.. _include: ***************************************************************************** INCLUDE ***************************************************************************** .. index:: pair: INCLUDE; MAP When this directive is encountered parsing switches to the included file immediately. As a result the included file can be comprised of any valid mapfile syntax. For example: .. code-block:: mapfile INCLUDE 'myLayer.map' Performance does not seem to be seriously impacted with limited use, however in high performance instances you may want to use includes in a pre-processing step to build a production mapfile. The C pre-processor can also be used (albeit with a different syntax) and is far more powerful. Notes ----- - Supported in versions 4.10 and higher. - The name of the file to be included **MUST be quoted** (single or double quotes). - Includes may be nested, up to 5 deep. - File location can be given as a full path to the file, or (in MapServer >= 4.10.1) as a path relative to the mapfile. - Debugging can be problematic because: 1) the file an error occurs in does not get output to the user 2) the line number counter is not reset for each file. Here is one possible error that is thrown when the include file cannot be found: :: msyylex(): Unable to access file. Error opening included file "parks_include.map" Example ------- :: MAP NAME "include_mapfile" EXTENT 0 0 500 500 SIZE 250 250 INCLUDE "test_include_symbols.map" INCLUDE "test_include_layer.map" END where test_include_symbols.map contains: :: SYMBOL NAME 'square' TYPE VECTOR FILLED TRUE POINTS 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 END END and test_include_layer.map contains: :: LAYER TYPE POINT STATUS DEFAULT FEATURE POINTS 10 10 40 20 300 300 400 10 10 400 END END CLASS NAME 'Church' COLOR 0 0 0 SYMBOL 'square' SIZE 7 STYLE SYMBOL "square" SIZE 5 COLOR 255 255 255 END STYLE SYMBOL "square" SIZE 3 COLOR 0 0 255 END END END