.. _example1-2: =========== Example 1.2 =========== Static Map with Two Layers -------------------------- .. image:: http://demo.mapserver.org/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe?map=/ms4w/apps/tutorial/htdocs/example1-2.map&layer=states_poly&layer=states_line&mode=map As in the first example, this image was generated by linking the source of the tag to this URL: ``_. This is how most of the examples in this section work. Anyway, you'll notice that the map here is the same as the first example. Yes, but the mapfile is different. Have a look. This is what the mapfile looks like: :ref:`Example1-2.map ` MapFile Structure ################# The mapfile structure, by objects, looks like this: :: MAP LAYER-|-LAYER CLASS-| |-CLASS STYLE-| |-STYLE Here we split the original layer into two layers. The first layer is still a polygon layer but the :ref:`STYLE object