Option explicit On Error Goto 0 ' This script allows quick updates to the server version across all files that store it. ' Usage: cscript updateversion.vbs /major:2 /minor:1 /point:0 /build:4245 ' Simple four-part version... Somebody went a little overboard playing with VBS classes. Class VersionInfo Private m_Major Private m_Minor Private m_Point Private m_Build Public Property Get Major If isEmpty(m_Major) Then Err.Raise 1, "Property not yet assigned", "Major" Else Major = m_Major End If End Property Public Property Let Major (iMajor) If ( CInt(iMajor) >= 0 ) Then m_Major = iMajor Else Err.Raise 2, "Invalid value", "Major: " & iMajor End If End Property Public Property Get Minor If isEmpty(m_Minor) Then Err.Raise 1, "Property not yet assigned", "Minor" Else Minor = m_Minor End If End Property Public Property Let Minor (iMinor) If ( CInt(iMinor) >= 0 ) Then m_Minor = iMinor Else Err.Raise 2, "Invalid value", "Minor: " & iMinor End If End Property Public Property Get Point If isEmpty(m_Point) Then Err.Raise 1, "Property not yet assigned", "Point" Else Point = m_Point End If End Property Public Property Let Point (iPoint) If ( CInt(iPoint) >= 0 ) Then m_Point = iPoint Else Err.Raise 2, "Invalid value", "Point: " & iPoint End If End Property Public Property Get Build If isEmpty(m_Build) Then Err.Raise 1, "Property not yet assigned", "Build" Else Build = m_Build End If End Property Public Property Let Build (iBuild) If ( CInt(iBuild) >= 0 ) Then m_Build = iBuild Else Err.Raise 2, "Invalid value", "Build: " & iBuild End If End Property Public Function GetVersion(sType) Select Case sType Case "decimal" GetVersion = me.Major & "." & me.Minor & "." & me.Point & "." & me.Build Case "comma" GetVersion = me.Major & "," & me.Minor & "," & me.Point & "," & me.Build Case "commaspace" GetVersion = me.Major & ", " & me.Minor & ", " & me.Point & ", " & me.Build Case Else Err.Raise 1, "Invalid version type", "Type: " & sType End Select End Function End Class ' Let's make sure there are the correct number, names, and types of arguments Sub CheckArguments(cArgs) Dim sUsage sUsage = vbCrLf & "Usage: cscript " & Wscript.ScriptName & " /major:2 /minor:1 /point:0 /build:4245" If cArgs.Count <> 4 Then Err.Raise 1, "Not enough arguments", sUsage Exit Sub End If If ( Not cArgs.Named.Exists("major") ) Or _ ( Not cArgs.Named.Exists("minor") ) Or _ ( Not cArgs.Named.Exists("point") ) Or _ ( Not cArgs.Named.Exists("build") ) Then Err.Raise 1, "Incorrect arguments", sUsage Exit Sub End If If ( Not cArgs.Named.Item("major") = CStr(CInt(cArgs.Named.Item("major"))) ) Or _ ( Not cArgs.Named.Item("minor") = CStr(CInt(cArgs.Named.Item("minor")))) Or _ ( Not cArgs.Named.Item("point") = CStr(CInt(cArgs.Named.Item("point")))) Or _ ( Not cArgs.Named.Item("build") = CStr(CInt(cArgs.Named.Item("build")))) Then Err.Raise 1, "Version numbers must be integers", sUsage Exit Sub End If End Sub Sub FixRcFile(sFileName, oVersion) Const ForReading = 1 Const ForWriting = 2 Dim oFS Dim oFile Dim sContents Dim oRE Set oFS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set oFile = oFS.OpenTextFile(sFileName, ForReading) sContents = oFile.ReadAll oFile.Close Set oRE = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") oRE.MultiLine = true oRE.Global = true oRE.Pattern = "^(.*)(FILEVERSION |PRODUCTVERSION ).+$" sContents = oRE.Replace (sContents, "$1$2" & oVersion.GetVersion("comma") & vbCr) oRE.Pattern = "^(.*)VALUE ""(FileVersion|ProductVersion)"",.+$" sContents = oRE.Replace (sContents, "$1VALUE ""$2"", """ & oVersion.GetVersion("commaspace") & """" & vbCr) If Right(sContents, 2) = vbCrLf Then sContents = Left(sContents, Len(sContents) - 2) End If Set oFile = oFS.OpenTextFile(sFileName, ForWriting) oFile.WriteLine sContents oFile.Close End Sub Sub FixVersionFile (sFileName, sPattern, sReplacement) Const ForReading = 1 Const ForWriting = 2 Dim oFS Dim oFile Dim sContents Dim oRE Set oFS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set oFile = oFS.OpenTextFile(sFileName, ForReading) sContents = oFile.ReadAll oFile.Close Set oRE = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") ' MultiLine RE processing is required so that we can match line start/end oRE.MultiLine = true oRE.Global = true oRE.Pattern = sPattern sContents = oRE.Replace (sContents, sReplacement) If Right(sContents, 2) = vbCrLf Then sContents = Left(sContents, Len(sContents) - 2) End If Set oFile = oFS.OpenTextFile(sFileName, ForWriting) oFile.WriteLine sContents oFile.Close End Sub ' Run through array of File, Pattern, Replace for single-value replacement Sub FixVersionFiles (oVersion) Dim aVersionFiles aVersionFiles = Array ( _ Array ( _ "/Common/ProductVersion.h", _ "^(const STRING ProductVersion = L"").+$", _ "$1" & oVersion.GetVersion("decimal") & """;" & vbCr _ ), _ Array ( _ "/Web/src/mapviewerjava/ajaxviewerabout.jsp", _ "^(String viewerVersion = "").+$", _ "$1" & oVersion.GetVersion("decimal") & """;" & vbCr _ ), _ Array ( _ "/Web/src/mapviewernet/ajaxviewerabout.aspx", _ "^(String viewerVersion = "").+$", _ "$1" & oVersion.GetVersion("decimal") & """;" & vbCr _ ), _ Array ( _ "/Web/src/mapviewerphp/ajaxviewerabout.php", _ "^(.*'VIEWER_VERSION', "").+$", _ "$1" & oVersion.GetVersion("decimal") & """ );" & vbCr _ ), _ Array ( _ "/Web/src/mapadmin/resizableadmin.php", _ "^(.*'SITE_ADMINISTRATOR_VERSION', "").+$", _ "$1" & oVersion.GetVersion("decimal") & """ );" & vbCr _ ) _ ) Dim sItem For Each sItem In aVersionFiles FixVersionFile "." & sItem(0) , sItem(1), sItem(2) Next End Sub ' Do Multi-line replacement in special case of .rc files Sub FixRcFiles (oVersion) Dim aRcFiles aRcFiles = Array ( _ "/Common/Foundation/Foundation.rc", _ "/Common/Geometry/Geometry.rc", _ "/Common/MapGuideCommon/MapGuideCommon.rc", _ "/Common/MdfModel/MdfModel.rc", _ "/Common/MdfParser/MdfParser.rc", _ "/Common/PlatformBase/PlatformBase.rc", _ "/Common/Renderers/Renderers.rc", _ "/Common/Stylization/Stylization.rc", _ "/Desktop/DesktopUnmanagedApi/JavaApiEx/JavaApiEx.rc", _ "/Server/src/Common/Base/ServerBase.rc", _ "/Server/src/Common/Cache/ServerCache.rc", _ "/Server/src/Common/Manager/ServerManager.rc", _ "/Server/src/Common/Thread/ServerThread.rc", _ "/Server/src/Core/ServerCore.rc", _ "/Server/src/Gws/GwsCommon/GwsCommon.rc", _ "/Server/src/Gws/GwsQueryEngine/GwsQueryEngine.rc", _ "/Server/src/Gws/GwsResource/GwsResource.rc", _ "/Server/src/Services/Drawing/ServerDrawingService.rc", _ "/Server/src/Services/Feature/ServerFeatureService.rc", _ "/Server/src/Services/Kml/ServerKmlService.rc", _ "/Server/src/Services/Mapping/ServerMappingService.rc", _ "/Server/src/Services/Profiling/ServerProfilingService.rc", _ "/Server/src/Services/Rendering/ServerRenderingService.rc", _ "/Server/src/Services/Resource/ServerResourceService.rc", _ "/Server/src/Services/ServerAdmin/ServerAdminService.rc", _ "/Server/src/Services/Site/ServerSiteService.rc", _ "/Server/src/Services/Tile/ServerTileService.rc", _ "/Server/src/UnitTesting/UnitTesting.rc", _ "/UnitTest/Common/FoundationTest/DotNetUnmanagedApi/DotNetUnmanagedApi.rc", _ "/Web/src/ApacheAgent/ApacheAgent.rc", _ "/Web/src/CgiAgent/CgiAgent.rc", _ "/Web/src/DevHttpServer/DevHttpServer.rc", _ "/Web/src/DotNetUnmanagedApi/Foundation/FoundationApi.rc", _ "/Web/src/DotNetUnmanagedApi/Geometry/GeometryApi.rc", _ "/Web/src/DotNetUnmanagedApi/MapGuideCommon/MapGuideCommonApi.rc", _ "/Web/src/DotNetUnmanagedApi/PlatformBase/PlatformBaseApi.rc", _ "/Web/src/DotNetUnmanagedApi/Web/WebApi.rc", _ "/Web/src/HttpHandler/HttpHandler.rc", _ "/Web/src/IsapiAgent/IsapiAgent.rc", _ "/Web/src/JavaApi/JavaApi.rc", _ "/Web/src/JavaApiEx/JavaApiEx.rc", _ "/Web/src/PhpApi/PhpApi.rc", _ "/Web/src/WebApp/WebApp.rc" _ ) ' Update the version number in the user-defined RC files Dim sFile For Each sFile In aRcFiles FixRcFile "." & sFile , oVersion Next End Sub ' Main ' Check to make sure that the user passed some sane values CheckArguments(WScript.Arguments) ' Set up an object to hold the version info... Dim oVersionInfo Set oVersionInfo = new VersionInfo ' Pull the version info from the command line and svn revision # mod maxint With oVersionInfo .Major = WScript.Arguments.Named.Item("major") .Minor = WScript.Arguments.Named.Item("minor") .Point = WScript.Arguments.Named.Item("point") .Build = WScript.Arguments.Named.Item("build") Mod 32767 End With FixVersionFiles (oVersionInfo) FixRcFiles (oVersionInfo)