#region Disclaimer / License // Copyright (C) 2009, Kenneth Skovhede // http://www.hexad.dk, opensource@hexad.dk // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA // #endregion using System; using System.IO; namespace OSGeo.MapGuide.MaestroAPI.Serialization { /// /// A utility for serializing objects to the internal MapGuide Format /// public class MgBinaryDeserializer { private Stream m_stream; private byte[] m_buf = new byte[Math.Max(MgBinarySerializer.DoubleLen, MgBinarySerializer.UInt64Len)]; private Version m_siteVersion; /// /// Gets the site version. /// /// The site version. public Version SiteVersion { get { return m_siteVersion; } } /// /// Initializes a new instance of the class. /// /// The stream. /// The siteversion. public MgBinaryDeserializer(Stream stream, Version siteversion) { m_stream = stream; m_siteVersion = siteversion; } private MgStreamHeader ReadStreamHeader() { MgStreamHeader h = new MgStreamHeader(); m_stream.Read(m_buf, 0, MgBinarySerializer.UInt32Len); h.StreamStart = (MgStreamHeaderValues)BitConverter.ToUInt32(ReadStream(MgBinarySerializer.UInt32Len), 0); h.StreamVersion = BitConverter.ToUInt32(ReadStream(MgBinarySerializer.UInt32Len), 0); h.StreamDataHdr = (MgStreamHeaderValues)BitConverter.ToUInt32(ReadStream(MgBinarySerializer.UInt32Len), 0); return h; } private MgArgumentPacket ReadArgumentPacket() { MgArgumentPacket p = new MgArgumentPacket(); p.PacketHeader = (MgPacketHeader)BitConverter.ToUInt32(ReadStream(MgBinarySerializer.UInt32Len), 0); p.ArgumentType = (MgArgumentType)BitConverter.ToUInt32(ReadStream(MgBinarySerializer.UInt32Len), 0); if (p.ArgumentType == MgArgumentType.String) p.Length = BitConverter.ToUInt32(ReadStream(MgBinarySerializer.UInt32Len), 0); return p; } private MgBinaryStreamArgumentPacket ReadBinaryStreamArgumentPacket() { MgBinaryStreamArgumentPacket p = new MgBinaryStreamArgumentPacket(); p.PacketHeader = (MgPacketHeader)BitConverter.ToUInt32(ReadStream(MgBinarySerializer.UInt32Len), 0); p.ArgumentType = (MgArgumentType)BitConverter.ToUInt32(ReadStream(MgBinarySerializer.UInt32Len), 0); p.Version = BitConverter.ToUInt32(ReadStream(MgBinarySerializer.UInt32Len), 0); p.Length = BitConverter.ToUInt64(ReadStream(MgBinarySerializer.UInt64Len), 0); return p; } /// /// Reads the string. /// /// public string ReadString() { MgArgumentPacket p = ReadArgumentPacket(); if (p.ArgumentType != MgArgumentType.String) throw new InvalidCastException("Data in stream had type: " + p.ArgumentType.ToString() + ", type \"string\" was expected"); if (m_siteVersion >= SiteVersions.GetVersion(KnownSiteVersions.MapGuideOS1_2)) { return ReadInternalString(); } else { byte[] buf = ReadStreamRepeat((int)p.Length); string b = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(buf); //Chop of C zero terminator... Why store it, when the length is also present? return b.Substring(0, b.Length - 1); } } /// /// Reads the internal string. /// /// public string ReadInternalString() { int charwidth = m_stream.ReadByte(); System.Text.Encoding ec; switch(charwidth) { case 1: ec = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8; break; case 2: ec = System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("UTF-16"); break; default: throw new Exception("Failed to get valid string char width"); } byte[] t = ReadStreamRepeat(MgBinarySerializer.UInt32Len); int len = BitConverter.ToInt32(t, 0); string b = ec.GetString(ReadStreamRepeat(len * charwidth)); //Chop of C zero terminator... Why store it, when the length is also present? return b.Substring(0, b.Length - 1); } /// /// Reads the resource identifier. /// /// public string ReadResourceIdentifier() { int classId = ReadClassId(); if (classId == 0) return null; if (m_siteVersion <= SiteVersions.GetVersion(KnownSiteVersions.MapGuideEP1_1) && classId != 12003) throw new Exception("Object was not a resourceidentifier"); if (m_siteVersion > SiteVersions.GetVersion(KnownSiteVersions.MapGuideEP1_1) && classId != 11500) throw new Exception("Object was not a resourceidentifier"); if (m_siteVersion >= SiteVersions.GetVersion(KnownSiteVersions.MapGuideOS1_2)) return ReadInternalString(); else return ReadString(); } /// /// Reads the int64. /// /// public long ReadInt64() { MgArgumentPacket p = ReadArgumentPacket(); if (p.ArgumentType != MgArgumentType.INT64) throw new InvalidCastException("Data in stream had type: " + p.ArgumentType.ToString() + ", type \"Int64\" was expected"); return BitConverter.ToInt64(ReadStream(MgBinarySerializer.UInt64Len), 0); } /// /// Reads the int32. /// /// public int ReadInt32() { MgArgumentPacket p = ReadArgumentPacket(); if (p.ArgumentType != MgArgumentType.INT32) throw new InvalidCastException("Data in stream had type: " + p.ArgumentType.ToString() + ", type \"Int32\" was expected"); return BitConverter.ToInt32(ReadStream(MgBinarySerializer.UInt32Len), 0); } /// /// Reads the int16. /// /// public short ReadInt16() { MgArgumentPacket p = ReadArgumentPacket(); if (p.ArgumentType != MgArgumentType.INT16) throw new InvalidCastException("Data in stream had type: " + p.ArgumentType.ToString() + ", type \"Int16\" was expected"); return BitConverter.ToInt16(ReadStream(MgBinarySerializer.UInt16Len), 0); } /// /// Reads the bool. /// /// public bool ReadBool() { return ReadByte() != 0; } /// /// Reads the byte. /// /// public byte ReadByte() { MgArgumentPacket p = ReadArgumentPacket(); if (p.ArgumentType != MgArgumentType.INT8) throw new InvalidCastException("Data in stream had type: " + p.ArgumentType.ToString() + ", type \"Int8\" was expected"); return (byte)m_stream.ReadByte(); } /// /// Reads the single. /// /// public float ReadSingle() { MgArgumentPacket p = ReadArgumentPacket(); if (p.ArgumentType != MgArgumentType.Float) throw new InvalidCastException("Data in stream had type: " + p.ArgumentType.ToString() + ", type \"Float\" was expected"); return BitConverter.ToSingle(ReadStream(MgBinarySerializer.FloatLen), 0); } /// /// Reads the double. /// /// public double ReadDouble() { MgArgumentPacket p = ReadArgumentPacket(); if (p.ArgumentType != MgArgumentType.Double) throw new InvalidCastException("Data in stream had type: " + p.ArgumentType.ToString() + ", type \"Double\" was expected"); return BitConverter.ToDouble(ReadStream(MgBinarySerializer.DoubleLen), 0); } /// /// Reads the coordinates. /// /// public double[] ReadCoordinates() { int classid = ReadClassId(); if (m_siteVersion <= SiteVersions.GetVersion(KnownSiteVersions.MapGuideEP1_1) && classid != 18000) throw new Exception("Coordinate expected, but got object: " + classid.ToString()); if (m_siteVersion > SiteVersions.GetVersion(KnownSiteVersions.MapGuideEP1_1) && classid != 20000) throw new Exception("Coordinate expected, but got object: " + classid.ToString()); int count = ReadInt32(); int dimensions = ReadInt32(); if (dimensions == 0) dimensions = 2; else if (dimensions > 4) throw new Exception("Coordinate count reported: " + dimensions.ToString() + ", for a single coordinate"); double[] args = new double[dimensions * count]; for(int i = 0;i < (dimensions * count); i++) args[i] = ReadDouble(); return args; } /// /// Reads the stream. /// /// public Stream ReadStream() { MgBinaryStreamArgumentPacket p = ReadBinaryStreamArgumentPacket(); if (p.ArgumentType != MgArgumentType.Stream) throw new InvalidCastException("Data in stream had type: " + p.ArgumentType.ToString() + ", type \"Stream\" was expected"); if (ReadBool()) return null; //TODO: If the stream is large, we use a lot of memory, perhaps the filebacked async stream could be used //Due to the annoying embedded buffer size markers, we cannot return the stream 'as is' Grrrrrr! int r; ulong remain = p.Length; byte[] buf = new byte[1024 * 8]; MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); do { int blocksize = ReadInt32(); r = 1; while( r > 0 && blocksize > 0) { r = m_stream.Read(buf, 0, (int)Math.Min((ulong)remain, (ulong)buf.Length)); blocksize -= r; remain -= (ulong)r; ms.Write(buf, 0, r); } if (blocksize != 0) throw new Exception("Stream ended prematurely"); } while (remain > 0); ms.Position = 0; return ms; } /// /// Reads the class id. /// /// public int ReadClassId() { MgArgumentPacket p = ReadArgumentPacket(); if (p.ArgumentType != MgArgumentType.ClassId) throw new InvalidCastException("Data in stream had type: " + p.ArgumentType.ToString() + ", type \"ClassId\" was expected"); return BitConverter.ToInt32(ReadStream(MgBinarySerializer.UInt32Len), 0); } /// /// Reads the stream end. /// public void ReadStreamEnd() { int v = BitConverter.ToInt32(ReadStream(MgBinarySerializer.UInt32Len), 0); if (v != (int)MgStreamHeaderValues.StreamEnd) throw new Exception("The read value was: " + v.ToString() + " while " + ((int)MgStreamHeaderValues.StreamEnd).ToString() + " was expected"); } /// /// Reads the object. /// /// public IBinarySerializable ReadObject() { int classId = ReadClassId(); if (classId == 0) return null; IBinarySerializable obj = null; switch(classId) { case 0: break; default: throw new Exception("Unknown object type: " + classId.ToString()); } obj.Deserialize(this); return obj; } /// /// Reads the stream repeat. /// /// The len. /// public byte[] ReadStreamRepeat(int len) { byte[] buf = new byte[len]; ReadStreamRepeat(buf, 0, len); return buf; } /// /// Internal helper that will read from a potentially fragmented stream /// /// The buf. /// The offset. /// The number of bytes to read public void ReadStreamRepeat(byte[] buf, int offset, int len) { int r; int _offset = 0; if (buf.Length < len + offset) throw new OverflowException("Buffer is too small"); do { r = m_stream.Read(buf, offset + _offset, len - _offset); _offset += r; } while (r > 0); if (_offset != len) throw new Exception("Stream exhausted while reading " + len.ToString() + " bytes"); } /// /// Helper function that will throw an exception if the stream is unexceptedly exhausted /// /// The number of bytes to read /// The internal buffer object private byte[] ReadStream(int len) { ReadStreamRepeat(m_buf, 0, len); return m_buf; } } }