.. _sortshp: ***************************************************************************** sortshp ***************************************************************************** :Purpose: Sorts a shapefile based on a single column in ascending or descending order. Supports INTEGER, DOUBLE and STRING column types. Useful for prioritizing shapes for rendering and/or labeling. :Description: The idea here is that if you know that you need to display a certain attribute classed by a certain value, it will be faster for MapServer to access that value if it is at the beginning of the attribute file. :Syntax: :: sortshp [infile] [outfile] [item] [ascending|descending] :Example: This example uses a roads file ('roads_ugl') that has a field with road classes in integer format ('class1'). :: sortshp roads_ugl roads-sort class1 ascending :Result: A new shapefile named 'roads-sort.shp' is created with shapes sorted in ascending order, according to the values in the 'class1' field, as shown below. **Figure1: Attributes Before sortshp** .. image:: ../images/sortshp-before.png **Figure2: Attributes After sortshp** .. image:: ../images/sortshp-after.png