
The main purpose of this cfc is to make mapscript easier to access for Coldfusion developers. This CFC has been written with CF7 but should work equally well with any version from 6 up. It has not been tested using the BlueDragon server.


The mapscript component can be downloaded from Sibern Solutions you should be able to get it directly from here

Quick start

To use mapserver/mapscript you will need to the following

Depending on the OS and which version of Coldfusion you are running, the installation will be different. You can email me at "simon [at] sibern.com.au" if you are stuck.

Have a read through the cfc and you will see that the different functions are using hints to descibe the functions and parameters.

To get you up and running fast you can use the following as an example of some cfscript.

msapi = createObject("component","mapscript");
msapi.init(savePath="/your/directory/to/save/to/", mapPath="/where/the/mapfiles/are/",
mapFile="mapfilename.map", shapePath="/the/location/to/the/shapefiles/");
mapinfo = msapi.createMap(legend="false", width="450", height="450");

There is a basic working demo called test.cfm which produces a world map with australian states.

API Documentation

Component mapscript

Make mapscript easier to access

methods: addEndSlash, createJavaObjects, createLayerLegend, createMap, createSimpleLegend, evaluateString, findStructArrayValue, getConnectionObject, getExtents, getFileType, getFontFile, getLayerData, getLayerFilter, getLayerList, getLayerStatus, getMapFile, getMapObj, getMapPath, getPositionEnums, getSavePath, getShapePath, getUnitType, init, initConnectionTypes, initJavaObjects, isRelative, setExtents, setFileType, setFontFile, setLayerData, setLayerFilter, setLayerListStatus, setLayerStatus, setLegendStr, setMapFile, setMapPath, setSavePath, setScaleBar, setShapePath, setURLPath, throw, validPoints, versionGreaterOrEqual, zoom * - private method

package addEndSlash ( str="", type="os" )

Add a closing slash if required

Output: suppressed
str: any, optional, str - A full or relative path
type: any, optional, type - Is this a operating system or URL path

package createJavaObjects ( )

Create the required java objects

Output: suppressed

public string createLayerLegend ( required numeric layerId="0", string fileExt="gif", numeric iconHeight="15", numeric iconWidth="23", boolean reverseOrder="true", string legendStr="", boolean ignoreInvisible="true", Any layerObj="" )

Create a legend for layer if the layer is visible

Output: suppressed
layerId: numeric, required, layerId - The layer number
fileExt: string, optional, fileExt - gif, png, jpg
iconHeight: numeric, optional, iconHeight - Height of each legend icon
iconWidth: numeric, optional, iconWidth - Width of each legend icon
reverseOrder: boolean, optional, reverseOrder - Do you want the order of the legend to be reversed. Default: true
legendStr: string, optional, legendStr - The legend item html to parse. This does not change the default legend for this instance of mapscript. Use setLegendStr to set default
ignoreInvisible: boolean, optional, ignoreInvisible - Produce only the html for visible layers. Defaults to true
layerObj: Any, optional, layerObj - If the layer object is already created then pass it here

public struct createMap ( string imageName="", string outputFormat="", boolean legend="false", numeric width="0", numeric height="0", string mapStr="" )

Create an image from the current mapscript definitions

Output: suppressed
imageName: string, optional, imageName - The filename of the saved image
outputFormat: string, optional, outputFormat - The format and extension of the output image. If empty then it will use png. Currrently supports Built-in formats are PNG, PNG24, JPEG, GIF and GTIFF.
legend: boolean, optional, legend - Do you want a legend image created as well. Default is false.
width: numeric, optional, width - The width of the output image.
height: numeric, optional, height - The height of the output image.
mapStr: string, optional, mapStr - The map image html

public struct createSimpleLegend ( string imageName="", string outputFormat="", numeric width="0", numeric height="0" )

Create a legend for the map returning the legend image details

Output: suppressed
imageName: string, optional, imageName - The filename of the saved image
outputFormat: string, optional, outputFormat - The format and extension of the output image. If empty then it will use png. Currrently supports Built-in formats are PNG, PNG24, JPEG, GIF and GTIFF.
width: numeric, optional, width - The width of the output image.
height: numeric, optional, height - The height of the output image.

public evaluateString ( str="", collection )

Evaluate a string looking for any variable names then process and return completed string

Output: suppressed
str: any, optional, str - The string with the CF code to be evaluated
collection: any, optional, collection - Structure of collected variables

package findStructArrayValue ( str="", collection )

If given a string that is a pointer to a structure with an array in it then find the associated value

Output: suppressed
str: any, optional, str - The structure item name
collection: any, optional, collection - Structure of collected variables

package Any getConnectionObject ( required string connection )

Return the connection object used by the layer object to define the data's source

Output: enabled
connection: string, required, connection - The type of connection.

public struct getExtents ( )

Get the new extents for the current map.

Output: suppressed

public string getFileType ( )

Get the path for map files

Output: suppressed

public string getFontFile ( )

Get the path for map files

Output: suppressed

public struct getLayerData ( layerName="", layerId="" )

Get the name of a data file.

Output: suppressed
layerName: any, optional, layerName - The name of the layer
layerId: any, optional, layerId - The ID of the layer

public string getLayerFilter ( layerName="", layerId="" )

Get the current filter string for a layer.

Output: suppressed
layerName: any, optional, layerName - The name of the layer
layerId: any, optional, layerId - The ID of the layer

public query getLayerList ( generateHtml="true", numeric iconHeight="15", numeric iconWidth="23", boolean reverseOrder="true", string legendStr="" )

Get the layer names, ids and status

Output: suppressed
generateHtml: any, optional, generateHtml - Shall the html be generated for the layer legend
iconHeight: numeric, optional, iconHeight - Height of each legend icon
iconWidth: numeric, optional, iconWidth - Width of each legend icon
reverseOrder: boolean, optional, reverseOrder - Do you want the order of the legend to be reversed. Default: true
legendStr: string, optional, legendStr - The legend item html

public boolean getLayerStatus ( required layerName, layerId="" )

Get the display status of a layer

Output: suppressed
layerName: any, required, layerName - The name of the layer
layerId: any, optional, layerId - The ID of the layer

public string getMapFile ( )

Get the path for map files

Output: suppressed

public any getMapObj ( )

Get the path for map files

Output: suppressed

public string getMapPath ( )

Get the path for map files

Output: suppressed

package Any getPositionEnums ( required string position )

Get the scalebar positions

Output: suppressed
position: string, required, position - The location of the overlayed object

public string getSavePath ( )

Get the save path for images

Output: suppressed

public string getShapePath ( )

Get the path for map files

Output: suppressed

package Any getUnitType ( required string unit )

Get the scalebar measurement unit

Output: suppressed
unit: string, required, unit - The type of connection.

public any init ( string savePath="", string mapPath="", string mapFile="", string shapePath="" )


Output: suppressed
savePath: string, optional, savePath - The physical path to saved images
mapPath: string, optional, mapPath - The physical path to map files
mapFile: string, optional, mapFile - The name if the initial map file
shapePath: string, optional, shapePath - The base path to any shapefiles

package void initConnectionTypes ( )

Initialise the connection types used by mapserver

Output: suppressed

package initJavaObjects ( string file="" )

Init the java objects as required

Output: suppressed
file: string, optional, file - The name of the map file which may include the whole path

package boolean isRelative ( str="", type="os" )

Return true or false if this path is relative or absolute

Output: suppressed
str: any, optional, str - A full or relative path
type: any, optional, type - Is this a operating system or URL path

public void setExtents ( required struct extents )

Set the new extents for the current map. These extents will be clobbered if a new map is created

Output: suppressed
extents: struct, required, extents - The minX, minY, maxX, maxY extents of the map

public void setFileType ( string imageType="" )

Set or reset the name of the map file

Output: suppressed
imageType: string, optional, imageType - The name of the map file which may include the whole path

public setFontFile ( string fontFile="" )

Set or reset the path and file for fonts

Output: suppressed
fontFile: string, optional, fontFile - The physical path and filename for the fonts file

public boolean setLayerData ( layerName="", layerId="", shapeFile="", data="", connection="", connType="" )

Set the name of a data file. Returns true on success or false if fails

Output: suppressed
layerName: any, optional, layerName - The name of the layer if you want a file check performed
layerId: any, optional, layerId - The ID of the layer
shapeFile: any, optional, shapeFile - The name of the data file. This will perform a file system check
data: any, optional, data - The data string. This would be the name of the file or the 'column from table' syntax
connection: any, optional, connection - The database connection string.
connType: any, optional, connType - The type of connection being used. This is any of the swig interface defined connection types. Defaults to MS_POSTGIS or MS_SHAPEFILE depending on arguments provided. See 'Connection Types' for more information

public boolean setLayerFilter ( layerName="", layerId="", required filter )

Set the current filter string for a layer.

Output: enabled
layerName: any, optional, layerName - The name of the layer
layerId: any, optional, layerId - The ID of the layer
filter: any, required, filter - The filter sitring.

public void setLayerListStatus ( string layerIdList="" )

Given a list of Ids, turn layers on or off

Output: suppressed
layerIdList: string, optional, layerIdList - The Id list of the layers

public boolean setLayerStatus ( string layerName="", numeric layerId="-1", boolean on="true" )

Allow a layer to be switched on or off

Output: suppressed
layerName: string, optional, layerName - The name of the layer
layerId: numeric, optional, layerId - The Id of the layer
on: boolean, optional, on

public void setLegendStr ( required string str )

Set the legend string to be parsed by createLayerLegend

Output: suppressed
str: string, required, str - The new lexical string to be used to create the legend

public setMapFile ( string file="" )

Set or reset the name of the map file

Output: suppressed
file: string, optional, file - The name of the map file which may include the whole path

public setMapPath ( string path="" )

Set or reset the path for map files

Output: suppressed
path: string, optional, path - The physical path to the map files

public setSavePath ( string path="" )

Set or reset the save path for images

Output: suppressed
path: string, optional, path - The physical path to saved images

public setScaleBar ( numeric width="0", numeric height="0", string status="", numeric intervals="5", string units="KILOMETERS", string position="LC" )

set some options for the map scale bar

Output: suppressed
width: numeric, optional, width - width of the scale bar
height: numeric, optional, height - height of the scale bar
status: string, optional, status - status of the scale bar (on/off/embed)
intervals: numeric, optional, intervals - number of intervals along the scale bar
units: string, optional, units - unit of measurement for the scale bar (miles/kms etc)
position: string, optional, position - position of the scale bar on the map

public setShapePath ( string path="" )

Set or reset the path for map files

Output: suppressed
path: string, optional, path - The physical path to the map files

public void setURLPath ( string path="" )

Set or reset the name of the map file

Output: suppressed
path: string, optional, path - The absolute or relative URL to image location

package throw ( required string errorCode, required string message )

Output: enabled
errorCode: string, required, errorCode - A custom error code to throw
message: string, required, message - The associated error text

package boolean validPoints ( struct extents, struct imgExtents, struct points, struct boundary )

Check to see if the supplied geometry extents or points are valid

Output: suppressed
extents: struct, optional, extents - The minX, minY, maxX, maxY extents of the map
imgExtents: struct, optional, imgExtents - The minX, minY, maxX, maxY extents the image
points: struct, optional, points - The img x and y points
boundary: struct, optional, boundary - The minX, minY, maxX, maxY extremeties of the displayable map. This value could be significantly larger than the maximum extents and is a way to provide some reasonable boundary checking only. If nothing is supplied then the default of -360 to 360 and -90 to 90 is used.

package boolean versionGreaterOrEqual ( required version )

Return true if the current mapserver version is greater than or equal to the number to check

Output: suppressed
version: any, required, version - The major and minor version number. Minor minor numbers are ignored

public zoom ( struct newExtents, struct newPoints, required struct maxExtents, required struct extremities, numeric width="0", numeric height="0", numeric zoomFactor="2" )

Set the new extents for the new area providing some sanity checking

Output: suppressed
newExtents: struct, optional, newExtents - The minX, minY, maxX, maxY extents of the map
newPoints: struct, optional, newPoints - The img x and y points
maxExtents: struct, required, maxExtents - The minX, minY, maxX, maxY extents of the map
extremities: struct, required, extremities - The minX, minY, maxX, maxY extremeties of the displayable map. See validPoints for more info.
width: numeric, optional, width - The width of the output image.
height: numeric, optional, height - The height of the output image.
zoomFactor: numeric, optional, zoomFactor