/* ** Parser for the mapserver */ %{ /* C declarations */ #include #include #include #include #include "map.h" // for TRUE/FALSE and REGEX includes extern int msyylex(); /* lexer globals */ extern int msyyerror(); int msyyresult; %} /* Bison/Yacc declarations */ %union { double dblval; int intval; char *strval; } %token NUMBER %token STRING %token REGEX %left OR %left AND %left NOT %left RE EQ NE LT GT LE GE IN %left LENGTH %left '+' '-' %left '*' '/' %left NEG %right '^' %type logical_exp %type math_exp %type string_exp %type regular_exp /* Bison/Yacc grammar */ %% input: /* empty string */ | logical_exp { msyyresult = $1; } | math_exp { if($1 != 0) msyyresult = MS_TRUE; else msyyresult = MS_FALSE; } ; regular_exp: REGEX ; logical_exp: logical_exp OR logical_exp { if($1 == MS_TRUE) $$ = MS_TRUE; else if($3 == MS_TRUE) $$ = MS_TRUE; else $$ = MS_FALSE; } | logical_exp AND logical_exp { if($1 == MS_TRUE) { if($3 == MS_TRUE) $$ = MS_TRUE; else $$ = MS_FALSE; } else $$ = MS_FALSE; } | logical_exp OR math_exp { if($1 == MS_TRUE) $$ = MS_TRUE; else if($3 != 0) $$ = MS_TRUE; else $$ = MS_FALSE; } | logical_exp AND math_exp { if($1 == MS_TRUE) { if($3 != 0) $$ = MS_TRUE; else $$ = MS_FALSE; } else $$ = MS_FALSE; } | math_exp OR logical_exp { if($1 != 0) $$ = MS_TRUE; else if($3 == MS_TRUE) $$ = MS_TRUE; else $$ = MS_FALSE; } | math_exp AND logical_exp { if($1 != 0) { if($3 == MS_TRUE) $$ = MS_TRUE; else $$ = MS_FALSE; } else $$ = MS_FALSE; } | math_exp OR math_exp { if($1 != 0) $$ = MS_TRUE; else if($3 != 0) $$ = MS_TRUE; else $$ = MS_FALSE; } | math_exp AND math_exp { if($1 != 0) { if($3 != 0) $$ = MS_TRUE; else $$ = MS_FALSE; } else $$ = MS_FALSE; } | NOT logical_exp { $$ = !$2; } | NOT math_exp { $$ = !$2; } | string_exp RE regular_exp { regex_t re; if(regcomp(&re, $3, REG_EXTENDED|REG_NOSUB) != 0) $$ = MS_FALSE; if(regexec(&re, $1, 0, NULL, 0) == 0) $$ = MS_TRUE; else $$ = MS_FALSE; regfree(&re); } | math_exp EQ math_exp { if($1 == $3) $$ = MS_TRUE; else $$ = MS_FALSE; } | math_exp NE math_exp { if($1 != $3) $$ = MS_TRUE; else $$ = MS_FALSE; } | math_exp GT math_exp { if($1 > $3) $$ = MS_TRUE; else $$ = MS_FALSE; } | math_exp LT math_exp { if($1 < $3) $$ = MS_TRUE; else $$ = MS_FALSE; } | math_exp GE math_exp { if($1 >= $3) $$ = MS_TRUE; else $$ = MS_FALSE; } | math_exp LE math_exp { if($1 <= $3) $$ = MS_TRUE; else $$ = MS_FALSE; } | '(' logical_exp ')' { $$ = $2; } | string_exp EQ string_exp { if(strcmp($1, $3) == 0) $$ = MS_TRUE; else $$ = MS_FALSE; } | string_exp NE string_exp { if(strcmp($1, $3) != 0) $$ = MS_TRUE; else $$ = MS_FALSE; } | string_exp IN string_exp { char *delim,*bufferp; $$ = MS_FALSE; bufferp=$3; while((delim=strchr(bufferp,',')) != NULL) { *delim='\0'; if(strcmp($1,bufferp) == 0) { $$ = MS_TRUE; break; } *delim=','; bufferp=delim+1; } if(strcmp($1,bufferp) == 0) $$ = MS_TRUE; } ; math_exp: NUMBER | math_exp '+' math_exp { $$ = $1 + $3; } | math_exp '-' math_exp { $$ = $1 - $3; } | math_exp '*' math_exp { $$ = $1 * $3; } | math_exp '/' math_exp { if($3 == 0.0) { msyyerror("Division by Zero"); return(-1); } else $$ = $1 / $3; } | '-' math_exp %prec NEG { $$ = $2; } | math_exp '^' math_exp { $$ = pow($1, $3); } | '(' math_exp ')' { $$ = $2; } | LENGTH '(' string_exp ')' { $$ = strlen($3); } ; string_exp: STRING | '(' string_exp ')' { $$ = $2; } | string_exp '+' string_exp { sprintf($$, "%s%s", $1, $3); } ; %%