.. _fontset: ***************************************************************************** FONTSET ***************************************************************************** :Author: Kari Guerts :Author: Jeff McKenna :Contact: jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com :Revision: $Revision$ :Date: $Date$ :Last Updated: 2008/10/08 .. contents:: :depth: 2 :backlinks: top Format ====== The format is very simple. Each line contains 2 items: an alias and the name/path of the font separated by white space. The alias is simply the name you refer to the font as in your :ref:`mapfile` (eg. times-bold). The name is the actual name of the TrueType file. If not full path then it is interpreted as relative to the location of the fontset. Here's the fontset I use (the font.list file and all .ttf files are stored in the same sub-directory). .. note:: Aliases are case sensitive. Excellent reference information about the TrueType format and online font resources is available from the `FreeType`_. :: arial arial.ttf arial-bold arialbd.ttf arial-italic ariali.ttf arial-bold-italic arialbi.ttf arial_black ariblk.ttf comic_sans comic.ttf comic_sans-bold comicbd.ttf courier cour.ttf courier-bold courbd.ttf courier-italic couri.ttf courier-bold-italic courbi.ttf georgia georgia.ttf georgia-bold georgiab.ttf georgia-italic georgiai.ttf georgia-bold-italic georgiaz.ttf impact impact.ttf monotype.com monotype.ttf recreation_symbols recreate.ttf times times.ttf times-bold timesbd.ttf times-italic timesi.ttf times-bold-italic timesbi.ttf trebuchet_ms trebuc.ttf trebuchet_ms-bold trebucbd.ttf trebuchet_ms-italic trebucit.ttf trebuchet_ms-bold-italic trebucbi.ttf verdana verdana.ttf verdana-bold verdanab.ttf verdana-italic verdanai.ttf verdana-bold-italic verdanaz.ttf .. _FreeType: http://www.freetype.org/