Next Generation Classes

By defining the preprocessor symbol NEXT_GENERATION_API when running SWIG to produce wrapper code, one can use the 'next generation' mapscript API. For example

swig -python -shadow -modern -DNEXT_GENERATION_API -o mapscript_wrap.c ../mapscript.i

The API changes in the next generation classes result from efforts to merge the best of the PHP-Mapscript and SWIG mapscript interfaces (Bugzilla issue 575 - As an example, see the documentation of layerObj.getShape.

Additionally, programmers can experiment with better mapscript class naming by defining the symbol NEXT_GENERATION_NAMES.

swig -python -shadow -modern -DNEXT_GENERATION_NAMES -DNEXT_GENERATION_API -o mapscript_wrap.c ../mapscript.i

The next generation class names are in capitalized camel case form: Map, Layer, OutputFormat, and so on rather than the standard --Obj names which are not clearly distinguished from class method names. We're all using object-oriented languages, so the Obj suffix is redundant. It is also a cross-language convention (see CPAN and the Python standard library) that package and class names be capitalized. Forming class names in a way distinctly different from class attributes and methods improves API clarity.

The features enabled by NEXT_GENERATION_API will almost certainly become standard in a future release. The next generation class names are more controversial and more likely to remain an option for users. Python users want them, and can easily port existing code to use the new names. For example:

import mapscript

# Rename the next generation classes for use with older code
mapscript.mapObj = mapscript.Map

# Continue with older code
mapobj = mapscript.mapObj('')