PHP/MapScript Mapserver Module ============================== -------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPORTANT - READ THIS FIRST: The Win32 build process is not very friendly for unexperienced users. So it is strongly recommended that you use one of the precompiled versions of php_mapscript.dll available on DM Solutions Group's web site: If for some reason you still decide to compile Win32 binaries yourself, then don't do it unless you really know what you're doing... and hopefully the rest of this file contains some hints that may help you. Good Luck! -------------------------------------------------------------------- This file contains informations specific to building the PHP/MapScript extension on Windows using MSVC++ 6.0. See also the file README for more general information about the PHP/MapScript extension. -------------------------- Step 1: Build the PHP.LIB import library ======= *** PHP3 *** Before you can build the 'php3_mapscript.dll' extension, you need the PHP.LIB import library. To build PHP.LIB, you will have to download the php_3.0.14.tar.gz source code, and follow the instructions in the README.WIN32 file in there to build php.exe with MSVC++ 6.0. - Extract php_3.0.14.tar.gz to your HD - Read the php_3.0.14\README.WIN32 file. - Open php_3.0.14\win32\php3.dsw using MSVC++ 6.0 - Start building php.exe, this will also create PHP.LIB *** PHP4.0.4 (and more recent versions) *** The PHP 4.0.4 win32 binaries ( distributed on include the necessary php4ts.lib import library, so it is not necessary to build the PHP4 source in this case: - Extract php-4.0.4.tar.gz (this will create a php-4.0.4 source tree) - Extract and configure PHP4 on your server as per the instructions in the file install.txt included in the zip file. - mkdir php-4.0.4\lib (i.e. 'mkdir lib' in the root of the source tree) - Copy php4ts.lib (from to php-4.0.4\lib - Continue with the rest of the instructions below. Step 2: Build PHP3_MAPSCRIPT.DLL/PHP_MAPSCRIPT.DLL ======= Review the mapscript\php3\ and make any modifications required for your configuration. Make sure PHP_SOURCE_DIR points to where you installed the PHP source tree in step 1 above. Then to compile PHP3_MAPSCRIPT.DLL/PHP_MAPSCRIPT.DLL: - Open a DOS prompt window - Run the VCVARS32.BAT script to initialize the VC++ environment variables. VCVARS32.BAT is automatically generated by the MSVC++ install procedure and should be located in the BIN sub-directory of your MSVC++ installation. - Then start the build with: nmake /f This will create the "PHP3_MAPSCRIPT.DLL" for PHP3, or "PHP_MAPSCRIPT.DLL" for PHP4. Step 3: Install PHP3_MAPSCRIPT.DLL/PHP_MAPSCRIPT.DLL ======= PHP3_MAPSCRIPT.DLL is a regular PHP module, you should copy it to the same directory as the other PHP3_*.DLL modules that came with PHP. Then the module can be loaded in one of 2 ways: - Adding a "extension=php3_mapscript.dll" line to the PHP3.INI file will load it automatically for every PHP page. - The other possibility is to load the module only when needed using the following PHP call: dl("php3_mapscript.dll"); // for the PHP3 module or dl("php_mapscript.dll"); // for the PHP4 module You can test that the module is properly loaded by executing the phpinfo() command in a PHP page... the "MapScript" extension should be included in the list of extensions in the phpinfo() report. -------------------------- $Id$ --------------------------