main($testsRun); } class Run { //Define any private data members here private $unitTestVm; private $unitTestResultVm; private $apiCall; private $unitTestDb; private $validate; private $operation; public function main(&$testsRun, $file=null) { $status=-1; //Print HTML tags for the result page if ($_POST['output']=="html") { header('Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8'); HtmlPrinter::PrintHtmlHeader("Test Results"); HtmlPrinter::PrintFormHeader("Run.php"); } //Open the file here if the file resource is null. //This is in the case a test is executed from HTML form. if (null == $file) { $file=fopen("UnitTests.log", "w"); } //If initialization is successful then run the test and clean up if (self::Initialize()) { $status = self::RunTest($testsRun, $file); self::CleanUp(); } //Close HTML tags for the output if ($_POST['output']=="html") { HtmlPrinter::PrintHtmlFooter(); } return $status; } function Initialize() { try { //Retrieves data from the $_POST array. //Initializes objects that will required during the test execution if (!isset($_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'])) { $url="http://localhost/mapguide/mapagent/mapagent.fcgi"; } else { $url="http://".$_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'].":".$_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']."/mapguide/mapagent/mapagent.fcgi"; } $testName=$_POST['testName']; $dbName = Utils::GetPath($_POST[$testName.":dbPath"]); if (file_exists($dbName)) { $status = true; $this->unitTestDb = new SqliteDB(); $this->unitTestDb->Open("$dbName"); $this->unitTestVm = new SqliteVM($this->unitTestDb); $this->unitTestResultVm = new SqliteVM($this->unitTestDb); $this->operation = new ExecuteOperation($_POST['requestType'], $this->unitTestDb, $url); $this->validate = new Validate($this->unitTestDb); } else { //TODO: What to do when the database is missing print("Cannot find database. Where did you put my database: ".$dbName."?"); $status=false; } return $status; } catch (MgException $e) { print $e->GetExceptionMessage('en'); return false; } catch (SqliteException $s) { print $s->GetExceptionMessage(); return false; } } //Deletes all objects after the test execution function CleanUp() { try { unset($this->operation); unset($this->validate); $this->unitTestResultVm = null; $this->unitTestVm = null; $this->unitTestDb = null; } catch (MgException $e) { print $e->GetExceptionMessage('en'); } catch (SqliteException $s) { print $s->GetExceptionMessage(); } } //Runs a test function RunTest(&$testsRun, $file) { try { $actualResult=new Result(); $exitStatus=0; $testName=$_POST['testName']; //Add the test in the log file $entry="\n\n************************************************************\n"; $entry .= sprintf("Executing %s\n", $testName); $entry.="************************************************************\n\n"; fwrite($file, $entry); //Get the list of operations to be executed for this test. This list should comma separated, no spaces. $this->unitTestVm->Execute("Select ParamSets from TestCase where TestName=\"$testName\""); $sets = $this->unitTestVm->GetString("ParamSets"); $paramSet = strtok($sets, ","); if ($_POST['output']=="html") { //Start the HTML table for the results HtmlPrinter::PrintResultTableHeader($_POST['requestType']." Test ".$testName); } //For each operation in the list //Execute the operation and validate the result while ($paramSet != "") { $this->unitTestVm->Execute("Select ParamValue from Params where ParamSet=$paramSet AND ParamName=\"OPERATION\";"); $paramValue = $this->unitTestVm->GetString("ParamValue"); $testsRun++; //Add the operation to the log file $this->AddLogFileEntry($file, $paramValue, $paramSet, $this->unitTestResultVm); $actualResult = $this->operation->Execute($paramSet, $paramValue); if (substr_count($_POST['requestType'],"Http")) { $status = $this->validate->ValidateHttpRequest($_POST['testName'], $paramSet, $paramValue, $actualResult, $file); } else { $status = $this->validate->ValidateApiRequest($_POST['testName'], $paramSet, $paramValue, $actualResult, $file); } $exitStatus += $status; $paramSet = strtok(","); } //Closes the Html table. Also outputs hidden fields that are needed for Generation mode if ($_POST['output']=="html") { HtmlPrinter::printTableEnd(); HtmlPrinter::PrintGenerateFormHiddenFields(); HtmlPrinter::PrintFormFooter($_POST['requestType'], "Generate"); } if ($_POST['testExecutionMode'] == 'generate') { Utils::CreateDumpFile($this->unitTestDb); } return $exitStatus; } catch (MgException $e) { print $e->GetExceptionMessage("en")."\n"; } catch (SqliteException $s) { print $s->GetExceptionMessage()."\n"; } } function AddLogFileEntry($file, $operation, $paramSet, $vm) { fwrite($file, "\nParamSet: ".$paramSet."\n"); $status = $vm->Execute("Select * from Params where ParamSet=$paramSet"); while ($status==SQLITE_ROW) { $paramName = $vm->GetString("ParamName"); $paramValue = $vm->GetString("ParamValue"); $entry = sprintf("%s: %s\n", $paramName, $paramValue); fwrite($file, $entry); $status = $vm->NextRow(); } } } ?>