.. _legend: ***************************************************************************** LEGEND ***************************************************************************** .. index:: LEGEND The size of the legend image is NOT known prior to creation so be careful not to hard-code width and height in the tag in the template file. IMAGECOLOR [r] [g] [b] Color to initialize the legend with (i.e. the background). INTERLACE [on|off] Default is [on]. This keyword is now deprecated in favor of using the FORMATOPTION "INTERLACE=ON" line in the :ref:`OUTPUTFORMAT` declaration. .. deprecated:: 4.6 :ref:`LABEL` Signals the start of a :ref:`LABEL` object OUTLINECOLOR [r] [g] [b] Color to use for outlining symbol key boxes. POSITION [ul|uc|ur|ll|lc|lr] Where to place an embedded legend in the map. Default is lr. KEYSIZE [x][y] Size of symbol key boxes in pixels. Default is 20 by 10. KEYSPACING [x][y] Spacing between symbol key boxes ([y]) and labels ([x]) in pixels. Default is 5 by 5. POSTLABELCACHE [true|false] Tells MapServer to render this legend after all labels in the cache have been drawn. Useful for adding neatlines and similar elements. Default is false. STATUS [on|off|embed] Is the legend image to be created. TEMPLATE [filename] HTML legend template file. .. seealso:: :ref:`html_legend` TRANSPARENT [on|off] Should the background color for the legend be transparent. This flag is now deprecated in favor of declaring transparency within :ref:`OUTPUTFORMAT` declarations. Default is off. .. deprecated:: 4.6