#region Disclaimer / License // Copyright (C) 2010, Jackie Ng // http://trac.osgeo.org/mapguide/wiki/maestro, jumpinjackie@gmail.com // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA // #endregion using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using System.Xml; using System.Xml.Serialization; using OSGeo.MapGuide.MaestroAPI; using OSGeo.MapGuide.MaestroAPI.Resource; using OSGeo.MapGuide.ObjectModels.ApplicationDefinition; using System.Collections.Specialized; #pragma warning disable 1591, 0114, 0108 namespace OSGeo.MapGuide.ObjectModels.ApplicationDefinition_1_0_0 { partial class CustomContentType : IExtension { XmlElement[] IExtension.Content { get { return this.Any; } set { this.Any = value; } } } partial class ApplicationDefinitionType : IApplicationDefinition, IMapSet { internal ApplicationDefinitionType() { this.Extension = new CustomContentType() { Any = new XmlElement[0] }; } private static readonly Version RES_VERSION = new Version(1, 0, 0); public string[] GetAllReferenceableWidgetNames() { List names = new List(); foreach (var ws in this.WidgetSets) { foreach (var wgt in ws.Widgets) { names.Add(wgt.Name); } } return names.ToArray(); } public IMapWidget CreateMapWidget(string mapId, string contextMenuId) { var map = new MapWidgetType() { MapId = mapId, Name = "Map", Type = "Map", Extension = new CustomContentType() { Any = new XmlElement[0] } }; map.SetValue("MenuContainer", contextMenuId); return map; } public IWidgetItem CreateWidgetReference(string name) { return new WidgetItemType() { Function = UiItemFunctionType.Widget, Widget = name }; } public ISeparator CreateSeparator() { return new SeparatorItemType() { Function = UiItemFunctionType.Separator }; } public IFlyoutItem CreateFlyout(string label) { return new FlyoutItemType() { Function = UiItemFunctionType.Flyout, Label = label, Item = new System.ComponentModel.BindingList() }; } public IMapGroup AddMapGroup(string id, bool singleTile, string mapDefinitionId) { var map = new MapGroupType() { id = id, Map = new System.ComponentModel.BindingList() { new MapType() { Type = "MapGuide", SingleTile = singleTile.ToString(), Extension = new CustomContentType() { Any = new XmlElement[1] } } }, }; map.Map[0].Extension.Any[0] = AppDefDocument.Instance.CreateElement("ResourceId"); map.Map[0].Extension.Any[0].InnerText = mapDefinitionId; this.MapSet.Add(map); return map; } public IMapGroup AddMapGroup(string id, bool singleTile, string mapDefinitionId, double centerX, double centerY, double scale) { var map = AddMapGroup(id, singleTile, mapDefinitionId); map.InitialView = new MapViewType() { CenterX = centerX, CenterY = centerY, Scale = scale }; return map; } [XmlIgnore] public OSGeo.MapGuide.MaestroAPI.IServerConnection CurrentConnection { get; set; } private string _resId; [XmlIgnore] public string ResourceID { get { return _resId; } set { if (!ResourceIdentifier.Validate(value)) throw new InvalidOperationException("Not a valid resource identifier"); //LOCALIZE var res = new ResourceIdentifier(value); if (res.Extension != ResourceTypes.ApplicationDefinition.ToString()) throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid resource identifier for this type of object: " + res.Extension); //LOCALIZE _resId = value; this.OnPropertyChanged("ResourceID"); } } [XmlIgnore] public ResourceTypes ResourceType { get { return ResourceTypes.ApplicationDefinition; } } [XmlIgnore] public Version ResourceVersion { get { return RES_VERSION; } } object ICloneable.Clone() { return this.Clone(); } [XmlAttribute("noNamespaceSchemaLocation", Namespace = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance")] public string ValidatingSchema { get { return "ApplicationDefinition-1.0.0.xsd"; } set { } } [XmlIgnore] public bool IsStronglyTyped { get { return true; } } IMapGroup IMapSet.GetGroupAt(int index) { return this.MapSet[index]; } IWidget IApplicationDefinition.CreateWidget(string name, IWidgetInfo widgetInfo) { var wparams = widgetInfo.Parameters; IWidget widget = null; if (widgetInfo.StandardUi) { widget = new UiWidgetType() { Disabled = "false", Extension = new CustomContentType() { Any = new XmlElement[0] }, ImageClass = widgetInfo.ImageClass, ImageUrl = widgetInfo.ImageUrl, Label = widgetInfo.Label, Location = widgetInfo.Location ?? string.Empty, //Required to satisfy content model Name = name, StatusText = widgetInfo.StatusText ?? string.Empty, //Required to satisfy content model Tooltip = widgetInfo.Tooltip, Type = widgetInfo.Type }; } else { widget = new WidgetType() { Extension = new CustomContentType() { Any = new XmlElement[0] }, Location = widgetInfo.Location ?? string.Empty, //Required to satisfy content model Name = name, Type = widgetInfo.Type, }; } NameValueCollection extProperties = new NameValueCollection(); foreach (var wp in widgetInfo.Parameters) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(wp.DefaultValue)) { extProperties.Add(wp.Name, wp.DefaultValue); } else { extProperties.Add(wp.Name, string.Empty); } } widget.SetAllValues(extProperties); return widget; } private XmlElement CreateExtensionElement(IWidgetParameter wparam) { var el = AppDefDocument.Instance.CreateElement(wparam.Name); el.InnerText = wparam.DefaultValue; return el; } IUIItemContainer IApplicationDefinition.CreateContainer(string name, IApplicationDefinitionContainerInfo containerInfo) { return new UiItemContainerType() { Name = name, Type = containerInfo.Type, Item = new System.ComponentModel.BindingList(), Extension = new CustomContentType() { Any = new XmlElement[0] } }; } [XmlIgnore] IMapSet IApplicationDefinition.MapSet { get { return this; } } [XmlIgnore] IExtension IExtensibleElement.Extension { get { return this.Extension; } } [XmlIgnore] IEnumerable IMapSet.MapGroups { get { foreach (var grp in this.MapSet) { yield return grp; } } } [XmlIgnore] int IMapSet.MapGroupCount { get { return this.MapSet.Count; } } void IMapSet.AddGroup(IMapGroup group) { var grp = group as MapGroupType; if (grp != null) { this.MapSet.Add(grp); OnPropertyChanged("MapSet"); } } void IMapSet.RemoveGroup(IMapGroup group) { var grp = group as MapGroupType; if (grp != null) { this.MapSet.Remove(grp); OnPropertyChanged("MapSet"); } } [XmlIgnore] public IEnumerable WidgetSets { get { foreach (var wset in this.WidgetSet) { yield return wset; } } } public void AddWidgetSet(IWidgetSet set) { var wset = set as WidgetSetType; if (wset != null) { this.WidgetSet.Add(wset); OnPropertyChanged("WidgetSet"); } } public void RemoveWidgetSet(IWidgetSet set) { var wset = set as WidgetSetType; if (wset != null) { this.WidgetSet.Remove(wset); OnPropertyChanged("WidgetSet"); } } public IWidgetSet CreateWidgetSet(IMapWidget mapWidget) { return new WidgetSetType() { Widget = new System.ComponentModel.BindingList(), Container = new System.ComponentModel.BindingList(), MapWidget = (MapWidgetType)mapWidget }; } } partial class UiItemContainerType : IUIItemContainer { public int ItemCount { get { return this.Item.Count; } } [XmlIgnore] public IEnumerable Items { get { foreach (var it in this.Item) { yield return it; } } } public bool MoveUp(IUIItem item) { var idx = GetIndex(item); if (idx > 0) { RemoveItem(item); Insert(item, idx - 1); return true; } return false; } public bool MoveDown(IUIItem item) { var idx = GetIndex(item); if (idx < this.Item.Count - 1) { RemoveItem(item); Insert(item, idx + 1); return true; } return false; } public int GetIndex(IUIItem item) { var it = item as UiItemType; if (it != null) { return this.Item.IndexOf(it); } return -1; } public void Insert(IUIItem item, int index) { var it = item as UiItemType; if (it != null) { this.Item.Insert(index, it); it.Parent = this; OnPropertyChanged("Item"); } } public void AddItem(IUIItem item) { var it = item as UiItemType; if (it != null) { this.Item.Add(it); it.Parent = this; OnPropertyChanged("Item"); } } public void RemoveItem(IUIItem item) { var it = item as UiItemType; if (it != null) { this.Item.Remove(it); it.Parent = null; OnPropertyChanged("Item"); } } } partial class FlyoutItemType : IFlyoutItem { [XmlIgnore] public int ItemCount { get { return this.Item.Count; } } [XmlIgnore] public IEnumerable Items { get { foreach (var it in this.Item) { yield return it; } } } public bool MoveUp(IUIItem item) { var idx = GetIndex(item); if (idx > 0) { RemoveItem(item); Insert(item, idx - 1); return true; } return false; } public bool MoveDown(IUIItem item) { var idx = GetIndex(item); if (idx < this.Item.Count - 1) { RemoveItem(item); Insert(item, idx + 1); return true; } return false; } public int GetIndex(IUIItem item) { var it = item as UiItemType; if (it != null) { return this.Item.IndexOf(it); } return -1; } public void Insert(IUIItem item, int index) { var it = item as UiItemType; if (it != null) { this.Item.Insert(index, it); it.Parent = this; OnPropertyChanged("Item"); } } public void AddItem(IUIItem item) { var it = item as UiItemType; if (it != null) { this.Item.Add(it); it.Parent = this; OnPropertyChanged("Item"); } } public void RemoveItem(IUIItem item) { var it = item as UiItemType; if (it != null) { this.Item.Remove(it); it.Parent = null; OnPropertyChanged("Item"); } } } partial class UiItemType : IUIItem { [XmlIgnore] public IMenu Parent { get; set; } } partial class WidgetItemType : IWidgetItem { } partial class SeparatorItemType : ISeparator { } partial class WidgetSetType : IWidgetSet { [XmlIgnore] public IEnumerable Containers { get { foreach (var cnt in this.Container) { yield return cnt; } } } [XmlIgnore] public int ContainerCount { get { return this.Container.Count; } } public void AddContainer(IWidgetContainer container) { var cnt = container as ContainerType; if (cnt != null) { this.Container.Add(cnt); OnPropertyChanged("Container"); } } public void RemoveContainer(IWidgetContainer container) { var cnt = container as ContainerType; if (cnt != null) { this.Container.Remove(cnt); OnPropertyChanged("Container"); } } [XmlIgnore] IMapWidget IWidgetSet.MapWidget { get { return this.MapWidget; } } [XmlIgnore] public int WidgetCount { get { return this.Widget.Count; } } [XmlIgnore] public IEnumerable Widgets { get { foreach (var wgt in this.Widget) { yield return wgt; } } } public void AddWidget(IWidget widget) { var wgt = widget as WidgetType; if (wgt != null) { this.Widget.Add(wgt); } } public void RemoveWidget(IWidget widget) { var wgt = widget as WidgetType; if (wgt != null) { this.Widget.Remove(wgt); } } } partial class ContainerType : IWidgetContainer { [XmlIgnore] IExtension IExtensibleElement.Extension { get { return this.Extension; } } } partial class WidgetType : IWidget { [XmlIgnore] IExtension IExtensibleElement.Extension { get { return this.Extension; } } string IWidget.ToXml() { return this.Serialize(); } } partial class UiWidgetType : IUIWidget { IUIWidget IUIWidget.Clone() { var clone = new UiWidgetType() { Disabled = this.Disabled, ImageClass = this.ImageClass, ImageUrl = this.ImageUrl, Label = this.Label, Location = this.Location, Name = this.Name, StatusText = this.StatusText, Tooltip = this.Tooltip, Type = this.Type, Extension = new CustomContentType() { Any = new XmlElement[0] } }; var ext = this.GetAllValues(); if (ext.Count > 0) clone.SetAllValues(ext); return clone; } } partial class MapWidgetType : IMapWidget { } partial class MapViewType : IMapView { } partial class MapGroupType : IMapGroup { IMap IMapGroup.CreateCmsMapEntry(string type, bool singleTile, string name, string olType) { var el = AppDefDocument.Instance.CreateElement("Options"); var n = AppDefDocument.Instance.CreateElement("name"); var t = AppDefDocument.Instance.CreateElement("type"); n.InnerText = name; t.InnerText = olType; el.AppendChild(n); el.AppendChild(t); return new MapType() { Extension = new CustomContentType() { Any = new XmlElement[] { el } }, SingleTile = "true", Type = type }; } IMapView IMapGroup.CreateInitialView(double x, double y, double scale) { return new MapViewType() { CenterX = x, CenterY = y, Scale = scale }; } [XmlIgnore] int IMapGroup.MapCount { get { return this.Map.Count; } } IMap IMapGroup.GetMapAt(int index) { return (IMap)this.Map[index]; } [XmlIgnore] IMapView IMapGroup.InitialView { get { return this.InitialView; } set { this.InitialView = (MapViewType)value; } } [XmlIgnore] IEnumerable IMapGroup.Map { get { foreach (var map in this.Map) { yield return map; } } } public void AddMap(IMap map) { var m = map as MapType; if (m != null) { this.Map.Add(m); OnPropertyChanged("Map"); } } public void RemoveMap(IMap map) { var m = map as MapType; if (m != null) { this.Map.Remove(m); OnPropertyChanged("Map"); } } [XmlIgnore] IExtension IExtensibleElement.Extension { get { return this.Extension; } } } public class MapGuideOverlayOptions : IMapGuideOverlayOptions { public bool IsBaseLayer { get; set; } public bool UseOverlay { get; set; } public string Projection { get; set; } } partial class MapType : IMap { [XmlIgnore] IExtension IExtensibleElement.Extension { get { return this.Extension; } } [XmlIgnore] bool IMap.SingleTile { get { bool result; if (bool.TryParse(this.SingleTile, out result)) return result; return default(bool); } set { this.SingleTile = value.ToString(); } } public ICmsMapOptions CreateOptions(string name, string type) { return new MapOptions() { Name = name, Type = type }; } [XmlIgnore] public ICmsMapOptions CmsMapOptions { get { if (this.extensionField.Any.Length > 0) { var els = new List(this.extensionField.Any); for (int i = 0; i < els.Count; i++) { if (els[i].Name.Equals("Options")) { try { var n = els[i]["name"]; var t = els[i]["type"]; if (n != null && t != null) return new MapOptions() { Name = n.InnerText, Type = t.InnerText }; } catch { return null; } } } return null; } else { return null; } } set { if (this.Type.Equals("MapGuide")) throw new InvalidOperationException("CMS options are only available for non-MapGuide maps"); if (value == null) { if (this.extensionField.Any.Length > 0) { var els = new List(this.extensionField.Any); for (int i = 0; i < els.Count; i++) { if (els[i].Name.Equals("Options")) { els.RemoveAt(i); break; } } } } else { XmlElement el = null; if (this.Extension.Any.Length == 0) { el = AppDefDocument.Instance.CreateElement("Options"); var n = AppDefDocument.Instance.CreateElement("name"); var t = AppDefDocument.Instance.CreateElement("type"); n.InnerText = value.Name; t.InnerText = value.Type; el.AppendChild(n); el.AppendChild(t); this.Extension.Any = new XmlElement[] { el }; } else { var els = new List(this.extensionField.Any); for (int i = 0; i < els.Count; i++) { if (els[i].Name.Equals("Options")) { els[i].RemoveAll(); var n = AppDefDocument.Instance.CreateElement("name"); var t = AppDefDocument.Instance.CreateElement("type"); n.InnerText = value.Name; t.InnerText = value.Type; els[i].AppendChild(n); els[i].AppendChild(t); break; } } } } } } [XmlIgnore] public IMapGuideOverlayOptions OverlayOptions { /* From Fusion Wiki: Note that the commercial layer must be the base layer so any overlays must have the isBaseLayer: false option set. The projection tag is needed so that OpenLayers will initialize the layer in the same projection as the base map. false true EPSG:900913 */ get { if (this.extensionField.Any.Length > 0) { var els = new List(this.extensionField.Any); for (int i = 0; i < els.Count; i++) { if (els[i].Name.Equals("Options")) { try { var n = els[i]["isBaseLayer"]; var t = els[i]["useOverlay"]; var p = els[i]["projection"]; if (n != null && t != null) return CreateOverlayOptions(Convert.ToBoolean(n.InnerText), Convert.ToBoolean(t.InnerText), p.InnerText); } catch { return null; } } } return null; } else { return null; } } set { if (!this.Type.Equals("MapGuide")) throw new InvalidOperationException("Overlay options are only applicable to MapGuide maps"); //LOCALIZEME if (value == null) { if (this.extensionField.Any.Length > 0) { var els = new List(this.extensionField.Any); for (int i = 0; i < els.Count; i++) { if (els[i].Name.Equals("Options")) { els.RemoveAt(i); this.extensionField.Any = els.ToArray(); break; } } } } else { XmlElement el = null; if (this.Extension.Any.Length == 0) { el = AppDefDocument.Instance.CreateElement("Options"); this.Extension.Any = new XmlElement[] { el }; } else { var els = new List(this.extensionField.Any); for (int i = 0; i < els.Count; i++) { if (els[i].Name.Equals("Options")) { el = els[i]; break; } } if (el == null) { el = AppDefDocument.Instance.CreateElement("Options"); els.Add(el); this.Extension.Any = els.ToArray(); } } el.RemoveAll(); var n = el.OwnerDocument.CreateElement("isBaseLayer"); var t = el.OwnerDocument.CreateElement("useOverlay"); var p = el.OwnerDocument.CreateElement("projection"); n.InnerText = value.IsBaseLayer.ToString().ToLower(); t.InnerText = value.UseOverlay.ToString().ToLower(); p.InnerText = value.Projection; el.AppendChild(n); el.AppendChild(t); el.AppendChild(p); } } } public IMapGuideOverlayOptions CreateOverlayOptions(bool isBaseLayer, bool useOverlay, string projection) { return new MapGuideOverlayOptions() { IsBaseLayer = isBaseLayer, UseOverlay = useOverlay, Projection = projection }; } } public class MapOptions : ICmsMapOptions { public string Name { get; set; } public string Type { get; set; } } }