db_pgno_t compact_truncate; /* Page number for truncation */ } DB_COMPACT; typedef struct __db_lsn { u_int32_t file; u_int32_t offset; } DB_LSN; %typemap(cscode) DB %{ internal DBC cursor(DB_TXN txn, uint flags) { int err = 0; DBC ret = cursor(txn, flags, ref err); DatabaseException.ThrowException(err); return ret; } internal DBC join(IntPtr[] curslist, uint flags) { int err = 0; DBC ret = join(curslist, flags, ref err); DatabaseException.ThrowException(err); return ret; } internal BTreeStatStruct stat_bt(DB_TXN txn, uint flags) { int err = 0; IntPtr ptr = stat(txn, flags, ref err); DatabaseException.ThrowException(err); BTreeStatStruct ret = (BTreeStatStruct)Marshal.PtrToStructure(ptr, typeof(BTreeStatStruct)); libdb_csharp.__os_ufree(null, ptr); return ret; } internal HashStatStruct stat_hash(DB_TXN txn, uint flags) { int err = 0; IntPtr ptr = stat(txn, flags, ref err); DatabaseException.ThrowException(err); HashStatStruct ret = (HashStatStruct)Marshal.PtrToStructure(ptr, typeof(HashStatStruct)); libdb_csharp.__os_ufree(null, ptr); return ret; } internal QueueStatStruct stat_qam(DB_TXN txn, uint flags) { int err = 0; IntPtr ptr = stat(txn, flags, ref err); DatabaseException.ThrowException(err); QueueStatStruct ret = (QueueStatStruct)Marshal.PtrToStructure(ptr, typeof(QueueStatStruct)); libdb_csharp.__os_ufree(null, ptr); return ret; } %} typedef struct __db { %typemap(cstype) void *api_internal "BaseDatabase" %typemap(imtype) void *api_internal "BaseDatabase" %typemap(csin) void *api_internal "value" %typemap(csvarout) void *api_internal %{ get { return $imcall; } %} void *api_internal; %extend { %typemap(cstype) int (*dbt_usercopy)(DBT*, u_int32_t, void *, u_int32_t, u_int32_t) "DBTCopyDelegate" %typemap(imtype) int (*dbt_usercopy)(DBT*, u_int32_t, void *, u_int32_t, u_int32_t) "DBTCopyDelegate" %typemap(csin) int (*dbt_usercopy)(DBT*, u_int32_t, void *, u_int32_t, u_int32_t) "dbt_usercopy" int set_usercopy(int (*dbt_usercopy)(DBT *, u_int32_t, void *, u_int32_t, u_int32_t)) { self->env->dbt_usercopy = dbt_usercopy; return 0; } DB(DB_ENV *env, u_int32_t flags) { DB *self = NULL; errno = db_create(&self, env, flags); return self; } ~DB() { } %typemap(cstype) int (*)(DB*, const DBT*, const DBT*, DBT*) "BDB_AssociateDelegate" %typemap(imtype) int (*)(DB*, const DBT*, const DBT*, DBT*) "BDB_AssociateDelegate" %typemap(csin) int (*callback)(DB *secondary, const DBT *key, const DBT *data, DBT *result) "callback" int associate(DB_TXN *txn, DB *sec, int (*callback)(DB *secondary, const DBT *key, const DBT *data, DBT *result), u_int32_t flags) { return self->associate(self, txn, sec, callback, flags); } %typemap(cstype) int (*)(DB*, const DBT*, DBT*, const DBT*, int *) "BDB_AssociateForeignDelegate" %typemap(imtype) int (*)(DB*, const DBT*, DBT*, const DBT*, int *) "BDB_AssociateForeignDelegate" %typemap(csin) int (*callback)(DB *foreign, const DBT *key, DBT *data, const DBT *result, int *changed) "callback" int associate_foreign(DB *dbp, int (*callback)(DB *secondary, const DBT *key, DBT *data, const DBT *foreign, int *changed), u_int32_t flags) { return self->associate_foreign(self, dbp, callback, flags); } int close(u_int32_t flags) { return self->close(self, flags); } int compact(DB_TXN *txn, DBT *start, DBT *stop, DB_COMPACT *cdata, u_int32_t flags, DBT *end) { return self->compact(self, txn, start, stop, cdata, flags, end); } %csmethodmodifiers cursor "private" DBC *cursor(DB_TXN *txn, u_int32_t flags, int *err) { DBC *cursor = NULL; *err = self->cursor(self, txn, &cursor, flags); return cursor; } int del(DB_TXN *txn, DBT *key, u_int32_t flags) { return self->del(self, txn, key, flags); } DB_ENV *env() { return self->dbenv; } int exists(DB_TXN *txn, DBT *key, u_int32_t flags) { return self->exists(self, txn, key, flags); } int get(DB_TXN *txn, DBT *key, DBT *data, u_int32_t flags) { return self->get(self, txn, key, data, flags); } int get_byteswapped(int *isswapped) { return self->get_byteswapped(self, isswapped); } int get_dbname(const char **filenamep, const char **dbnamep) { return self->get_dbname(self, filenamep, dbnamep); } int get_multiple() { return self->get_multiple(self); } int get_open_flags(u_int32_t *flags) { return self->get_open_flags(self, flags); } int get_transactional() { return self->get_transactional(self); } %typemap(cstype) DBTYPE * "ref DBTYPE" %typemap(imtype) DBTYPE * "ref DBTYPE" %typemap(csin) DBTYPE * "ref $csinput" int get_type(DBTYPE *type) { return self->get_type(self, type); } %csmethodmodifiers join "private" %typemap(cstype) DBC ** "IntPtr[]" %typemap(imtype) DBC ** "IntPtr[]" %typemap(csin) DBC ** "$csinput" DBC *join(DBC **curslist, u_int32_t flags, int *err) { DBC *dbc = NULL; *err = self->join(self, curslist, &dbc, flags); return dbc; } int key_range(DB_TXN *txn, DBT *key, DB_KEY_RANGE *range, u_int32_t flags) { return self->key_range(self, txn, key, range, flags); } int open(DB_TXN *txn, const char *file, const char *database, DBTYPE type, u_int32_t flags, int mode) { return self->open(self, txn, file, database, type, flags, mode); } int pget(DB_TXN *txn, DBT *key, DBT *pkey, DBT *data, u_int32_t flags) { return self->pget(self, txn, key, pkey, data, flags); } int put(DB_TXN *txn, DBT *key, DBT *data, u_int32_t flags) { return self->put(self, txn, key, data, flags); } int remove(const char *file, const char *database, u_int32_t flags) { return self->remove(self, file, database, flags); } int rename(const char *file, const char *database, const char *newname, u_int32_t flags) { return self->rename(self, file, database, newname, flags); } %typemap(cstype) int (*)(DB*, DBT*, db_recno_t) "BDB_AppendRecnoDelegate" %typemap(imtype) int (*)(DB*, DBT*, db_recno_t) "BDB_AppendRecnoDelegate" %typemap(csin) int (*callback)(DB *dbp, DBT*, db_recno_t) "callback" int set_append_recno(int (*callback)(DB *dbp, DBT*, db_recno_t)) { return self->set_append_recno(self, callback); } %typemap(cstype) int (*)(DB*, const DBT*, const DBT*) "BDB_CompareDelegate" %typemap(imtype) int (*)(DB*, const DBT*, const DBT*) "BDB_CompareDelegate" %typemap(csin) int (*callback)(DB *dbp, const DBT *dbt1, const DBT *dbt2) "callback" int set_bt_compare(int (*callback)(DB *dbp, const DBT *dbt1, const DBT *dbt2)) { return self->set_bt_compare(self, callback); } %typemap(cstype) int (*)(DB *dbp, const DBT *prevKey, const DBT *prevData, const DBT *key, const DBT *data, DBT *dest) "BDB_CompressDelegate" %typemap(imtype) int (*)(DB *dbp, const DBT *prevKey, const DBT *prevData, const DBT *key, const DBT *data, DBT *dest) "BDB_CompressDelegate" %typemap(csin) int (*compress)(DB *dbp, const DBT *prevKey, const DBT *prevData, const DBT *key, const DBT *data, DBT *dest) "compress" %typemap(cstype) int (*)(DB *dbp, const DBT *prevKey, const DBT *prevData, DBT *compressed, DBT *destKey, DBT *destData) "BDB_DecompressDelegate" %typemap(imtype) int (*)(DB *dbp, const DBT *prevKey, const DBT *prevData, DBT *compressed, DBT *destKey, DBT *destData) "BDB_DecompressDelegate" %typemap(csin) int (*decompress)(DB *dbp, const DBT *prevKey, const DBT *prevData, DBT *compressed, DBT *destKey, DBT *destData) "decompress" int set_bt_compress(int (*compress)(DB *dbp, const DBT *prevKey, const DBT *prevData, const DBT *key, const DBT *data, DBT *dest), int (*decompress)(DB *dbp, const DBT *prevKey, const DBT *prevData, DBT *compressed, DBT *destKey, DBT *destData)) { return self->set_bt_compress(self, compress, decompress); } int get_bt_minkey(u_int32_t *bt_minkey) { return self->get_bt_minkey(self, bt_minkey); } int set_bt_minkey(u_int32_t bt_minkey) { return self->set_bt_minkey(self, bt_minkey); } int set_bt_prefix(int (*callback)(DB *dbp, const DBT *dbt1, const DBT *dbt2)) { return self->set_bt_prefix(self, callback); } int get_cachesize(u_int32_t *gbytes, u_int32_t *bytes, int *ncache) { return self->get_cachesize(self, gbytes, bytes, ncache); } int set_cachesize(u_int32_t gbytes, u_int32_t bytes, int ncache) { return self->set_cachesize(self, gbytes, bytes, ncache); } int set_dup_compare(int (*callback)(DB *dbp, const DBT *dbt1, const DBT *dbt2)) { return self->set_dup_compare(self, callback); } int get_encrypt_flags(u_int32_t *flags) { return self->get_encrypt_flags(self, flags); } int set_encrypt(const char *pwd, u_int32_t flags) { return self->set_encrypt(self, pwd, flags); } %typemap(cstype) void (*)(const DB_ENV *, const char *, const char *) "BDB_ErrcallDelegate" %typemap(imtype) void (*)(const DB_ENV *, const char *, const char *) "BDB_ErrcallDelegate" %typemap(csin) void (*db_errcall_fcn)(const DB_ENV *dbenv, const char *errpfx, const char *errmsg) "db_errcall_fcn" void set_errcall(void (*db_errcall_fcn)(const DB_ENV *dbenv, const char *errpfx, const char *errmsg)) { self->set_errcall(self, db_errcall_fcn); } %typemap(cstype) int (*)(DB*, int, int) "BDB_DbFeedbackDelegate" %typemap(imtype) int (*)(DB*, int, int) "BDB_DbFeedbackDelegate" %typemap(csin) int (*callback)(DB *dbp, int opcode, int percent) "callback" int set_feedback(int (*callback)(DB *dbp, int opcode, int percent)) { return self->set_feedback(self, callback); } int get_flags(u_int32_t *flags) { return self->get_flags(self, flags); } int set_flags(u_int32_t flags) { return self->set_flags(self, flags); } int set_h_compare(int (*callback)(DB *dbp, const DBT *dbt1, const DBT *dbt2)) { return self->set_h_compare(self, callback); } int get_h_ffactor(u_int32_t *ffactor) { return self->get_h_ffactor(self, ffactor); } int set_h_ffactor(u_int32_t ffactor) { return self->set_h_ffactor(self, ffactor); } %typemap(cstype) u_int32_t (*)(DB*, const void*, u_int32_t) "BDB_HashDelegate" %typemap(imtype) u_int32_t (*)(DB*, const void*, u_int32_t) "BDB_HashDelegate" %typemap(csin) u_int32_t (*callback)(DB *dbp, const void *bytes, u_int32_t length) "callback" int set_h_hash(u_int32_t (*callback)(DB *dbp, const void *bytes, u_int32_t length)) { return self->set_h_hash(self, callback); } int get_h_nelem(u_int32_t *nelem) { return self->get_h_nelem(self, nelem); } int set_h_nelem(u_int32_t nelem) { return self->set_h_nelem(self, nelem); } int get_lorder(int *lorder) { return self->get_lorder(self, lorder); } int set_lorder(int lorder) { return self->set_lorder(self, lorder); } int get_pagesize(u_int32_t *pgsz) { return self->get_pagesize(self, pgsz); } int set_pagesize(u_int32_t pgsz) { return self->set_pagesize(self, pgsz); } int get_priority(DB_CACHE_PRIORITY *flags) { return self->get_priority(self, flags); } int set_priority(DB_CACHE_PRIORITY flags) { return self->set_priority(self, flags); } int get_q_extentsize(u_int32_t *extentsz) { return self->get_q_extentsize(self, extentsz); } int set_q_extentsize(u_int32_t extentsz) { return self->set_q_extentsize(self, extentsz); } int get_re_delim(int *delim) { return self->get_re_delim(self, delim); } int set_re_delim(int delim) { return self->set_re_delim(self, delim); } int get_re_len(u_int32_t *len) { return self->get_re_len(self, len); } int set_re_len(u_int32_t len) { return self->set_re_len(self, len); } int get_re_pad(int *pad) { return self->get_re_pad(self, pad); } int set_re_pad(int pad) { return self->set_re_pad(self, pad); } int get_re_source(const char **source) { return self->get_re_source(self, source); } int set_re_source(char *source) { return self->set_re_source(self, source); } %csmethodmodifiers stat "private" %typemap(cstype, out="IntPtr") void * "IntPtr" void *stat(DB_TXN *txnid, u_int32_t flags, int *err) { void *ret = NULL; *err = self->stat(self, txnid, &ret, flags); return ret; } int stat_print(u_int32_t flags) { return self->stat_print(self, flags); } int sync(u_int32_t flags) { return self->sync(self, flags); } int truncate(DB_TXN *txn, u_int32_t *countp, u_int32_t flags) { return self->truncate(self, txn, countp, flags); } int upgrade(const char *file, u_int32_t flags) { return self->upgrade(self, file, flags); } %typemap(cstype) FILE * "System.IO.TextWriter" %typemap(imtype) FILE * "System.IO.TextWriter" %typemap(csin) FILE * "$csinput" %typemap(cstype) int (*)(void*, const void*) "BDB_FileWriteDelegate" %typemap(imtype) int (*)(void*, const void*) "BDB_FileWriteDelegate" %typemap(csin) int (*callback)(void *handle, const void *str) "callback" int verify(const char *file, const char *database, FILE *handle, int (*callback)(void *handle, const void *str), u_int32_t flags) { /* * We can't easily #include "dbinc/db_ext.h" because of name * clashes, so we declare this explicitly. */ extern int __db_verify_internal __P((DB *, const char *, const char *, void *, int (*)(void *, const void *), u_int32_t)); return __db_verify_internal(self, file, database, (void *)handle, callback, flags); } } } DB; %typemap(cscode) DBC %{ internal DBC dup(uint flags) { int err = 0; DBC ret = dup(flags, ref err); DatabaseException.ThrowException(err); return ret; } %} typedef struct __dbc { %extend { int close() { return self->close(self); } %typemap(cstype) db_recno_t * "ref uint" %typemap(imtype) db_recno_t * "ref uint" %typemap(csin) db_recno_t * "ref $csinput" int cmp(DBC *other_dbc, int *result, u_int32_t flags) { return self->cmp(self, other_dbc, result, flags); } int count(db_recno_t *cnt, u_int32_t flags) { return self->count(self, cnt, flags); } int del(u_int32_t flags) { return self->del(self, flags); } %csmethodmodifiers dup "private" DBC *dup(u_int32_t flags, int *err) { DBC *cursor = NULL; *err = self->dup(self, &cursor, flags); return cursor; } int get(DBT *key, DBT *data, u_int32_t flags) { return self->get(self, key, data, flags); } int pget(DBT *key, DBT *pkey, DBT *data, u_int32_t flags) { return self->pget(self, key, pkey, data, flags); } int put(DBT *key, DBT *data, u_int32_t flags) { return self->put(self, key, data, flags); } int set_priority(u_int32_t priority) { return self->set_priority(self, priority); } } } DBC; %typemap(cscode) DBT %{ internal IntPtr dataPtr { get { return $imclassname.DBT_data_get(swigCPtr); } } %} typedef struct __dbt { u_int32_t dlen; u_int32_t doff; u_int32_t flags; u_int32_t size; u_int32_t ulen; %typemap(cstype) void * "byte[]" %typemap(imtype) void * "IntPtr" %typemap(csvarin) void *data %{ set { IntPtr _data = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(value.Length); Marshal.Copy(value, 0, _data, value.Length); $imclassname.DBT_data_set(swigCPtr, _data); size = (uint)value.Length; } %} %typemap(csvarout) void *data %{ get { IntPtr datap = $imcall; int sz = (int)size; byte[] ret = new byte[sz]; Marshal.Copy(datap, ret, 0, sz); return ret; } %} void *data; %typemap(cstype) void *app_data "DatabaseEntry" %typemap(imtype) void *app_data "DatabaseEntry" %typemap(csin) void *app_data "value" %typemap(csvarout) void *app_data %{ get { return $imcall; } %} void *app_data; %extend { %typemap(csconstruct) DBT %{: this($imcall, true) { flags = DbConstants.DB_DBT_USERCOPY; } %} DBT() { DBT *self = NULL; self = malloc(sizeof(DBT)); memset(self, 0, sizeof(DBT)); return self; } } } DBT; typedef struct __db_repmgrsite { int eid; char host[]; u_int port; u_int32_t status; } DB_REPMGR_SITE; typedef struct __dbtxn { %extend { int abort() { return self->abort(self); } int commit(u_int32_t flags) { return self->commit(self, flags); } int discard(u_int32_t flags) { return self->discard(self, flags); } u_int32_t id() { return self->id(self); } int prepare(u_int8_t globalID[DB_GID_SIZE]) { return self->prepare(self, globalID); } int get_name(const char **name) { return self->get_name(self, name); } int set_name(const char *name) { return self->set_name(self, name); } int set_timeout(db_timeout_t timeout, u_int32_t flags) { return self->set_timeout(self, timeout, flags); } } } DB_TXN; %typemap(cscode) DB_ENV %{ internal DB_TXN cdsgroup_begin() { int err = 0; DB_TXN ret = cdsgroup_begin(ref err); DatabaseException.ThrowException(err); return ret; } internal List get_data_dirs() { int err = 0; int cnt = 0; List ret = get_data_dirs(ref err, ref cnt); DatabaseException.ThrowException(err); return ret; } internal DB_LOCK lock_get(uint locker, uint flags, DBT arg2, db_lockmode_t mode) { int err = 0; DB_LOCK ret = lock_get(locker, flags, arg2, mode, ref err); DatabaseException.ThrowException(err); return ret; } internal LockStatStruct lock_stat(uint flags) { int err = 0; IntPtr ptr = lock_stat(flags, ref err); DatabaseException.ThrowException(err); LockStatStruct ret = (LockStatStruct)Marshal.PtrToStructure(ptr, typeof(LockStatStruct)); libdb_csharp.__os_ufree(null, ptr); return ret; } internal List log_archive(uint flags) { int err = 0; int cnt = 0; List ret = log_archive(flags, ref err, ref cnt); DatabaseException.ThrowException(err); return ret; } internal string log_file(DB_LSN dblsn) { int err = 0; int len = 100; IntPtr namep; while (true) { namep = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(len); err = log_file(dblsn, namep, (uint)len); if (err != DbConstants.DB_BUFFER_SMALL) break; Marshal.FreeHGlobal(namep); len *= 2; } DatabaseException.ThrowException(err); string ret = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(namep); Marshal.FreeHGlobal(namep); return ret; } internal LogStatStruct log_stat(uint flags) { int err = 0; IntPtr ptr = log_stat(flags, ref err); DatabaseException.ThrowException(err); LogStatStruct ret = (LogStatStruct)Marshal.PtrToStructure(ptr, typeof(LogStatStruct)); libdb_csharp.__os_ufree(null, ptr); return ret; } internal MempStatStruct memp_stat(uint flags) { int err = 0; int cnt = 0; IntPtr mpf = new IntPtr(); IntPtr ptr = memp_stat(ref mpf, flags, ref err, ref cnt); DatabaseException.ThrowException(err); IntPtr[] files = new IntPtr[cnt]; if (cnt > 0) Marshal.Copy(mpf, files, 0, cnt); MempStatStruct ret = new MempStatStruct(); ret.st = (MPoolStatStruct)Marshal.PtrToStructure(ptr, typeof(MPoolStatStruct)); ret.files = new MPoolFileStatStruct[cnt]; for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) ret.files[i] = (MPoolFileStatStruct)Marshal.PtrToStructure(files[i], typeof(MPoolFileStatStruct)); libdb_csharp.__os_ufree(null, ptr); libdb_csharp.__os_ufree(null, mpf); return ret; } internal MutexStatStruct mutex_stat(uint flags) { int err = 0; IntPtr ptr = mutex_stat(flags, ref err); DatabaseException.ThrowException(err); MutexStatStruct ret = (MutexStatStruct)Marshal.PtrToStructure(ptr, typeof(MutexStatStruct)); libdb_csharp.__os_ufree(null, ptr); return ret; } internal RepMgrSite[] repmgr_site_list() { uint count = 0; int err = 0; uint size = 0; RepMgrSite[] ret = repmgr_site_list(ref count, ref size, ref err); DatabaseException.ThrowException(err); return ret; } internal RepMgrStatStruct repmgr_stat(uint flags) { int err = 0; IntPtr ptr = repmgr_stat(flags, ref err); DatabaseException.ThrowException(err); RepMgrStatStruct ret = (RepMgrStatStruct)Marshal.PtrToStructure(ptr, typeof(RepMgrStatStruct)); libdb_csharp.__os_ufree(null, ptr); return ret; } internal ReplicationStatStruct rep_stat(uint flags) { int err = 0; IntPtr ptr = rep_stat(flags, ref err); DatabaseException.ThrowException(err); ReplicationStatStruct ret = (ReplicationStatStruct)Marshal.PtrToStructure(ptr, typeof(ReplicationStatStruct)); libdb_csharp.__os_ufree(null, ptr); return ret; } internal DB_TXN txn_begin(DB_TXN parent, uint flags) { int err = 0; DB_TXN ret = txn_begin(parent, flags, ref err); DatabaseException.ThrowException(err); return ret; } internal PreparedTransaction[] txn_recover(uint count, uint flags) { int err = 0; IntPtr prepp = Marshal.AllocHGlobal((int)(count * (IntPtr.Size + DbConstants.DB_GID_SIZE))); uint sz = 0; err = txn_recover(prepp, count, ref sz, flags); DatabaseException.ThrowException(err); PreparedTransaction[] ret = new PreparedTransaction[sz]; for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) { IntPtr cPtr = new IntPtr((IntPtr.Size == 4 ? prepp.ToInt32() : prepp.ToInt64()) + i * (IntPtr.Size + DbConstants.DB_GID_SIZE)); DB_PREPLIST prep = new DB_PREPLIST(cPtr, false); ret[i] = new PreparedTransaction(prep); } Marshal.FreeHGlobal(prepp); return ret; } internal TxnStatStruct txn_stat(uint flags) { int err = 0; uint size = 0; int offset = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(DB_TXN_ACTIVE)); IntPtr ptr = txn_stat(flags, ref size, ref err); DatabaseException.ThrowException(err); TxnStatStruct ret = new TxnStatStruct(); ret.st = (TransactionStatStruct)Marshal.PtrToStructure(ptr, typeof(TransactionStatStruct)); ret.st_txnarray = new DB_TXN_ACTIVE[ret.st.st_nactive]; ret.st_txngids = new byte[ret.st.st_nactive][]; ret.st_txnnames = new string[ret.st.st_nactive]; for (int i = 0; i < ret.st.st_nactive; i++) { IntPtr activep = new IntPtr((IntPtr.Size == 4 ? ret.st.st_txnarray.ToInt32() : ret.st.st_txnarray.ToInt64()) + i * size); ret.st_txnarray[i] = (DB_TXN_ACTIVE)Marshal.PtrToStructure(activep, typeof(DB_TXN_ACTIVE)); ret.st_txngids[i] = new byte[DbConstants.DB_GID_SIZE]; IntPtr gidp = new IntPtr((IntPtr.Size == 4 ? activep.ToInt32() : activep.ToInt64()) + offset); Marshal.Copy(gidp, ret.st_txngids[i], 0, (int)DbConstants.DB_GID_SIZE); IntPtr namep = new IntPtr((IntPtr.Size == 4 ? gidp.ToInt32() : gidp.ToInt64()) + DbConstants.DB_GID_SIZE); ret.st_txnnames[i] = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(namep); } libdb_csharp.__os_ufree(null, ptr); return ret; } %} %typemap(csimports) DB_ENV "using System; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Collections.Generic;" typedef struct __dbenv { %typemap(cstype) void *api2_internal "DatabaseEnvironment" %typemap(imtype) void *api2_internal "DatabaseEnvironment" %typemap(csin) void *api2_internal "value" %typemap(csvarout) void *api2_internal %{ get { return $imcall; } %} void *api2_internal; %extend { %typemap(cstype) int (*dbt_usercopy)(DBT*, u_int32_t, void *, u_int32_t, u_int32_t) "DBTCopyDelegate" %typemap(imtype) int (*dbt_usercopy)(DBT*, u_int32_t, void *, u_int32_t, u_int32_t) "DBTCopyDelegate" %typemap(csin) int (*dbt_usercopy)(DBT*, u_int32_t, void *, u_int32_t, u_int32_t) "dbt_usercopy" int set_usercopy(int (*dbt_usercopy)(DBT *, u_int32_t, void *, u_int32_t, u_int32_t)) { self->env->dbt_usercopy = dbt_usercopy; return 0; } DB_ENV(u_int32_t flags) { DB_ENV *self = NULL; errno = db_env_create(&self, flags); return self; } ~DB_ENV() { } %csmethodmodifiers cdsgroup_begin "private" DB_TXN *cdsgroup_begin(int *err) { DB_TXN *group; *err = self->cdsgroup_begin(self, &group); return group; } int close(u_int32_t flags) { return self->close(self, flags); } int dbremove(DB_TXN *txn, const char *file, const char *database, u_int32_t flags) { return self->dbremove(self, txn, file, database, flags); } int dbrename(DB_TXN *txn, const char *file, const char *database, const char *newname, u_int32_t flags) { return self->dbrename(self, txn, file, database, newname, flags); } int failchk(u_int32_t flags) { return self->failchk(self, flags); } int fileid_reset(const char *file, u_int32_t flags) { return self->fileid_reset(self, file, flags); } int get_home(const char **file) { return self->get_home(self, file); } int lock_detect(u_int32_t flags, u_int32_t atype, u_int32_t *rejected) { return self->lock_detect(self, flags, atype, rejected); } %csmethodmodifiers lock_get "private" DB_LOCK lock_get(u_int32_t locker, u_int32_t flags, DBT *object, const db_lockmode_t mode, int *err) { DB_LOCK lock; *err = self->lock_get(self, locker, flags, object, mode, &lock); return lock; } int lock_id(u_int32_t *id) { return self->lock_id(self, id); } int lock_id_free(u_int32_t id) { return self->lock_id_free(self, id); } int lock_put(DB_LOCK *lck) { return self->lock_put(self, lck); } %typemap(cstype, out="IntPtr") void * "IntPtr" %csmethodmodifiers lock_stat "private" void *lock_stat(u_int32_t flags, int *err) { DB_LOCK_STAT *ret; *err = self->lock_stat(self, &ret, flags); return (void *)ret; } int lock_stat_print(u_int32_t flags) { return self->lock_stat_print(self, flags); } %typemap(cstype) DB_LOCKREQ ** "IntPtr[]" %typemap(imtype) DB_LOCKREQ ** "IntPtr[]" %typemap(csin) DB_LOCKREQ ** "$csinput" int lock_vec(u_int32_t locker, u_int32_t flags, DB_LOCKREQ **list, int nlist, DB_LOCKREQ *elistp){ int i, ret; DB_LOCKREQ *vec; ret = __os_malloc(self->env, sizeof(DB_LOCKREQ) * nlist, &vec); if (ret != 0) return ENOMEM; for (i = 0; i < nlist; i++) vec[i] = *list[i]; if (elistp == NULL) ret = self->lock_vec(self, locker, flags, vec, nlist, NULL); else ret = self->lock_vec(self, locker, flags, vec, nlist, &elistp); for (i = 0; i < nlist; i++) *list[i] = vec[i]; __os_free(self->env , vec); return ret; } %typemap(cstype) char ** "List" %typemap(imtype) char ** "IntPtr" %typemap(csin) char ** "$csinput" char **log_archive(u_int32_t flags, int *err, int *cntp) { char **list = NULL; int cnt = 0; *err = self->log_archive(self, &list, flags); if (list != NULL) while (list[cnt] != NULL) { cnt++; } *cntp = cnt; return list; } %typemap(cstype) char ** "ref string" %typemap(imtype) char ** "ref string" %typemap(csin) char ** "ref $csinput" %typemap(cstype) char *namep "IntPtr" %typemap(imtype) char *namep "IntPtr" %csmethodmodifiers log_file "private" int log_file(const DB_LSN *lsn, char *namep, size_t len) { int ret = self->log_file(self, lsn, namep, len); if (ret == EINVAL) return DB_BUFFER_SMALL; return ret; } int log_flush(const DB_LSN *lsn) { return self->log_flush(self, lsn); } int log_put(DB_LSN *lsn, DBT *data, u_int32_t flags) { return self->log_put(self, lsn, data, flags); } int log_get_config(u_int32_t which, int *onoff) { return self->log_get_config(self, which, onoff); } int log_set_config(u_int32_t which, int onoff) { return self->log_set_config(self, which, onoff); } int log_printf(DB_TXN *txn, const char *str) { return self->log_printf(self, txn, "%s", str); } %typemap(cstype, out="IntPtr") void * "IntPtr" %csmethodmodifiers log_stat "private" void *log_stat(u_int32_t flags, int *err) { DB_LOG_STAT *ret; *err = self->log_stat(self, &ret, flags); return (void *)ret; } int log_stat_print(u_int32_t flags) { return self->log_stat_print(self, flags); } int lsn_reset(const char *file, u_int32_t flags) { return self->lsn_reset(self, file, flags); } %typemap(cstype, out="IntPtr") void * "IntPtr" %typemap(cstype, out="ref IntPtr") void *** "ref IntPtr" %typemap(csin) void *** "ref $csinput" %typemap(imtype, out="ref IntPtr") void *** "ref IntPtr" %csmethodmodifiers memp_stat "private" void *memp_stat(void ***fstatp, u_int32_t flags, int *err, int *cntp) { DB_MPOOL_STAT *ret; DB_MPOOL_FSTAT **fptr; int cnt; *err = self->memp_stat(self, &ret, &fptr, flags); cnt = 0; if (fptr != NULL) while (fptr[cnt] != NULL) { cnt++; } *cntp = cnt; *fstatp = (void **)fptr; return (void *)ret; } int memp_stat_print(u_int32_t flags) { return self->memp_stat_print(self, flags); } int memp_sync(DB_LSN *lsn) { return self->memp_sync(self, lsn); } int memp_trickle(int percent, int *nwrotep) { return self->memp_trickle(self, percent, nwrotep); } int mutex_alloc(u_int32_t flags, db_mutex_t *mutexp) { return self->mutex_alloc(self, flags, mutexp); } int mutex_free(db_mutex_t mutex) { return self->mutex_free(self, mutex); } int mutex_lock(db_mutex_t mutex) { return self->mutex_lock(self, mutex); } %typemap(cstype, out="IntPtr") void * "IntPtr" %csmethodmodifiers mutex_stat "private" void *mutex_stat(u_int32_t flags, int *err) { DB_MUTEX_STAT *ret; *err = self->mutex_stat(self, &ret, flags); return (void *)ret; } int mutex_stat_print(u_int32_t flags) { return self->mutex_stat_print(self, flags); } int mutex_unlock(db_mutex_t mutex) { return self->mutex_unlock(self, mutex); } int mutex_get_align(u_int32_t *align) { return self->mutex_get_align(self, align); } int mutex_set_align(u_int32_t align) { return self->mutex_set_align(self, align); } int mutex_get_increment(u_int32_t *increment) { return self->mutex_get_increment(self, increment); } int mutex_set_increment(u_int32_t increment) { return self->mutex_set_increment(self, increment); } int mutex_get_max(u_int32_t *max) { return self->mutex_get_max(self, max); } int mutex_set_max(u_int32_t max) { return self->mutex_set_max(self, max); } int mutex_get_tas_spins(u_int32_t *tas_spins) { return self->mutex_get_tas_spins(self, tas_spins); } int mutex_set_tas_spins(u_int32_t tas_spins) { return self->mutex_set_tas_spins(self, tas_spins); } int open(const char *home, u_int32_t flags, int mode) { return self->open(self, home, flags, mode); } int get_open_flags(u_int32_t *flags) { return self->get_open_flags(self, flags); } int remove(char *db_home, u_int32_t flags) { return self->remove(self, db_home, flags); } int repmgr_add_remote_site(const char *host, u_int port, int *eidp, u_int32_t flags) { return self->repmgr_add_remote_site(self, host, port, eidp, flags); } int repmgr_set_ack_policy(int ack_policy) { return self->repmgr_set_ack_policy(self, ack_policy); } int repmgr_get_ack_policy(int *ack_policy) { return self->repmgr_get_ack_policy(self, ack_policy); } int repmgr_set_local_site(const char *host, u_int port, u_int32_t flags) { return self->repmgr_set_local_site(self, host, port, flags); } %typemap(cstype) DB_REPMGR_SITE * "RepMgrSite[]" %typemap(imtype) DB_REPMGR_SITE * "IntPtr" %csmethodmodifiers repmgr_site_list "private" DB_REPMGR_SITE *repmgr_site_list(u_int *countp, u_int32_t *sizep, int *err) { DB_REPMGR_SITE *listp = NULL; *err = self->repmgr_site_list(self, countp, &listp); *sizep = sizeof(DB_REPMGR_SITE); return listp; } int repmgr_start(int nthreads, u_int32_t flags) { return self->repmgr_start(self, nthreads, flags); } %csmethodmodifiers repmgr_stat "private" %typemap(cstype, out="IntPtr") void * "IntPtr" void *repmgr_stat(u_int32_t flags, int *err) { DB_REPMGR_STAT *ret; *err = self->repmgr_stat(self, &ret, flags); return (void *)ret; } int repmgr_stat_print(u_int32_t flags) { return self->repmgr_stat_print(self, flags); } int rep_elect(u_int32_t nsites, u_int32_t nvotes, u_int32_t flags) { return self->rep_elect(self, nsites, nvotes, flags); } int rep_process_message(DBT *control, DBT *rec, int envid, DB_LSN *ret_lsnp) { return self->rep_process_message(self, control, rec, envid, ret_lsnp); } int rep_start(DBT *cdata, u_int32_t flags) { return self->rep_start(self, cdata, flags); } %csmethodmodifiers rep_stat "private" %typemap(cstype, out="IntPtr") void * "IntPtr" void *rep_stat(u_int32_t flags, int *err) { DB_REP_STAT *ret; *err = self->rep_stat(self, &ret, flags); return (void *)ret; } int rep_stat_print(u_int32_t flags) { return self->rep_stat_print(self, flags); } int rep_sync(u_int32_t flags) { return self->rep_sync(self, flags); } int rep_set_config(u_int32_t which, int onoff) { return self->rep_set_config(self, which, onoff); } int rep_get_config(u_int32_t which, int *onoffp) { return self->rep_get_config(self, which, onoffp); } int rep_set_clockskew(u_int32_t fast_clock, u_int32_t slow_clock) { return self->rep_set_clockskew(self, fast_clock, slow_clock); } int rep_get_clockskew(u_int32_t *fast_clockp, u_int32_t *slow_clockp) { return self->rep_get_clockskew(self, fast_clockp, slow_clockp); } int rep_set_limit(u_int32_t gbytes, u_int32_t bytes) { return self->rep_set_limit(self, gbytes, bytes); } int rep_get_limit(u_int32_t *gbytesp, u_int32_t *bytesp) { return self->rep_get_limit(self, gbytesp, bytesp); } int rep_set_nsites(u_int32_t nsites) { return self->rep_set_nsites(self, nsites); } int rep_get_nsites(u_int32_t *nsitesp) { return self->rep_get_nsites(self, nsitesp); } int rep_set_priority(u_int32_t priority) { return self->rep_set_priority(self, priority); } int rep_get_priority(u_int32_t *priorityp) { return self->rep_get_priority(self, priorityp); } int rep_set_request(u_int32_t min, u_int32_t max) { return self->rep_set_request(self, min, max); } int rep_get_request(u_int32_t *minp, u_int32_t *maxp) { return self->rep_get_request(self, minp, maxp); } int rep_set_timeout(int which, u_int32_t timeout) { return self->rep_set_timeout(self, which, timeout); } int rep_get_timeout(int which, u_int32_t *timeoutp) { return self->rep_get_timeout(self, which, timeoutp); } %typemap(cstype) int (*)(DB_ENV*, const DBT*, const DBT*, const DB_LSN *, int envid, u_int32_t) "BDB_RepTransportDelegate" %typemap(imtype) int (*)(DB_ENV*, const DBT*, const DBT*, const DB_LSN *, int envid, u_int32_t) "BDB_RepTransportDelegate" %typemap(csin) int (*send)(DB_ENV *, const DBT*, const DBT*, const DB_LSN*, int, u_int32_t) "send" int rep_set_transport(int envid, int (*send)(DB_ENV *dbenv, const DBT *control, const DBT *rec, const DB_LSN *lsnp, int envid, u_int32_t flags)) { return self->rep_set_transport(self, envid, send); } int get_cachesize(u_int32_t *gbytes, u_int32_t *bytes, int *ncache) { return self->get_cachesize(self, gbytes, bytes, ncache); } int set_cachesize(u_int32_t gbytes, u_int32_t bytes, int ncache) { return self->set_cachesize(self, gbytes, bytes, ncache); } int get_cache_max(u_int32_t *gbytes, u_int32_t *bytes) { return self->get_cache_max(self, gbytes, bytes); } int set_cache_max(u_int32_t gbytes, u_int32_t bytes) { return self->set_cache_max(self, gbytes, bytes); } %typemap(cstype) char ** "List" %typemap(imtype) char ** "IntPtr" %typemap(csin) char ** "$csinput" %csmethodmodifiers get_data_dirs "private" char **get_data_dirs(int *err, int *cntp) { char **list = NULL; int cnt = 0; *err = self->get_data_dirs(self, &list); if (list != NULL) while (list[cnt] != NULL) { cnt++; } *cntp = cnt; return list; } int add_data_dir(const char *dir) { return self->add_data_dir(self, dir); } int set_create_dir(const char *dir) { return self->set_create_dir(self, dir); } int get_encrypt_flags(u_int32_t *flags) { return self->get_encrypt_flags(self, flags); } int set_encrypt(const char *passwd, u_int32_t flags) { return self->set_encrypt(self, passwd, flags); } %typemap(cstype) void (*)(const DB_ENV *, const char *, const char *) "BDB_ErrcallDelegate" %typemap(imtype) void (*)(const DB_ENV *, const char *, const char *) "BDB_ErrcallDelegate" %typemap(csin) void (*db_errcall_fcn)(const DB_ENV *dbenv, const char *errpfx, const char *errmsg) "db_errcall_fcn" void set_errcall(void (*db_errcall_fcn)(const DB_ENV *dbenv, const char *errpfx, const char *errmsg)) { self->set_errcall(self, db_errcall_fcn); } %typemap(cstype) void (*)(DB_ENV*, u_int32_t, void*) "BDB_EventNotifyDelegate" %typemap(imtype) void (*)(DB_ENV*, u_int32_t, void*) "BDB_EventNotifyDelegate" %typemap(csin) void (*callback)(DB_ENV *dbenv, u_int32_t, void*) "callback" int set_event_notify(void (*callback)(DB_ENV *env, u_int32_t event, void *event_info)) { return self->set_event_notify(self, callback); } %typemap(cstype) void (*)(DB_ENV*, int, int) "BDB_EnvFeedbackDelegate" %typemap(imtype) void (*)(DB_ENV*, int, int) "BDB_EnvFeedbackDelegate" %typemap(csin) void (*callback)(DB_ENV *dbenv, int opcode, int percent) "callback" int set_feedback(void (*callback)(DB_ENV *dbenv, int opcode, int percent)) { return self->set_feedback(self, callback); } int get_flags(u_int32_t *flags) { return self->get_flags(self, flags); } int set_flags(u_int32_t flags, int onoff) { return self->set_flags(self, flags, onoff); } %typemap(cstype) char ** "ref string" %typemap(imtype) char ** "ref string" %typemap(csin) char ** "ref $csinput" %csmethodmodifiers get_data_dirs "private" int get_intermediate_dir_mode(const char **mode) { return self->get_intermediate_dir_mode(self, mode); } int set_intermediate_dir_mode(const char *mode) { return self->set_intermediate_dir_mode(self, mode); } %typemap(cstype) int (*)(DB_ENV*, pid_t, db_threadid_t, u_int32_t) "BDB_IsAliveDelegate" %typemap(imtype) int (*)(DB_ENV*, pid_t, db_threadid_t, u_int32_t) "BDB_IsAliveDelegate" %typemap(csin) int (*callback)(DB_ENV *dbenv, pid_t, db_threadid_t, u_int32_t) "callback" int set_isalive(int (*callback)(DB_ENV *dbenv, pid_t pid, db_threadid_t tid, u_int32_t flags)) { return self->set_isalive(self, callback); } int get_lg_bsize(u_int32_t *bsize){ return self->get_lg_bsize(self, bsize); } int set_lg_bsize(u_int32_t bsize){ return self->set_lg_bsize(self, bsize); } int get_lg_dir(const char **dir){ return self->get_lg_dir(self, dir); } int set_lg_dir(const char *dir){ return self->set_lg_dir(self, dir); } int get_lg_filemode(int *mode){ return self->get_lg_filemode(self, mode); } int set_lg_filemode(int mode){ return self->set_lg_filemode(self, mode); } int get_lg_max(u_int32_t *max){ return self->get_lg_max(self, max); } int set_lg_max(u_int32_t max){ return self->set_lg_max(self, max); } int get_lg_regionmax(u_int32_t *max){ return self->get_lg_regionmax(self, max); } int set_lg_regionmax(u_int32_t max){ return self->set_lg_regionmax(self, max); } int get_lk_conflicts_nmodes(int *nmodes) { return self->get_lk_conflicts(self, NULL, nmodes); } int get_lk_conflicts(u_int8_t *conflicts) { int i, nmodes, ret; u_int8_t *mtrx = NULL; ret = self->get_lk_conflicts(self, &mtrx, &nmodes); for (i = 0; i < nmodes * nmodes; i++) conflicts[i] = mtrx[i]; return ret; } int set_lk_conflicts(u_int8_t *conflicts, int nmodes) { return self->set_lk_conflicts(self, conflicts, nmodes); } int get_lk_detect(u_int32_t *mode) { return self->get_lk_detect(self, mode); } int set_lk_detect(u_int32_t mode) { return self->set_lk_detect(self, mode); } int get_lk_max_locks(u_int32_t *max) { return self->get_lk_max_locks(self, max); } int set_lk_max_locks(u_int32_t max) { return self->set_lk_max_locks(self, max); } int get_lk_max_lockers(u_int32_t *max) { return self->get_lk_max_lockers(self, max); } int set_lk_max_lockers(u_int32_t max) { return self->set_lk_max_lockers(self, max); } int get_lk_max_objects(u_int32_t *max) { return self->get_lk_max_objects(self, max); } int set_lk_max_objects(u_int32_t max) { return self->set_lk_max_objects(self, max); } int get_lk_partitions(u_int32_t *max) { return self->get_lk_partitions(self, max); } int set_lk_partitions(u_int32_t max) { return self->set_lk_partitions(self, max); } int get_mp_max_openfd(int *maxopenfd) { return self->get_mp_max_openfd(self, maxopenfd); } int set_mp_max_openfd(int maxopenfd) { return self->set_mp_max_openfd(self, maxopenfd); } int get_mp_max_write(int *maxwrite, db_timeout_t *maxwrite_sleep) { return self->get_mp_max_write(self, maxwrite, maxwrite_sleep); } int set_mp_max_write(int maxwrite, db_timeout_t maxwrite_sleep) { return self->set_mp_max_write(self, maxwrite, maxwrite_sleep); } int get_mp_mmapsize(size_t *mp_mmapsize) { return self->get_mp_mmapsize(self, mp_mmapsize); } int set_mp_mmapsize(size_t mp_mmapsize) { return self->set_mp_mmapsize(self, mp_mmapsize); } int get_thread_count(u_int32_t *count) { return self->get_thread_count(self, count); } int set_thread_count(u_int32_t count) { return self->set_thread_count(self, count); } %typemap(cstype) void (*)(DB_ENV*, pid_t*, db_threadid_t*) "BDB_ThreadIDDelegate" %typemap(imtype) void (*)(DB_ENV*, pid_t*, db_threadid_t*) "BDB_ThreadIDDelegate" %typemap(csin) void (*callback)(DB_ENV *dbenv, pid_t*, db_threadid_t*) "callback" int set_thread_id(void (*callback)(DB_ENV *dbenv, pid_t *pid, db_threadid_t *tid)) { return self->set_thread_id(self, callback); } %typemap(cstype) char* (*)(DB_ENV*, pid_t, db_threadid_t, char *) "BDB_ThreadNameDelegate" %typemap(imtype) char* (*)(DB_ENV*, pid_t, db_threadid_t, char *) "BDB_ThreadNameDelegate" %typemap(csin) char *(*callback)(DB_ENV *dbenv, pid_t, db_threadid_t, char *) "callback" int set_thread_id_string(char *(*callback)(DB_ENV *dbenv, pid_t pid, db_threadid_t tid, char *buf)) { return self->set_thread_id_string(self, callback); } int get_timeout(db_timeout_t *timeout, u_int32_t flags) { return self->get_timeout(self, timeout, flags); } int set_timeout(db_timeout_t timeout, u_int32_t flags) { return self->set_timeout(self, timeout, flags); } int get_tmp_dir(const char **dir) { return self->get_tmp_dir(self, dir); } int set_tmp_dir(const char *dir) { return self->set_tmp_dir(self, dir); } int get_tx_max(u_int32_t *max) { return self->get_tx_max(self, max); } int set_tx_max(u_int32_t max) { return self->set_tx_max(self, max); } int get_tx_timestamp(time_t *timestamp) { return self->get_tx_timestamp(self, timestamp); } int set_tx_timestamp(time_t *timestamp) { return self->set_tx_timestamp(self, timestamp); } int get_verbose(u_int32_t *msgs) { int onoff, ret; *msgs = 0; if ((ret = self->get_verbose(self, DB_VERB_DEADLOCK, &onoff)) != 0) return ret; if (onoff) *msgs |= DB_VERB_DEADLOCK; if ((ret = self->get_verbose(self, DB_VERB_FILEOPS, &onoff)) != 0) return ret; if (onoff) *msgs |= DB_VERB_FILEOPS; if ((ret = self->get_verbose(self, DB_VERB_FILEOPS_ALL, &onoff)) != 0) return ret; if (onoff) *msgs |= DB_VERB_FILEOPS_ALL; if ((ret = self->get_verbose(self, DB_VERB_RECOVERY, &onoff)) != 0) return ret; if (onoff) *msgs |= DB_VERB_RECOVERY; if ((ret = self->get_verbose(self, DB_VERB_REGISTER, &onoff)) != 0) return ret; if (onoff) *msgs |= DB_VERB_REGISTER; if ((ret = self->get_verbose(self, DB_VERB_REPLICATION, &onoff)) != 0) return ret; if (onoff) *msgs |= DB_VERB_REPLICATION; if ((ret = self->get_verbose(self, DB_VERB_REP_ELECT, &onoff)) != 0) return ret; if (onoff) *msgs |= DB_VERB_REP_ELECT; if ((ret = self->get_verbose(self, DB_VERB_REP_LEASE, &onoff)) != 0) return ret; if (onoff) *msgs |= DB_VERB_REP_LEASE; if ((ret = self->get_verbose(self, DB_VERB_REP_MISC, &onoff)) != 0) return ret; if (onoff) *msgs |= DB_VERB_REP_MISC; if ((ret = self->get_verbose(self, DB_VERB_REP_MSGS, &onoff)) != 0) return ret; if (onoff) *msgs |= DB_VERB_REP_MSGS; if ((ret = self->get_verbose(self, DB_VERB_REP_SYNC, &onoff)) != 0) return ret; if (onoff) *msgs |= DB_VERB_REP_SYNC; if ((ret = self->get_verbose(self, DB_VERB_REPMGR_CONNFAIL, &onoff)) != 0) return ret; if (onoff) *msgs |= DB_VERB_REPMGR_CONNFAIL; if ((ret = self->get_verbose(self, DB_VERB_REPMGR_MISC, &onoff)) != 0) return ret; if (onoff) *msgs |= DB_VERB_REPMGR_MISC; if ((ret = self->get_verbose(self, DB_VERB_WAITSFOR, &onoff)) != 0) return ret; if (onoff) *msgs |= DB_VERB_WAITSFOR; return 0; } int set_verbose(u_int32_t which, int onoff) { int ret; if ((which & DB_VERB_DEADLOCK) && (ret = self->set_verbose(self, DB_VERB_DEADLOCK, onoff)) != 0) return ret; if ((which & DB_VERB_FILEOPS) && (ret = self->set_verbose(self, DB_VERB_FILEOPS, onoff)) != 0) return ret; if ((which & DB_VERB_FILEOPS_ALL) && (ret = self->set_verbose(self, DB_VERB_FILEOPS_ALL, onoff)) != 0) return ret; if ((which & DB_VERB_RECOVERY) && (ret = self->set_verbose(self, DB_VERB_RECOVERY, onoff)) != 0) return ret; if ((which & DB_VERB_REGISTER) && (ret = self->set_verbose(self, DB_VERB_REGISTER, onoff)) != 0) return ret; if ((which & DB_VERB_REPLICATION) && (ret = self->set_verbose(self, DB_VERB_REPLICATION, onoff)) != 0) return ret; if ((which & DB_VERB_REP_ELECT) && (ret = self->set_verbose(self, DB_VERB_REP_ELECT, onoff)) != 0) return ret; if ((which & DB_VERB_REP_LEASE) && (ret = self->set_verbose(self, DB_VERB_REP_LEASE, onoff)) != 0) return ret; if ((which & DB_VERB_REP_MISC) && (ret = self->set_verbose(self, DB_VERB_REP_MISC, onoff)) != 0) return ret; if ((which & DB_VERB_REP_MSGS) && (ret = self->set_verbose(self, DB_VERB_REP_MSGS, onoff)) != 0) return ret; if ((which & DB_VERB_REP_SYNC) && (ret = self->set_verbose(self, DB_VERB_REP_SYNC, onoff)) != 0) return ret; if ((which & DB_VERB_REPMGR_CONNFAIL) && (ret = self->set_verbose(self, DB_VERB_REPMGR_CONNFAIL, onoff)) != 0) return ret; if ((which & DB_VERB_REPMGR_MISC) && (ret = self->set_verbose(self, DB_VERB_REPMGR_MISC, onoff)) != 0) return ret; if ((which & DB_VERB_WAITSFOR) && (ret = self->set_verbose(self, DB_VERB_WAITSFOR, onoff)) != 0) return ret; return 0; } int stat_print(u_int32_t flags) { return self->stat_print(self, flags); } %csmethodmodifiers txn_begin "private" DB_TXN *txn_begin(DB_TXN *parent, u_int32_t flags, int *err) { DB_TXN *txnid = NULL; *err = self->txn_begin(self, parent, &txnid, flags); return txnid; } int txn_checkpoint(u_int32_t kbyte, u_int32_t min, u_int32_t flags) { return self->txn_checkpoint(self, kbyte, min, flags); } %csmethodmodifiers txn_recover "private" %typemap(cstype) DB_PREPLIST [] "IntPtr" %typemap(imtype) DB_PREPLIST [] "IntPtr" %typemap(csin) DB_PREPLIST [] "$csinput" int txn_recover(DB_PREPLIST preplist[], u_int32_t count, u_int32_t *retp, u_int32_t flags) { return self->txn_recover(self, preplist, count, retp, flags); } %csmethodmodifiers txn_stat "private" %typemap(cstype, out="IntPtr") void * "IntPtr" void *txn_stat(u_int32_t flags, u_int32_t *size, int *err) { DB_TXN_STAT *ret; *err = self->txn_stat(self, &ret, flags); *size = sizeof(DB_TXN_ACTIVE); return (void *)ret; } int txn_stat_print(u_int32_t flags) { return self->txn_stat_print(self, flags); } } } DB_ENV; typedef struct __key_range { double less; double equal; double greater; } DB_KEY_RANGE; typedef struct __db_lock_u { roff_t off; /* Offset of the lock in the region */ u_int32_t ndx; /* Index of the object referenced by * this lock; used for locking. */ u_int32_t gen; /* Generation number of this lock. */ db_lockmode_t mode; /* mode of this lock. */ } DB_LOCK; typedef struct __db_lockreq { db_lockop_t op; /* Operation. */ db_lockmode_t mode; /* Requested mode. */ db_timeout_t timeout; /* Time to expire lock. */ DBT *obj; /* Object being locked. */ %rename(lck) lock; DB_LOCK lock; /* Lock returned. */ } DB_LOCKREQ; char *db_strerror(int errno); int log_compare(DB_LSN *lsn0, DB_LSN *lsn1); %typemap(cstype) void *ptr "IntPtr" %typemap(imtype) void *ptr "IntPtr" %typemap(csin) void *ptr "$csinput" %rename(__os_ufree) wrap_ufree; %inline %{ void wrap_ufree(DB_ENV *dbenv, void *ptr) { if (dbenv == NULL) __os_ufree(NULL, ptr); else __os_ufree(dbenv->env, ptr); } %} typedef struct __db_preplist { %typemap(csvarout) u_int8_t gid[DB_GID_SIZE] %{ get { byte[] ret = new byte[DbConstants.DB_GID_SIZE]; IntPtr cPtr = new IntPtr(swigCPtr.Handle.ToInt32() + IntPtr.Size); Marshal.Copy(cPtr, ret, 0, ret.Length); return ret; } %} DB_TXN *txn; u_int8_t gid[DB_GID_SIZE]; } DB_PREPLIST; %typemap(cscode) DB_SEQUENCE %{ internal SequenceStatStruct stat(uint flags) { int err = 0; IntPtr ptr = stat(flags, ref err); DatabaseException.ThrowException(err); SequenceStatStruct ret = (SequenceStatStruct)Marshal.PtrToStructure(ptr, typeof(SequenceStatStruct)); libdb_csharp.__os_ufree(null, ptr); return ret; } %} typedef struct __db_sequence { %extend { DB_SEQUENCE(DB *dbp, u_int32_t flags) { DB_SEQUENCE *seq = NULL; int ret; ret = db_sequence_create(&seq, dbp, flags); if (ret == 0) return seq; else return NULL; } ~DB_SEQUENCE() { } int close(u_int32_t flags) { return self->close(self, flags); } int get(DB_TXN *txn, int32_t delta, db_seq_t *retp, u_int32_t flags) { return self->get(self, txn, delta, retp, flags); } DB *get_db() { DB *dbp = NULL; int err = 0; err = self->get_db(self, &dbp); return dbp; } int get_key(DBT *key) { return self->get_key(self, key); } int initial_value(db_seq_t value) { return self->initial_value(self, value); } int open(DB_TXN *txn, DBT *key, u_int32_t flags) { return self->open(self, txn, key, flags); } int remove(DB_TXN *txn, u_int32_t flags) { return self->remove(self, txn, flags); } int get_cachesize(int32_t *size) { return self->get_cachesize(self, size); } int set_cachesize(int32_t size) { return self->set_cachesize(self, size); } int get_flags(u_int32_t *flags) { return self->get_flags(self, flags); } int set_flags(u_int32_t flags) { return self->set_flags(self, flags); } int get_range(db_seq_t *min, db_seq_t *max) { return self->get_range(self, min, max); } int set_range(db_seq_t min, db_seq_t max) { return self->set_range(self, min, max); } %csmethodmodifiers stat "private" %typemap(cstype, out="IntPtr") void * "IntPtr" void *stat(u_int32_t flags, int *err) { DB_SEQUENCE_STAT *ret = NULL; *err = self->stat(self, &ret, flags); return (void *)ret; } int stat_print(u_int32_t flags) { return self->stat_print(self, flags); } } } DB_SEQUENCE; %pragma(csharp) imclasscode=%{ #if DEBUG private const string libname = "libdb_csharp" + DbConstants.DB_VERSION_MAJOR_STR + DbConstants.DB_VERSION_MINOR_STR + "d"; #else private const string libname = "libdb_csharp" + DbConstants.DB_VERSION_MAJOR_STR + DbConstants.DB_VERSION_MINOR_STR; #endif %}