#region Disclaimer / License // Copyright (C) 2010, Jackie Ng // http://trac.osgeo.org/mapguide/wiki/maestro, jumpinjackie@gmail.com // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA // #endregion using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using Aga.Controls.Tree; using OSGeo.MapGuide.MaestroAPI; using OSGeo.MapGuide.ObjectModels.Common; using System.Drawing; using System.Diagnostics; using OSGeo.MapGuide.MaestroAPI.Resource; using System.Collections.ObjectModel; using Maestro.Base.Services; namespace Maestro.Base.UI { /// /// Models an object in the repository /// public class RepositoryItem { private Dictionary _children; private bool _notify = false; public RepositoryItem(IRepositoryItem item) { _name = string.Empty; _children = new Dictionary(); this.CreatedDate = item.CreatedDate; this.ModifiedDate = item.ModifiedDate; this.Owner = item.Owner; this.ResourceId = item.ResourceId; this.ResourceType = item.ResourceType.ToString(); this.Name = item.Name; //set name last because update logic requires other properties be set already if (this.IsRoot) { this.Icon = Properties.Resources.server; } else { switch (item.ResourceType) { case ResourceTypes.DrawingSource: this.Icon = Properties.Resources.blueprints; break; case ResourceTypes.FeatureSource: this.Icon = Properties.Resources.database_share; break; case ResourceTypes.Folder: this.Icon = Properties.Resources.folder_horizontal; break; case ResourceTypes.LayerDefinition: this.Icon = Properties.Resources.layer; break; case ResourceTypes.MapDefinition: this.Icon = Properties.Resources.map; break; case ResourceTypes.WebLayout: this.Icon = Properties.Resources.application_browser; break; case ResourceTypes.ApplicationDefinition: this.Icon = Properties.Resources.applications_stack; break; case ResourceTypes.SymbolLibrary: this.Icon = Properties.Resources.images_stack; break; case ResourceTypes.PrintLayout: this.Icon = Properties.Resources.printer; break; default: this.Icon = Properties.Resources.document; break; } } _notify = true; } public bool Contains(string name) { return _children.ContainsKey(name); } public RepositoryItem this[string name] { get { return _children[name]; } } internal RepositoryTreeModel Model { get; set; } public RepositoryItem Parent { get; private set; } public IEnumerable Children { get { return _children.Values; } } public string NameQualified { get { if (this.ResourceType == ResourceTypes.Folder.ToString()) return this.Name; else return this.Name + "." + this.ResourceType; } } internal void AddChildWithoutNotification(RepositoryItem item) { item.Parent = this; _children.Add(item.NameQualified, item); } internal void RemoveChildWithoutNotification(RepositoryItem item) { if (_children.ContainsKey(item.NameQualified) && item.Parent == this) { if (_children.Remove(item.NameQualified)) { item.Parent = null; } } } public void AddChild(RepositoryItem item) { item.Parent = this; _children.Add(item.NameQualified, item); NotifyStructureChanged(this); } public void RemoveChild(RepositoryItem item) { if (_children.ContainsKey(item.NameQualified) && item.Parent == this) { if (_children.Remove(item.NameQualified)) { item.Parent = null; NotifyStructureChanged(this); } } } private void NotifyStructureChanged(RepositoryItem repositoryItem) { if (!_notify) return; var model = FindModel(); if (model != null && this.Parent != null) { TreePath path = model.GetPath(repositoryItem); if (path != null) { var args = new TreePathEventArgs(path); model.RaiseStructureChanged(args); } } } public bool IsRoot { get { return this.ResourceId == "Library://"; } } public string ResourceId { get; internal set; } private string _name; public string Name { get { return _name; } set { var oldq = this.NameQualified; _name = value; if (!oldq.Equals(this.NameQualified)) { if (IsRoot) return; string parentid = ResourceIdentifier.GetParentFolder(this.ResourceId); this.ResourceId = parentid + this.NameQualified + ((IsFolder) ? "/" : ""); NotifyNodesChanged(); } } } /// /// Finds the first attached model /// /// private RepositoryTreeModel FindModel() { RepositoryItem item = this; while (item != null) { if (item.Model != null) return item.Model; item = item.Parent; } return null; } private void NotifyNodesChanged() { if (!_notify) return; var model = FindModel(); if (model != null) { TreePath path = model.GetPath(this); if (path != null) { var args = new TreeModelEventArgs(path, new object[] { this }); model.RaiseNodesChanged(args); } } } public string ResourceType { get; internal set; } private string _owner; public string Owner { get { return _owner; } set { _owner = value; NotifyNodesChanged(); } } public DateTime CreatedDate { get; internal set; } public DateTime ModifiedDate { get; internal set; } public bool IsFolder { get { return this.ResourceId.EndsWith("/"); } } public Image Icon { get; internal set; } internal void ClearChildrenWithoutNotification() { _children.Clear(); } private bool _open = false; private bool _dirty = false; //private bool _clipboarded = false; internal bool IsOpen { get { return _open; } set { _open = value; _dirty = !value; this.NotifyNodesChanged(); } } internal bool IsDirty { get { return _dirty; } set { _dirty = value; _open = !value; this.NotifyNodesChanged(); } } public enum ClipboardAction { Copy, Cut, None } private ClipboardAction _action = ClipboardAction.None; public ClipboardAction ClipboardState { get { return _action; } set { _action = value; this.NotifyNodesChanged(); } } internal void Reset() { _action = ClipboardAction.None; _dirty = false; _open = false; this.NotifyNodesChanged(); } } public class RepositoryItemToolTipProvider : IToolTipProvider { public string GetToolTip(TreeNodeAdv node, Aga.Controls.Tree.NodeControls.NodeControl nodeControl) { RepositoryItem item = node.Tag as RepositoryItem; if (item != null && !item.IsRoot) { return string.Format(Properties.Resources.SITE_EXPLORER_TOOLTIP_TEMPLATE, Environment.NewLine, item.Name, item.ResourceType, item.CreatedDate, item.ModifiedDate, item.Owner); } return string.Empty; } } /// /// Defines the repository model for the treeview /// public class RepositoryTreeModel : TreeModelBase { private RepositoryItem _rootNode; private TreeViewAdv _tree; private string _connectionName; private IServerConnection _conn; private OpenResourceManager _openResMgr; private ClipboardService _clip; public RepositoryTreeModel(IServerConnection conn, TreeViewAdv tree, string connName, OpenResourceManager openResMgr, ClipboardService clip) { _conn = conn; _tree = tree; _connectionName = connName; _openResMgr = openResMgr; _clip = clip; } private System.Collections.IEnumerable GetSorted(ResourceList list) { //Sort them before returning them SortedList folders = new SortedList(); SortedList docs = new SortedList(); foreach (var item in list.Children) { var it = new RepositoryItem(item); it.Model = this; if (it.IsFolder) folders.Add(it.ResourceId, it); else docs.Add(it.ResourceId, it); } foreach (var folder in folders.Values) { yield return folder; } foreach (var doc in docs.Values) { yield return doc; } } /// /// Restores node ui state from before refresh /// /// private void ApplyCurrentItemState(RepositoryItem item) { if (_openResMgr.IsOpen(item.ResourceId)) { item.IsOpen = true; var ed = _openResMgr.GetOpenEditor(item.ResourceId); if (ed.IsDirty) item.IsDirty = true; } item.ClipboardState = _clip.GetClipboardState(item.ResourceId); } public override System.Collections.IEnumerable GetChildren(TreePath treePath) { if (treePath.IsEmpty()) { var list = _conn.ResourceService.GetRepositoryResources("Library://", 0); if (list.Items.Count != 1) { throw new InvalidOperationException(); //Huh? } _rootNode = new RepositoryItem((IRepositoryItem)list.Items[0]); _rootNode.Name = _connectionName; _rootNode.Model = this; yield return _rootNode; } else { var node = treePath.LastNode as RepositoryItem; if (node != null && node.IsFolder) //Can't enumerate children of documents { node.ClearChildrenWithoutNotification(); var list = _conn.ResourceService.GetRepositoryResources(node.ResourceId, "", 1, false); foreach (RepositoryItem item in GetSorted(list)) { node.AddChildWithoutNotification(item); ApplyCurrentItemState(item); yield return item; } } else { yield break; } } } public override void Refresh() { //We have to override this because the base impl does not //preserve the tree path of the selected node (and thus expand //all the nodes from the root to this node) // //Which is also why we need to pass a reference to //the TreeViewAdv in the ctor var selected = _tree.GetPath(_tree.SelectedNode); OnStructureChanged(new TreePathEventArgs(selected)); } public override bool IsLeaf(TreePath treePath) { return !((RepositoryItem)treePath.LastNode).IsFolder; } internal void RaiseNodesChanged(TreeModelEventArgs args) { base.OnNodesChanged(args); } internal TreePath GetPath(RepositoryItem node) { if (node == _rootNode) { return new TreePath(node); } else { Stack stack = new Stack(); while (node != _rootNode) { stack.Push(node); node = node.Parent; } stack.Push(node); return new TreePath(stack.ToArray()); } } internal void RaiseStructureChanged(TreePathEventArgs args) { base.OnStructureChanged(args); } internal TreePath GetPathFromResourceId(string resId) { if ("Library://".Equals(resId)) return GetPath(_rootNode); string[] components = ResourceIdentifier.GetPath(resId).Split('/'); if (!ResourceIdentifier.IsFolderResource(resId)) { //Fix extension to last component components[components.Length - 1] = components[components.Length - 1] + "." + ResourceIdentifier.GetResourceType(resId).ToString(); } RepositoryItem current = _rootNode; for (int i = 0; i < components.Length; i++) { if (current.Contains(components[i])) current = current[components[i]]; else return null; } return GetPath(current); } } }