mg-desktop samples README ========================= The following samples all require the Sheboygan sample dataset. For these samples to build, copy your mg-desktop files (and its subfolders) into the Lib directory, you must use the correct build of mg-desktop for the version of VS you are using to open this solution file: - MgPortableSamples.sln: mg-desktop .net Framework 4.0, VC11 build Note that in order to use mg-desktop, your main executable must have CPU architecture set to x86 (because these are .net wrappers to 32-bit unmanaged dlls). All the executable projects in this solution have their CPU architecture set to x86 BasicSample =========== Demonstrates a basic Windows Forms Application that embeds the mg-desktop map viewer AdvancedSample ============== Demonstrates a Windows Forms Application that embeds the mg-desktop map viewer and shows how to do things like measuring and digitizing FreeFormSample ============== Demonstrates that the MgMapViewer control is like any other WinForms control, and that you can have your toolbar buttons on top of the viewer control itself, allowing for a minimal user interface. SampleExtension =============== The MapGuide Developer's Guide fully ported to mg-desktop in the form of an mg-desktop AppLayout extension module. This is the most comprehensive demonstration of the mg-desktop API To run this particular sample extension, build it in Visual Studio, then run from the command-line of the project's output directory: MgAppLayout.exe Sheboygan.AppLayout The Sheboygan.AppLayout document will instruct MgAppLayout.exe to load your SampleExtension and invoke the components within.