.. _join: ***************************************************************************** JOIN ***************************************************************************** .. index:: Join Description =========== Joins are defined within a :ref:`layer` object. It is important to understand that JOINs are *ONLY* available once a query has been processed. You cannot use joins to affect the look of a map. The primary purpose is to enable lookup tables for coded data (e.g. 1 => Forest) but there are other possible uses. Supported Formats ================= - DBF/XBase files - CSV (comma delimited text file) - PostgreSQL and PostGIS tables - MySQL tables Mapfile Parameters: =================== CONNECTION [string] Parameters required for the join table's database connection (not required for DBF or CSV joins). The following is an example connection for :ref:`PostgreSQL `: .. code-block:: mapfile CONNECTION "host= port=5432 user=postgres password=postgres dbname=somename" CONNECTIONTYPE OGR The following is an example connection for MySQL: .. code-block:: mapfile CONNECTION "MYSQL:mydbname,user=root,password=mysql,port=3306" CONNECTIONTYPE OGR CONNECTIONTYPE [string] Type of connection (not required for DBF or CSV joins). For PostgreSQL and MySQL connections use 'OGR'. FOOTER [filename] Template to use *after* a layer's set of results have been sent. In other words, this header HTML will be displayed after the contents of the `TEMPLATE` HTML. FROM [item] Join item in the dataset. This is case sensitive. HEADER [filename] Template to use *before* a layer's set of results have been sent. In other words, this header HTML will be displayed before the contents of the `TEMPLATE` HTML. NAME [string] Unique name for this join. Required. TABLE [filename|tablename] For file-based joins this is the name of XBase or comma delimited file (relative to the location of the mapfile) to join TO. For PostgreSQL and MySQL support this is the name of the PostgreSQL/MySQL table to join TO. TEMPLATE [filename] Template to use with one-to-many joins. The template is processed once for each record and can only contain substitutions for items in the joined table. Refer to the column in the joined table in your template like [joinname_columnname], where joinname is the NAME specified for the JOIN object. TO [item] Join item in the table to be joined. This is case sensitive. TYPE [ONE-TO-ONE|ONE-TO-MANY] The type of join. Default is one-to-one. Example 1: Join from SHP file to DBF file ========================================= Mapfile Layer ------------- .. code-block:: mapfile LAYER NAME "prov_bound" TYPE POLYGON STATUS DEFAULT DATA "prov.shp" CLASS NAME "Province" STYLE OUTLINECOLOR 120 120 120 COLOR 255 255 0 END END TEMPLATE "../htdocs/cgi-query-templates/prov.html" HEADER "../htdocs/cgi-query-templates/prov-header.html" FOOTER "../htdocs/cgi-query-templates/footer.html" JOIN NAME "test" TABLE "../data/lookup.dbf" FROM "ID" TO "IDENT" TYPE ONE-TO-ONE END END # layer Ogrinfo ------- :: >ogrinfo lookup.dbf lookup -summary INFO: Open of `lookup.dbf' using driver `ESRI Shapefile' successful. Layer name: lookup Geometry: None Feature Count: 12 Layer SRS WKT: (unknown) IDENT: Integer (2.0) VAL: Integer (2.0) :: >ogrinfo prov.shp prov -summary INFO: Open of `prov.shp' using driver `ESRI Shapefile' successful. Layer name: prov Geometry: Polygon Feature Count: 12 Extent: (-2340603.750000, -719746.062500) - (3009430.500000, 3836605.250000) Layer SRS WKT: (unknown) NAME: String (30.0) ID: Integer (2.0) Template -------- :: [NAME][test_VAL] Example 2: Join from SHP file to PostgreSQL table ================================================= Mapfile Layer ------------- .. code-block:: mapfile LAYER NAME "prov_bound" TYPE POLYGON STATUS DEFAULT DATA "prov.shp" CLASS NAME "Province" STYLE OUTLINECOLOR 120 120 120 COLOR 255 255 0 END END TOLERANCE 20 TEMPLATE "../htdocs/cgi-query-templates/prov.html" HEADER "../htdocs/cgi-query-templates/prov-header.html" FOOTER "../htdocs/cgi-query-templates/footer.html" JOIN NAME "test" CONNECTION "host= port=5432 user=postgres password=postgres dbname=join" CONNECTIONTYPE ogr TABLE "lookup" FROM "ID" TO "ident" TYPE ONE-TO-ONE END END # layer Ogrinfo ------- :: >ogrinfo -ro PG:"host= port=5432 user=postgres password=postgre dbname=join" lookup -summary INFO: Open of `PG:host= port=5432 user=postgres password=postgres dbname=join' using driver `PostgreSQL' successful. Layer name: lookup Geometry: Unknown (any) Feature Count: 12 Layer SRS WKT: (unknown) ident: Integer (0.0) val: Integer (0.0) Template -------- :: [NAME][test_val] .. note:: When testing with MapServer 4.10.0 on Windows this postgresql join caused a mapserv.exe crash. However when testing this with a MapServer build > 4.10.0 the crash did not occur. Example 3: Join from SHP file to CSV file ========================================= Mapfile Layer ------------- .. code-block:: mapfile LAYER NAME "prov_bound" TYPE POLYGON STATUS DEFAULT DATA "prov.shp" CLASS NAME "Province" STYLE OUTLINECOLOR 120 120 120 COLOR 255 255 0 END END TOLERANCE 20 TEMPLATE "../htdocs/cgi-query-templates/prov.html" HEADER "../htdocs/cgi-query-templates/prov-header.html" FOOTER "../htdocs/cgi-query-templates/footer.html" JOIN NAME "test" TABLE "../data/lookup.csv" FROM "ID" TO "IDENT" TYPE ONE-TO-ONE END END # layer CSV File Structure ------------------ :: "IDENT","VAL" 1,12 2,11 3,10 4,9 5,8 6,7 7,6 8,5 9,4 10,3 11,2 12,1 Ogrinfo ------- :: >ogrinfo lookup.csv lookup -summary INFO: Open of `lookup.csv' using driver `CSV' successful. Layer name: lookup Geometry: None Feature Count: 12 Layer SRS WKT: (unknown) IDENT: String (0.0) VAL: String (0.0) Template -------- :: [NAME][test_VAL] Example 4: Join from SHP file to MySQL table ============================================ Mapfile Layer ------------- .. code-block:: mapfile LAYER NAME "prov_bound" TYPE POLYGON STATUS DEFAULT DATA "prov.shp" CLASS NAME "Province" STYLE OUTLINECOLOR 120 120 120 COLOR 255 255 0 END END TOLERANCE 20 TEMPLATE "../htdocs/cgi-query-templates/prov.html" HEADER "../htdocs/cgi-query-templates/prov-header.html" FOOTER "../htdocs/cgi-query-templates/footer.html" JOIN NAME "test" CONNECTION "MYSQL:test,user=root,password=mysql,port=3306" CONNECTIONTYPE ogr TABLE "lookup" FROM "ID" TO "ident" TYPE ONE-TO-ONE END END # layer Ogrinfo ------- :: >ogrinfo MYSQL:test,user=root,password=mysql,port=3306 lookup -summary INFO: Open of `MYSQL:test,user=root,password=mysql,port=3306' using driver `MySQL' successful. Layer name: lookup Geometry: None Feature Count: 48 Layer SRS WKT: (unknown) FID Column = ident val: Integer (0.0) Template -------- :: [NAME][test_val] .. note:: When testing with MapServer 5.6.5 and MySQL 5.1.49 on Windows this MySQL join caused a mapserv.exe crash.