GetName(); $spatialContext = $geomProp->GetSpatialContextAssociation(); // Finds the coordinate system $agfReaderWriter = new MgAgfReaderWriter(); $spatialcontextReader = $featureSrvc->GetSpatialContexts($featuresId, false); while ($spatialcontextReader->ReadNext()) { if ($spatialcontextReader->GetName() == $spatialContext) { $mbr->coordinateSystem = $spatialcontextReader->GetCoordinateSystemWkt(); // Finds the extent $extentByteReader = $spatialcontextReader->GetExtent(); break; } } $spatialcontextReader->Close(); if ($extentByteReader != null) { // Get the extent geometry from the spatial context $extentGeometrySc = $agfReaderWriter->Read($extentByteReader); } // Try to get the extents using the selectaggregate as sometimes the spatial context // information is not set $aggregateOptions = new MgFeatureAggregateOptions(); $featureProp = 'SPATIALEXTENTS("' . $geomName . '")'; $aggregateOptions->AddComputedProperty('EXTENTS', $featureProp); try { $dataReader = $featureSrvc->SelectAggregate($featuresId, $className, $aggregateOptions); if($dataReader->ReadNext()) { // Get the extents information $byteReader = $dataReader->GetGeometry('EXTENTS'); $extentGeometryAgg = $agfReaderWriter->Read($byteReader); } $dataReader->Close(); } catch (MgException $e) { if ($extentGeometryAgg == null) { //We do have one last hope. EXTENT() is an internal MapGuide custom function that's universally supported //as it operates against an underlying select query result. This raw-spins the reader server-side so there //is no server -> web tier transmission overhead involved. try { $aggregateOptions = new MgFeatureAggregateOptions(); $aggregateOptions->AddComputedProperty("COMP_EXTENT", "EXTENT(".$geomName.")"); $dataReader = $featureSrvc->SelectAggregate($featuresId, $className, $aggregateOptions); if($dataReader->ReadNext()) { // Get the extents information $byteReader = $dataReader->GetGeometry('COMP_EXTENT'); $extentGeometryAgg = $agfReaderWriter->Read($byteReader); } $dataReader->Close(); } catch (MgException $e2) { } } } $mbr->extentGeometry = null; // Prefer SpatialExtents() of EXTENT() result over spatial context extent if ($extentGeometryAgg != null) $mbr->extentGeometry = $extentGeometryAgg; if ($mbr->extentGeometry == null) { //Stil null? Now try spatial context if ($extentGeometrySc != null) $mbr->extentGeometry = $extentGeometrySc; } return $mbr; } function GetFeatureCount($featuresId, $schemaName, $className, $resourceSrvc, $featureSrvc) { //Try the SelectAggregate shortcut. This is faster than raw spinning a feature reader // //NOTE: If MapGuide supported scrollable readers like FDO, we'd have also tried //that as well. $totalEntries = -1; $featureName = $schemaName . ":" . $className; $canCount = false; $gotCount = false; $fsBr = $resourceSrvc->GetResourceContent($featuresId); $fsXml = $fsBr->ToString(); $fsDoc = DOMDocument::loadXML($fsXml); $providerNodeList = $fsDoc->getElementsByTagName("Provider"); $providerName = $providerNodeList->item(0)->nodeValue; $capsBr = $featureSrvc->GetCapabilities($providerName); $capsXml = $capsBr->ToString(); //This should be good enough to find out if Count() is supported $canCount = !(strstr($capsXml, "Count") === false); if ($canCount) { $clsDef = $featureSrvc->GetClassDefinition($featuresId, $schemaName, $className); $idProps = $clsDef->GetIdentityProperties(); if ($idProps->GetCount() > 0) { $pd = $idProps->GetItem(0); $expr = "COUNT(" .$pd->GetName(). ")"; $query = new MgFeatureAggregateOptions(); $query->AddComputedProperty("TotalCount", $expr); try { $dataReader = $featureSrvc->SelectAggregate($featuresId, $featureName, $query); if ($dataReader->ReadNext()) { // When there is no data, the property will be null. if($dataReader->IsNull("TotalCount")) { $totalEntries = 0; $gotCount = true; } else { $ptype = $dataReader->GetPropertyType("TotalCount"); switch ($ptype) { case MgPropertyType::Int32: $totalEntries = $dataReader->GetInt32("TotalCount"); $gotCount = true; break; case MgPropertyType::Int64: $totalEntries = $dataReader->GetInt64("TotalCount"); $gotCount = true; break; } $dataReader->Close(); } } } catch (MgException $ex) //Some providers like OGR can lie { $gotCount = false; } } } if ($gotCount == false) { $featureReader = null; try { $featureReader = $featureSrvc->SelectFeatures($featuresId, $featureName, null); } catch (MgException $ex) { $totalEntries = -1; //Can't Count() or raw spin? Oh dear! } if ($featureReader != null) { while($featureReader->ReadNext()) $totalEntries++; $featureReader->Close(); } } return $totalEntries; } function GetPropertyName($featureReader, $property, $propertyType) { if($featureReader->IsNull($property)) { $val = FormText::NullProperty; return $val; } switch ($propertyType) { case MgPropertyType::Boolean : $val = $featureReader->GetBoolean($property); break; case MgPropertyType::Byte : $val = $featureReader->GetByte($property); break; case MgPropertyType::DateTime : $dateTimeVal = $featureReader->GetDateTime($property); if($dateTimeVal != NULL) $val = PrintDateTime($dateTimeVal); else $val = NULL; break; case MgPropertyType::Single : $val = $featureReader->GetSingle($property); break; case MgPropertyType::Double : $val = $featureReader->GetDouble($property); break; case MgPropertyType::Int16 : $val = $featureReader->GetInt16($property); break; case MgPropertyType::Int32 : $val = $featureReader->GetInt32($property); break; case MgPropertyType::Int64 : $val = $featureReader->GetInt64($property); break; case MgPropertyType::String : $val = $featureReader->GetString($property); break; default : $val = NULL; } return $val; } function PrintDateTime($dT) { $dateTimeString = ''; if($dT->GetYear() != -1) { $dateTimeString .= $dT->GetYear() . '-'; $dateTimeString .= $dT->GetMonth() . '-'; $dateTimeString .= $dT->GetDay() . ' '; } if($dT->GetHour() != -1) { $dateTimeString .= $dT->GetHour() . ':'; $dateTimeString .= $dT->GetMinute() . ':'; $dateTimeString .= $dT->GetSecond() . '.'; $dateTimeString .= $dT->GetMicrosecond(); } return $dateTimeString; } function CreateLayerDef($factory, $featureClass, $featureName, $geomName, $geomType) { $typeStyle = ""; $geomTypes = explode(' ', $geomType); for($i=0;$i<(sizeof($geomTypes)-1);$i++) { switch ($geomTypes[$i]) { case "point": // Create a point rule $color = LayerDef::PointColor; $pointRule = $factory->CreatePointRule($color); $typeStyle .= $factory->CreatePointTypeStyle($pointRule); break; case "curve": // Create a line rule $color = LayerDef::CurveColor; $lineRule = $factory->CreateLineRule($color); // Create a line type style $typeStyle .= $factory->CreateLineTypeStyle($lineRule); break; case "surface": // Create three area rules for thress different scale ranges $color = LayerDef::SurfaceColor; $areaRule = $factory->CreateAreaRule($color); // Create an area type style $typeStyle .= $factory->CreateAreaTypeStyle($areaRule); break; } } // Create a scale range $minScale = LayerDef::MinScale; $maxScale = LayerDef::MaxScale; $scaleRange = $factory->CreateScaleRange($minScale, $maxScale, $typeStyle); $layerDefinition = $factory->CreateLayerDefinition($featureClass, $featureName, $geomName, $scaleRange); return $layerDefinition; } function CreateMapDef($factory, $className, $resId, $coordinate, $minX, $maxX, $minY, $maxY) { // Inputs for Extents $extents = $factory->CreateExtents($minX, $maxX, $minY, $maxY); // Inputs for MapLayer $layerName = $className; $selectable = MapDef::Selectable; $showLegend = MapDef::ShowLegend; $legendLabel = $className; $expandLegend = MapDef::ExpandLegend; $visible = MapDef::Visible; $groupName = MapDef::GroupName; $mapLayer = $factory->CreateMapLayer($layerName, $resId, $selectable, $showLegend, $legendLabel, $expandLegend, $visible, $groupName); // Inputs for MapLayerGroup $groupName = MapDef::GroupName; $visible = MapDef::Visible; $showLegend = MapDef::ShowLegend; $expandLegend = MapDef::ExpandLegend; $legendLabel = MapDef::LegendLabel; $mapLayerGroup = $factory->CreateMapLayerGroup($groupName, $visible, $showLegend, $expandLegend, $legendLabel); // Inputs for MapDefinition $mapName = MapDef::MapName; $backgroundColor = MapDef::BgColor; $mapDefinition = $factory->CreateMapDefinition($mapName, $coordinate, $extents, $backgroundColor, $mapLayer, $mapLayerGroup); return $mapDefinition; } function CreateWebLay($factory, $resId, $useBasicViewer) { // Inputs for WebLayout $layoutName = WebLay::LayoutName; $webLayout = $factory->CreateWebLayout($layoutName, $resId, $useBasicViewer); return $webLayout; } function DisplayPaging($index, $resName, $schemaName, $className, $sessionId, $maxEntries, $currentPage, $maxPage, $lastEntry) { // Display paging if($index!=0) { echo '<<' . PageNavigation::First . ''; echo '   '; echo '<' . PageNavigation::Prev . ''; } else echo '<<' . PageNavigation::First . '   <' . PageNavigation::Prev; echo '   ' . sprintf(PageNavigation::Current, $currentPage, $maxPage) . '   '; if($currentPage<$maxPage) { echo '' . PageNavigation::Next . '>'; echo '   '; echo '' . PageNavigation::Last . '>>'; } else echo PageNavigation::Next . '>   ' . PageNavigation::Last . '>>'; } function GetClientIp() { $clientIp = ""; if (array_key_exists('HTTP_CLIENT_IP', $_SERVER) && strcasecmp($_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'], 'unknown') != 0) { $clientIp = $_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP']; } else if (array_key_exists('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR', $_SERVER) && strcasecmp($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'], 'unknown') != 0) { $clientIp = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']; } else if (array_key_exists('REMOTE_ADDR', $_SERVER)) { $clientIp = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; } return $clientIp; } function GetClientAgent() { return "MapGuide Developer"; } ?>