MACS .. index:: single: Symbol construction .. _sym_construction: ***************************************************************************** Cartographical Symbol Construction with MapServer ***************************************************************************** :Author: Peter Freimuth :Contact: pf at :Author: Arnulf Christl :Contact: arnulf.christl at :Author: HÃ¥vard Tveite :Contact: havard.tveite at :Revision: $Revision$ :Date: $Date$ .. contents:: Table of Contents :depth: 3 :backlinks: top Abstract ======== This Document refers to the syntax of *map* and *symbol* files for MapServer 6. The first version of the document was based on the results of a project carried out at the University of Hannover, Institute of Landscape and Nature Conservation. It was initiated by Mr. Dipl. Ing. Roland Hachmann. Parts have been taken from a study carried through by Karsten Hoffmann, student of Geography and Cartography at the FU Berlin. In the context of a hands-on training in the company GraS GmbH Mr. Hoffman mainly dealed with the development of symbols. (`Download study report`_ in German) His degree dissertation will also concern this subject. The document has been heavily revised for Mapserver 6. .. _`Download study report`: Introduction ============ A map is an abstract representation that makes use of point, line and area symbols. Bertin (1974) created a clear and logical symbol scheme in which symbols can be varied referring to graphical variables. The following graphical variables can be used within MapServer: FORM, SIZE, PATTERN, COLOR and LIGHTNESS. Point and area symbols as well as text fonts (ttf) can additionally be displayed with a frame which we call OUTLINE. The following figure shows the theoretical structure of cartographical symbols, which is also used in MapServer: .. figure:: ../../images/carto-elements.png :height: 400 :width: 600 :align: center Structure of Cartographical Symbols` Multiple Rendering and Overlay ------------------------------ Say you want to display a highway with a black border line, two yellow lanes and a red center lane. This calls for a combination of signatures. Complex cartographical effects can be achieved by rendering the same vector data with different symbols, sizes and colours on top of each other. This can be done using separate :ref:`layer`\s. This could, however, have performance effects for the application, as every rendering process of the same geometry will take up additional processor time. The preferred solution is to use multiple :ref:`style`\s to create complex symbols by overlay. To create the highway symbol mentioned above with a total width of 9 units, the lowest :ref:`style` (in drawing order) will be a broad black line with a width of 9 units. The second level :ref:`style` will be a yellow line with a width of 7 units, and the topmost :ref:`style` will be a red line with a width of 1 unit. That way each yellow coloured lane will have a width of (7-1)/2 = 3 units. Combining symbols can be a solution for many kinds of cartographical questions. A combination of different geometry types is also possible. A polygon data set can be rendered as lines to frame the polygons with a line signature. It can also be rendred as polygons with a symbol filling the polygon. When the polygon fill is rendered on top of the lines, the inner part of the underlying outline is covered by the fill symbol of the polygon. What is observed here is a clipping effect tha in will result in an asymmetric symbol for the boundary line. To present the outline without clipping, just reorder the :ref:`layer`\s or :ref:`style`\s and put the outline presentation on top of the fill. Yet another way to construct advanced line signatures for framed polygons is to tamper with the original geometries by buffering or clipping the original geometry such that the new objects lie inside the original polygons or grow over the borders. PostGIS can help achieve a lot of effects. The `OPACITY` parameter of :ref:`layer` and :ref:`style` can be used to achieve transparency (making lower symbols "shine" through upper symbols). .. index:: single: Symbol scaling Symbol Scaling -------------- There are two basically different ways of handling the display size of symbols and cartographical elements in a map at different scales. The size of cartographical elements is either set in screen pixels or in real world units. - If the size is set in real world units (for example meters), the symbol will shrink and grow according to the scale at which the map is displayed. - If the size is set in screen pixels, symbols look the same at all scales. The default behaviour of MapServer is to implement the "screen pixels" size type for displaying cartographical elements. "Real world units", as described above, can be achieved using either the `SIZEUNITS` or the `SYMBOLSCALEDENOM` parameter of the :ref:`layer`. - When `SIZEUNITS` is set (and is not `pixels`), symbol sizes are specified in real world units (for instance meters). For available units, see the `SIZEUNIT` documentation. - When `SYMBOLSCALEDENOM` is set, the given symbols size is used for the map scale 1:`SYMBOLSCALEDENOM`, for other scales, the symbols are scaled proportionally. :ref:`style` `MAXSIZE` and `MINSIZE` limits the scaling of symbols. .. index:: single: Symbol specification Mapserver and symbol specification ---------------------------------- In a MapServer application, :ref:`symbol` parameters are organised in the *map* file as follows: - Each :ref:`layer` has a `TYPE` parameter that defines the type of geometry (point, line or polygon). The symbols are rendered at points, along lines or over areas accordingly. - Basic symbols are defined in :ref:`symbol` elements, using the parameters `TYPE`, `POINTS`, `IMAGE`, `FILLED`, `ANCHORPOINT` and more (:ref:`symbol` elements can be collected in separate *symbol files* for reuse). - Colour, lightness, size and outline are defined inside the :ref:`style` sections of a :ref:`class` section using the parameters `COLOR`, `SIZE`, `WIDTH` and `OUTLINECOLOR`. - Patterns for styling lines and polygons are defined in :ref:`style` sections using `GAP` and `PATTERN`. - Several basic elements can be combined to achieve a complex signature using several :ref:`style`\s inside one :ref:`class`. The following example shows the interaction of some of these elements and explains the configuration in the :ref:`layer` and the :ref:`symbol` sections necessary for rendering a cartographical point symbol (a red square with a 1 pixel wide black outline and a smaller blue circle inside): .. figure:: ../../images/symcon-overlay.png :align: center The generated overlay symbol .. table:: Commented :ref:`layer` and :ref:`symbol` sections. +----------------------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | :ref:`layer` section of the map file | :ref:`symbol` (from a separate symbol file or in-line in the map file) | +==========================================================+========================================================================+ |.. code-block:: mapfile |.. code-block:: mapfile | | | | | # Start of layer definition | # Start of symbol definition | | LAYER | SYMBOL | | # Name of the layer | # Symbol name (referenced in STYLEs) | | NAME "mytest" | NAME "square" | | TYPE POINT # Point geometries | TYPE vector # Type of symbol | | STATUS DEFAULT # Always draw | # Start of the symbol geometry | | # Use the dataset test.shp | POINTS | | DATA test | 0 0 | | # Start of a Class definition | 0 1 | | CLASS | 1 1 | | # Start of the first Style | 1 0 | | STYLE | 0 0 | | # Symbol to be used (reference) | END # end of POINTS | | SYMBOL "square" | # The symbol should be filled | | # Size of the symbol in pixels | FILLED true | | SIZE 16 | # Place the according to its center | | # Colour (RGB) - red | ANCHORPOINT 0.5 0.5 | | COLOR 255 0 0 | END # end of SYMBOL | | # Outline colour (RGB) - black | | | OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 0 | # Start of symbol definition | | END # end of STYLE | SYMBOL | | # Start of the second Style | # Symbol name (referenced in STYLEs) | | STYLE | NAME "circle" | | # Symbol to be used (reference) | TYPE ellipse # Type of symbol | | SYMBOL "circle" | # Start of the symbol geometry | | # Size of the symbol in pixels | POINTS | | SIZE 10 | 1 1 | | # Colour (RGB) - blue | END # end of POINTS | | COLOR 0 0 255 | # The symbol should be filled | | END # end of STYLE | FILLED true | | END # end of CLASS | # Place the according to its center | | END # end of LAYER | ANCHORPOINT 0.5 0.5 | | | END # end of SYMBOL | +----------------------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------+ .. index:: single: Cartographical symbols Using Cartographical Symbols in MapServer ========================================= Vectors, truetype fonts and raster images are basic graphical elements that are defined by the `TYPE` parameter in the :ref:`style` element. This and the following sections explain how these elements can be combined to create complex cartographical symbols, and they describes some other important aspects of map rendering in Mapserver. Output formats -------------- MapServer support raster output formats (e.g. PNG, JPEG and GIF) and vector output formats (e.g. PDF, SVG). The raster formats (except for GIF) use anti-aliasing. See :ref:`outputformat` (and :ref:`map` `IMAGETYPE`) for more. Symbol units ------------ The units used for specifying dimensions is defined in the `SIZEUNITS` parameter of the :ref:`layer`. The available units are listed there. The default unit is `pixels`. The `MAP` element's `RESOLUTION` and `DEFRESOLUTION` parameters will determine the resolution of the resulting map and hence the size in pixels of the symbols on the map. `DEFRESOLUTION` is by default 72 dpi (dots per inch). If `RESOLUTION` is set to 144 (and `DEFRESOLUTION` is 72), all dimensions specified in the map file will be multiplied by 144/72 = 2. This can be used to produce higher resolution images. Dimensions can be specified using decimals. .. index:: single: Scaling of symbols Scaling of Symbols ------------------ The `SYMBOLSCALEDENOM` parameter in the :ref:`layer` section specifies the scale at which the symbol or text label is displayed in exactly the dimensions defined in the :ref:`style`\s (for instance using `SIZE` and `WIDTH`). Observe that all the parameters concerned with the symbol dimensions (`SIZE`\, `WIDTH`\, ...) are tightly connected to the `SYMBOLSCALEDENOM` parameter. The `MAXSIZE` and `MINSIZE` parameters inside the :ref:`style` element limit the scaling of symbols to the maximum and minimum size specified here (but does not affect the size calculations). When symbols are scaled as the scale changes, the elements (defined in :ref:`style`\s) of a composite cartographical symbol may change their positions relative to each other. This is due to rounding effects when creating the image. The effect is most noticable at small scales (large scale denominators), when the symbols get small. Due to the same effects, symbols can also slightly change their shape when they get small. It is not possibile to define the display intervals with `MINSCALEDENOM` and `MAXSCALEDENOM` in the :ref:`style`\-section, so this kind of tuning has to be solved at the :ref:`layer` level. To do this, create several :ref:`layer`\s with the same geometries for different scale levels. Always observe that cartographical symbols depend a lot on the scale! So be careful with the interaction of content, symbols and scale. All three parameters heavily interact and have to be coordinated to produce a good map. .. index:: single: Point symbols Construction of Point Symbols ============================= In the figure below, point symbols of `TYPE` `truetype`, `pixmap`, `ellipse` and `vector` are demonstrated. The precise position of the point for which the symbol is rendered is shown with a small red dot. A small blue dot is used to show an offset position. .. figure:: ../../images/symcon-points.png :align: center Basic point symbol `TYPE`\s, showing effects of size, offset, angle and outlinecolor All point symbols can be rotated using the `ANGLE` parameter. Since version 6.2, the anchor point / reference point of all point symbols can be set using the :ref:`symbol` `ANCHORPOINT` parameter. The default anchorpoint is at the center of the boundingbox of the symbol (`ANCHORPOINT` 0.5 0.5). .. index:: single: Ellipse symbols .. index:: single: Vector symbols Symbols of `TYPE` `vector` and `ellipse` ---------------------------------------- For symbols of `TYPE` `vector` and `ellipse` the shape of the symbol by setting X and Y values in a local two dimensional coordinate system with X values increasing to the right and Y values increasing downwards. The coordinates defining the symbol is listed in the `POINTS` parameter, which is explicitly ended using `END`. Negative values should not be used. - `TYPE` `ellipse` is used to create ellipses (and circles). The shape of the ellipse is defined in the `POINTS` parameter (X - size in the horizontal direction, Y - size in the vertical direction). To create a circle, let X and Y have the same value. - `TYPE` `vector` is used to define advanced vector symbols. The shape of the symbol is defined in the `POINTS` parameter. A `vector` symbol can consist of several elements. The coordinates -99 -99 are used to separate the elements. To create a polygon vector symbol, the :ref:`symbol` `FILLED` parameter must be set to `true`. If the end point is not equal to the start point of a polygon geometry, it will be closed automatically. The maximum number of points is 100, but this can be increased by changing the parameter MS_MAXVECTORPOINTS in the file mapsymbols.h before compilation. When creating symbols of `TYPE` `vector` you should observe some style guidelines. - Avoid downtilted lines in area symbols, as they will lead to heavy aliasing effects. - Do not go below a useful minimum size. This is relevant for all types of symbols. - Keep in mind that for pixel images, every symbol of `TYPE` `vector` has to be rendered using pixels. .. note:: The bounding box of a vector symbol has (0,0) in the symbol coordinate system as its upper left corner. This can be used to precisely control symbol placement. Since version 6.2 :ref:`symbol` `ANCHORPOINT` should be used instead. .. index:: single: Truetype symbols Symbols of `TYPE` `truetype` ---------------------------- You can use symbols from truetype fonts. The symbol settings are defined in the :ref:`symbol` element. Specify the character or the ASCII number of the character to be used in the `CHARACTER` parameter. The `FONT` parameter is used to specify the font to be used (the alias name from the font file - often "fonts.list"). The `FONTSET` parameter of the `MAP` element must be set for fonts to work. For gif output (GD renderer), you can define that you want to apply antialiasing to the characters by using the parameter `ANTIALIAS`\. It is recommended to do this especially with more complex symbols and whenever they don't fit well into the raster matrix or show a visible pixel structure. Colours for `truetype` symbols can be specified in :ref:`layer` :ref:`class` :ref:`style` (as with symbols of the `TYPE` `vector` and `ellipse`). You can specify both fill colour and outline colour. To find out the character number of a symbol use one of the following options: - Use the software FontMap (Shareware, with free trial version for download, thanks Till!). - Use the MS Windows truetype map. - Trial and Error. :-) Please note that the numbering of the so-called "symbol fonts" starts at 61440! So if you want to use character T, you have to use 61440 + 84 = . (ain't that a pain!!) You can also place truetype characters and strings on the map using `LABEL`. Then you can control the placing of the text by using the `POSITION` parameter [ul|uc|ur|cl|cc|cr|ll|lc|lr], that specifies the position relative to the geometric origin of the geometry. .. index:: single: Pixmap symbols Symbols of `TYPE` `pixmap` -------------------------- Symbols of the `TYPE` `pixmap` are simply small raster images. The file name of the raster image is specified in the `IMAGE` parameter of the :ref:`symbol` element. MapServer supports the raster formats GIF and PNG for `pixmap`\s. Observe the colour depth of the images and avoid using 24 bit PNG symbols displayed in 8 bit mode as this may cause unexpected colour leaps. When using raster images, the colour cannot be modified in the :ref:`symbol` element subsequently. You can specify a colour with the `TRANSPARENT` parameter which will not be displayed - i.e. it will be transparent. As a result, underlying objects and colours are visible. The `SIZE` parameter defines the height of `pixmap` symbols when rendered. The pixel structure will show when the `SIZE` grows too large. If you are using symbol scaling (:ref:`layer` `SYMBOLSCALEDENOM` is set or :ref:`layer` `SIZEUNITS` is not `pixels`) and want to prevent this from happening, you should set the :ref:`style` `MAXSIZE` parameter. Symbol definitions for the figure that demonstrates point symbols ----------------------------------------------------------------- This code was used to produce the symbols in the point symbol figure. First, the symbol definitions: .. code-block:: mapfile SYMBOL NAME "o-flag-trans" TYPE pixmap IMAGE "o-flag-trans.png" END # SYMBOL SYMBOL NAME "circlef" TYPE ellipse FILLED true POINTS 10 10 END # POINTS END # SYMBOL SYMBOL NAME "P" TYPE truetype FONT "arial" CHARACTER "P" END # SYMBOL SYMBOL NAME "v-line" TYPE vector FILLED false POINTS 0 0 5 10 10 0 END # POINTS END # SYMBOL SYMBOL NAME "v-poly" TYPE vector FILLED true POINTS 0 0 3.5 8 7 0 5.2 0 3.5 4 1.8 0 0 0 END # POINTS END # SYMBOL Then, the :ref:`layer`\s and :ref:`style`\s used for producing the polygon V symbols in the point symbol figure: .. code-block:: mapfile LAYER # Vector v - polygon STATUS DEFAULT TYPE POINT FEATURE POINTS 10 30 END # Points END # Feature CLASS STYLE SYMBOL "v-poly" COLOR 0 0 0 END # STYLE STYLE SYMBOL "circlef" COLOR 255 0 0 SIZE 4 END # STYLE END # CLASS END # LAYER LAYER # Vector v - polygon, size STATUS DEFAULT TYPE POINT FEATURE POINTS 20 30 END # Points END # Feature CLASS STYLE SYMBOL "v-poly" COLOR 0 0 0 SIZE 30 END # STYLE STYLE SYMBOL "circlef" COLOR 255 0 0 SIZE 4 END # STYLE END # CLASS END # LAYER LAYER # Vector v - polygon, size, angle STATUS DEFAULT TYPE POINT FEATURE POINTS 30 30 END # Points END # Feature CLASS STYLE SYMBOL "v-poly" COLOR 0 0 0 SIZE 30 ANGLE 60 END # STYLE STYLE SYMBOL "circlef" COLOR 255 0 0 SIZE 4 END # STYLE END # CLASS END # LAYER LAYER # Vector v - polygon, size, offset STATUS DEFAULT TYPE POINT FEATURE POINTS 40 30 END # Points END # Feature CLASS STYLE SYMBOL "v-poly" COLOR 0 0 0 SIZE 30 OFFSET 0 15 END # STYLE STYLE SYMBOL "circlef" COLOR 255 0 0 SIZE 4 END # STYLE END # CLASS END # LAYER LAYER # Vector v - polygon, size, angle, offset STATUS DEFAULT TYPE POINT FEATURE POINTS 50 30 END # Points END # Feature CLASS STYLE SYMBOL "v-poly" COLOR 0 0 0 SIZE 30 ANGLE 60 OFFSET 0 15 END # STYLE STYLE SYMBOL "circlef" COLOR 255 0 0 SIZE 4 END # STYLE END # CLASS END # LAYER LAYER # Vector v - polygon, size outline STATUS DEFAULT TYPE POINT FEATURE POINTS 60 30 END # Points END # Feature CLASS STYLE SYMBOL "v-poly" COLOR 0 0 0 SIZE 30 OUTLINECOLOR 0 255 0 END # STYLE STYLE SYMBOL "circlef" COLOR 255 0 0 SIZE 4 END # STYLE END # CLASS END # LAYER LAYER # Vector v - polygon, size, outline, width STATUS DEFAULT TYPE POINT FEATURE POINTS 70 30 END # Points END # Feature CLASS STYLE SYMBOL "v-poly" COLOR 0 0 0 SIZE 30 OUTLINECOLOR 0 255 0 WIDTH 4 END # STYLE STYLE SYMBOL "circlef" COLOR 255 0 0 SIZE 4 END # STYLE END # CLASS END # LAYER LAYER # Vector v - polygon, size, outline, no color STATUS DEFAULT TYPE POINT FEATURE POINTS 80 30 END # Points END # Feature CLASS STYLE SYMBOL "v-poly" SIZE 30 OUTLINECOLOR 0 255 0 END # STYLE STYLE SYMBOL "circlef" COLOR 255 0 0 SIZE 4 END # STYLE END # CLASS END # LAYER .. index:: single: Combining symbols Combining symbols ----------------- The following figure shows how to combine several basic symbols to create a complex point symbol. The combination is achieved by adding several :ref:`style`\s within one :ref:`layer`. Each :ref:`style` element references one :ref:`symbol` element. All the basic symbols are centered and overlayed when rendered. Notice that the `SIZE` parameter in the :ref:`style` element refers to the height of the symbol (extent in the Y direction). A standing rectangle will thus display with a smaller area than a lying rectangle, although both have the same `SIZE` parameter and the same maximum Y value in the :ref:`symbol` element. When combining several basic point symbols on top of each other, they will not always be centered correctly due to the integer mathematics required when rendering raster images. It is recommended not to combine elements with even and odd numbered `SIZE` parameters, as this tends to produce larger irregularities. .. figure:: ../../images/point-symbols.png :width: 730 :height: 508 :align: center Construction of Point Symbols .. index:: single: Line symbols Construction of Line Symbols ============================ For displaying line geometries, you specify the width of the lines using the `WIDTH` parameter and the colour using the `COLOR` parameter. If no colour is specified, the line will not be rendered. If no width is specified, a thin line (one unit (pixel) wide) will be rendered. The `LINECAP`, `LINEJOIN` and `LINEJOINMAXSIZE` parameters are used to specify how line ends and corners are to be rendered. .. index:: single: Line symbol overlay Overlaying lines ---------------- When combining several styles / symbols on a line, they will be positioned on the baseline which is defined by the geometry of the object. In most cases MapServer correctly centers symbols. The combination of a line displayed in 16 units width and overlayed with a 10 unit width line, results in a line symbol with a 3 unit border. If the cartographical symbol is to contain a centered line with a width of 1 pixel, then the widths should be reconfigured, for example to 11 and 17 units. As a rule of thumb don't combine even numbered and odd numbered widths. .. index:: single: GAP .. index:: single: PATTERN .. _construction_pattern_gap: Use of the `PATTERN` and `GAP` parameters ----------------------------------------- The `PATTERN` and `GAP` parameters can be used to produce styled lines in MapServer. To create line patterns, use the `PATTERN` parameter of the :ref:`style`\. Here you define dashes by specifying the length of the first dash, followed by the length of the first gap, then the length of the second dash, followed by the second gap, and so on. This pattern will be repeated as many times as that pattern will fit into the line. `LINECAP` can be used to control how the ends of the dashes are rendered. `LINEJOIN` can be used to control how sharp bends are rendered. In the left column of the figure, you will find three examples where `PATTERN` has been used. Number 2 from below uses `LINECAP` `butt`, number 3 from below uses `LINECAP` `round` (and `LINEJOIN` `miter`) and number 4 from below uses `LINECAP` `butt` (and is overlayed over a wider, dark grey line). To produce dots, use 0 for dash length with `LINECAP` 'round'. Styled lines can be specified using `GAP` and a symbol for styling. In the figure, you will find examples where `GAP` has been used (in the right column). At the bottom a :ref:`symbol` of `TYPE` `ellipse` has been used, then a :ref:`symbol` of `TYPE` `vector`, then a :ref:`symbol` of `TYPE` `font` and then a :ref:`symbol` of `TYPE` `pixmap`. To control the placement of the symbols relative to the line (to get asymmetrical styling), use :ref:`symbol` `ANCHORPOINT` (as explained later). .. note:: Since version 6.2 it is possible to specify an offset (start gap) when creating asymmetrical patterns using the :ref:`style` `INITIALGAP` parameter. `INITIALGAP` can be used with `GAP` and with `PATTERN`. The following figure shows how to use styles to define different kinds of line symbols. - `PATTERN` usage is demonstrated in the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th symbol from the bottom in the left column. - `GAP` usage is demonstrated in the 2nd symbol from the bottom in the left column and all the symbols in the right column. - negative `GAP` value usage is demonstrated in the all the symbols in the right column, except for the one at the bottom. - `INITIALGAP` usage is demonstrated in the 2nd and 5th symbol from the bottom in the left column. - :ref:`style` `OFFSET` usage is demonstrated in the 5th symbol from the bottom in the right column .. figure:: ../../images/symcon-lines.png :align: center :width: 570 :height: 390 Construction of Line Symbols Below you will find the :ref:`symbol`\s and :ref:`style`\s that were used to produce the line symbols in "Construction of Line Symbols". The :ref:`layer`\s are ordered from bottom to top of the figure. **Styles and symbols for lines** .. code-block:: mapfile SYMBOL NAME "circlef" TYPE ellipse FILLED true POINTS 1 1 END # POINTS END # SYMBOL SYMBOL NAME "P" TYPE truetype FONT "arial" CHARACTER "P" END # SYMBOL SYMBOL NAME "vertline" TYPE vector FILLED true POINTS 0 0 0 10 2.8 10 2.8 0 0 0 END # POINTS ANCHORPOINT 0.5 0 END # SYMBOL SYMBOL NAME "o-flag-trans" TYPE pixmap IMAGE "o-flag-trans.png" END # SYMBOL ######## Left column ############### LAYER # Simple line STATUS DEFAULT TYPE LINE FEATURE POINTS 5 5 25 10 45 10 35 5 END # Points END # Feature CLASS STYLE COLOR 0 0 0 WIDTH 6.5 END # STYLE END # CLASS END # LAYER LAYER # Dashed line with symbol overlay STATUS DEFAULT TYPE LINE FEATURE POINTS 5 15 25 20 45 20 35 15 END # Points END # Feature CLASS STYLE COLOR 0 0 0 WIDTH 5.0 PATTERN 40 10 END END # STYLE STYLE SYMBOL "circlef" COLOR 0 0 0 SIZE 8 INITIALGAP 20 GAP 50 END END # CLASS END # LAYER LAYER # Dashed line, varying STATUS DEFAULT TYPE LINE FEATURE POINTS 5 25 25 30 45 30 35 25 END # Points END # Feature CLASS STYLE COLOR 0 0 0 WIDTH 5.0 LINECAP round #[butt|round|square|triangle] LINEJOIN miter #[round|miter|bevel] LINEJOINMAXSIZE 3 PATTERN 40 17 0 17 0 17 0 17 END END # STYLE END # CLASS END # LAYER LAYER # Line dash overlay STATUS DEFAULT TYPE LINE FEATURE POINTS 5 35 25 40 45 40 35 35 END # Points END # Feature CLASS STYLE COLOR 102 102 102 WIDTH 4.0 END # STYLE STYLE COLOR 255 255 255 WIDTH 2.0 LINECAP BUTT PATTERN 8 12 END END # STYLE END # CLASS END # LAYER LAYER # Line dashed with dashed overlay STATUS DEFAULT TYPE LINE FEATURE POINTS 5 45 25 50 45 50 35 45 END # Points END # Feature CLASS STYLE COLOR 0 0 0 WIDTH 16.0 PATTERN 40 20 20 20 10 20 END END # STYLE STYLE COLOR 209 66 0 WIDTH 12.0 INITIALGAP 2 PATTERN 36 24 16 24 6 24 END END # STYLE END # CLASS END # LAYER LAYER # Line overlay - 3 STATUS DEFAULT TYPE LINE FEATURE POINTS 5 55 25 60 45 60 35 55 END # Points END # Feature CLASS STYLE COLOR 0 0 0 WIDTH 17.0 END # STYLE STYLE COLOR 209 66 0 WIDTH 11.0 END # STYLE STYLE COLOR 0 0 0 WIDTH 1.0 END # STYLE END # CLASS END # LAYER ######## right column ############ LAYER # Line - ellipse overlay STATUS DEFAULT TYPE LINE FEATURE POINTS 50 5 70 10 90 10 80 5 END # Points END # Feature CLASS STYLE COLOR 0 0 0 WIDTH 3.6 END # STYLE STYLE COLOR 0 0 0 SYMBOL "circlef" SIZE 10 GAP 42 END # STYLE STYLE COLOR 255 0 0 SYMBOL "circlef" SIZE 3 GAP 42 END # STYLE END # CLASS END # LAYER LAYER # Line - symbol overlay STATUS DEFAULT TYPE LINE FEATURE POINTS 50 15 70 20 90 20 80 15 END # Points END # Feature CLASS STYLE COLOR 0 0 0 WIDTH 2.8 END # STYLE STYLE COLOR 0 0 0 SYMBOL "vertline" SIZE 10.0 ANGLE 30 GAP -50 END # STYLE STYLE COLOR 255 0 0 SYMBOL "circlef" SIZE 3 GAP 50 END # STYLE END # CLASS END # LAYER LAYER # Line - font overlay STATUS DEFAULT TYPE LINE FEATURE POINTS 50 25 70 30 90 30 80 25 END # Points END # Feature CLASS STYLE COLOR 0 0 0 WIDTH 6 END # STYLE STYLE COLOR 102 0 0 SYMBOL "P" SIZE 20 GAP -30 END # STYLE STYLE COLOR 255 0 0 SYMBOL "circlef" SIZE 3 GAP 30 END # STYLE END # CLASS END # LAYER LAYER # Line - pixmap overlay STATUS DEFAULT TYPE LINE FEATURE POINTS 50 35 70 40 90 40 80 35 END # Points END # Feature CLASS STYLE COLOR 0 0 0 WIDTH 6 END # STYLE STYLE COLOR 102 0 0 SYMBOL "o-flag-trans" SIZE 20 GAP -30 END # STYLE STYLE COLOR 255 0 0 SYMBOL "circlef" SIZE 3 GAP 30 END # STYLE END # CLASS END # LAYER LAYER # Line - pixmap overlay STATUS DEFAULT TYPE LINE FEATURE POINTS 50 45 70 50 90 50 80 45 END # Points END # Feature CLASS STYLE COLOR 0 0 0 WIDTH 6 END # STYLE STYLE COLOR 102 0 0 SYMBOL "o-flag-trans" SIZE 20 GAP -30 OFFSET -10 -99 END # STYLE STYLE COLOR 255 0 0 SYMBOL "circlef" SIZE 3 GAP 30 END # STYLE END # CLASS END # LAYER .. index:: pair: STYLE; LINECAP `LINECAP` ........................... By default, all lines (and patterns) will be drawn with rounded ends (extending the lines slightly beyond their ends). This effect gets more obvious the larger the width of the line is. It is possible to alter this behaviour using the `LINECAP` parameter of the :ref:`style`. `LINECAP` `butt` will give butt ends (stops the line exactly at the end), with no extension of the line. `LINECAP` `square` will give square ends, with an extension of the line. `LINECAP` `round` is the default. .. index:: pair: STYLE; LINEJOIN `LINEJOIN` ....................... The different values for the parameter `LINEJOIN` have the following visual effects. Default is `round`. `miter` will follow line borders until they intersect and fill the resulting area. `none` will render each segment using linecap `butt`. The figure below illustrates the different linejoins. .. figure:: ../../images/linejoin.jpg :align: center Different kinds of linejoins .. index:: pair: STYLE; LINEJOINMAXSIZE `LINEJOINMAXSIZE` (only relevant for `LINEJOIN` `miter`\) ............................................................................... Specify the maximum length of `miter` linejoin factor `m` (see the figure below). The value is a multiplication factor (default 3). .. figure:: ../../images/miter-linejoin.jpg :align: center Miter linejoin The max length of the `miter` join is calculated as follows (`d` is the line width, specified with the `WIDTH` parameter of the :ref:`style`\): :: m_max = d * LINEJOINMAXSIZE If *m* > *m_max*, then the connection length will be set to m_max. .. index:: pair: STYLE; OFFSET Use of the `OFFSET` parameter ----------------------------- In :ref:`style`\, an OFFSET parameter can be set to shift symbols in the X and Y direction. The displacement is not influenced by the direction of the line geometry. Therefore the point symbols used for styling are all shifted in the same direction, independent of the direction of the line (as defined in style number 2 in the map file example below - red line in the map image). A positive X value shifts to the right. A positive Y value shifts downwards. To generate lines that are shifted relative to the original lines, -99 has to be used for the Y value of the OFFSET. Then the X value defines the distance to the line from the original geometry (perpendicular to the line). A positive X value will shift to the right (when viewed in the direction of the line), a negative X value will shift to the left. The example below shows how OFFSET works with the use of -99 (blue and green lines) and without the use of -99 (red line). The thin black line shows the location of the line geometry. .. figure:: ../../images/symcon-offset.png :align: left Use of the `OFFSET` parameter with lines - map image .. table:: +--------------------------------------------------------------+ |Use of the `OFFSET` parameter with lines - Map file excerpt | +==============================================================+ |.. code-block:: mapfile | | | | LAYER # | | STATUS DEFAULT | | TYPE LINE | | FEATURE | | POINTS | | 20 20 | | 280 160 | | 280 20 | | 160 20 | | 160 60 | | END # Points | | END # Feature | | CLASS | | STYLE # no offset | | COLOR 0 0 0 # black | | WIDTH 1 | | END # STYLE | | STYLE # simple offset left and down | | COLOR 255 0 0 # red | | WIDTH 2 | | OFFSET -8 12 | | END # STYLE | | STYLE # left offset rel. to line direction | | COLOR 0 0 255 # blue | | WIDTH 5 | | OFFSET -16 -99 | | END # STYLE | | STYLE # right offset rel. to line direction | | COLOR 0 255 0 # green | | WIDTH 5 | | OFFSET 16 -99 | | END # STYLE | | END # CLASS | | END # LAYER | +--------------------------------------------------------------+ .. index:: single: Assymetrical line styling Asymmetrical line styling with point symbols -------------------------------------------- Line number 2 and 5 from the bottom in the right column of the "Construction of Line Symbols" figure are examples of asymmetrical line styling using a point symbol. This can be achieved either by using an OFFSET (with a Y value of -99), or by using `ANCHORPOINT`, as described in the tricks section below. Line number 2 from the bottom can be produced using `ANCHORPOINT` - this is the best method for placing symbols on lines. Line number 5 from the bottom is produced using :ref:`style` `OFFSET`. As can be seen, the symbols are here rendered on the offset line, meaning that at sharp bends, some symbols will be placed far away from the line. .. index:: single: Area symbols Area Symbols ============ Areas (polygons) can be filled with full colour. Areas can also be filled with symbols to create for instance hatches and graticules. The symbols are by default used as tiles, and rendered (without spacing) one after the other in the x and y direction, filling the whole polygon. If the `SIZE` parameter is used in the :ref:`style`, the symbols will be scaled to the specified height. The `GAP` parameter of the :ref:`style` can be used to increase the spacing of the symbols. The AGG renderer uses anti-aliasing by default, so edge effects around the symbols can occure. .. index:: single: Hatch polygon fill .. _construction_hatch_fill: Hatch fill ---------- Simple line hatches (e.g. horizontal, vertical and diagonal) can be created by filling the polygon with a hatch symbol. .. figure:: ../../images/symcon-hatch.png :align: center Hatch examples The `SIZE` parameter in the :ref:`style` that uses a :ref:`symbol` of type `hatch` specifies the distance from center to center between the lines (the default is 1). The `WIDTH` parameter specifies the width of the lines in the hatch pattern (default is 1). The `ANGLE` parameter specifies the direction of the lines (default is 0 - horizontal lines). Since version 6.2, the `PATTERN` parameter can be used to create hatches with dashed lines. The figure demonstrates the use of `SIZE` (bottom left); `WIDTH` (bottom right); `ANGLE`, `PATTERN` and `SIZE` (top left); and overlay (top right) of hatches. The code below shows excerpts of the map file that was used to produce the figure. First, the :ref:`symbol` definition: .. code-block:: mapfile SYMBOL NAME "hatchsymbol" TYPE hatch END Then the :ref:`class` definitions: .. table:: Hatches +---------------------------------------+ | :ref:`class` definitions | +=======================================+ |.. code-block:: mapfile | | | | LAYER # hatch | | ... | | CLASS | | STYLE | | SYMBOL "hatchsymbol" | | COLOR 0 0 0 | | SIZE 10 | | END # STYLE | | END # CLASS | | END # LAYER | | | | LAYER # hatch with angle and pattern | | ... | | CLASS | | STYLE | | SYMBOL "hatchsymbol" | | COLOR 0 0 0 | | SIZE 10 | | WIDTH 3 | | ANGLE 45 | | PATTERN 20 10 10 10 END | | END # STYLE | | END # CLASS | | END # LAYER | | | | LAYER # hatch with wide lines | | ... | | CLASS | | STYLE | | SYMBOL "hatchsymbol" | | COLOR 0 0 0 | | SIZE 10 | | WIDTH 5 | | END # STYLE | | END # CLASS | | END # LAYER | | | | LAYER # cross hatch | | ... | | CLASS | | STYLE | | SYMBOL "hatchsymbol" | | COLOR 255 153 0 | | SIZE 10 | | WIDTH 4 | | END # STYLE | | STYLE | | SYMBOL "hatchsymbol" | | COLOR 0 0 255 | | SIZE 20 | | ANGLE 90 | | END # STYLE | | END # CLASS | | END # LAYER | | | +---------------------------------------+ .. index:: single: Pixmap polygon fill Polygon fills with symbols of `TYPE` `pixmap` --------------------------------------------- Polygons can be filled with pixmaps. .. note:: If the :ref:`style` `SIZE` parameter is different from the image height of the pixmap, there can be rendering artefacts around the pixmaps (visible as a grid with the "background" colour). `Pixmap` symbols can be rotated using the `ANGLE` parameter, but for polygon fills, this produces strange effects, and is not recommended. To create complex area symbols, e.g. with defined distances between single characters or hatches with broad lines, pixmap fill is probably the best option. Depending on the desired pattern you have to generate the raster image with high precision using a graphical editor. The figure below is an example of how to obtain a regular allocation of symbols with defined spacing. .. figure:: ../../images/polygon-symbol-fill.png :height: 321 :width: 357 :align: center Raster image for a regular symbol fill You can use other shapes than circles. B defines the width and H the height of the raster image. For a regular arrangment of symbols in a 45 degree angle B = H. For symbols, which are regularly arranged in parallel and without offset between each other one centered symbol with the same x and y distances to the imageborder is enough. The following figure shows an example of how you can design a pixmap to produce a hatch with wide lines. .. figure:: ../../images/hatch-symbol-fill.png :height: 321 :width: 321 :align: center Raster image for a hatched fill To create a 45 degree hatch use: :: B = H and x = y .. note:: When using the MapServer legend, observe that each raster `pixmap` is displayed only once in the original size in the middle of the legend box. The example below shows some `pixmap` symbols which can be used as area symbols with transparency. The raster images were created using FreeHand, finished with Photoshop and exported to PNG with special attention to the colour palette. .. table:: Construction of a horizontally arranged area symbol +--------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+ | :ref:`class` section | :ref:`symbol` definition | +================================+=================================================+ |.. code-block:: mapfile |.. code-block:: mapfile | | | | | CLASS | SYMBOL | | STYLE | NAME "in_the_star" | | COLOR 255 255 0 | TYPE PIXMAP | | END | IMAGE "stern.png" | | STYLE | TRANSPARENT 8 | | SYMBOL "in_the_star" | END | | END | | | STYLE |.. image:: ../../images/star-symbol.png | | OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 0 | :align: left | | WIDTH 1 | | | END | | | END | | +--------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+ .. figure:: ../../images/horizontal-area-symbol.png :align: center Polygon fill - regular grid pattern .. table:: Construction of a diagonally arranged area symbol +--------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+ | :ref:`class` section | :ref:`symbol` definition | +================================+=================================================+ |.. code-block:: mapfile |.. code-block:: mapfile | | | | | CLASS | SYMBOL | | STYLE | NAME "in_point1" | | SYMBOL "in_point1" | TYPE PIXMAP | | END | IMAGE "flaeche1_1.png" | | STYLE | TRANSPARENT 13 | | OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 0 | END | | WIDTH 1 | | | END |.. image:: ../../images/dot-symbol.png | | END | :align: left | +--------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+ .. figure:: ../../images/diagonal-area-symbol.png :align: center Polygon fill - diagonal pattern .. table:: Construction of a hatch +--------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+ | :ref:`class` section | :ref:`symbol` definition | +================================+=================================================+ |.. code-block:: mapfile |.. code-block:: mapfile | | | | | CLASS | SYMBOL | | STYLE | NAME "in_hatch" | | COLOR 255 255 0 | TYPE PIXMAP | | END | IMAGE "schraffur.png" | | STYLE | TRANSPARENT 2 | | SYMBOL "in_hatch" | END | | END | | | STYLE |.. image:: ../../images/hatch.png | | OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 0 | :align: left | | WIDTH 1 | | | END | | | END | | +--------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+ .. figure:: ../../images/hatch-symbol.png :align: center Polygon fill - hatch .. index:: single: Vector polygon fill Polygon fills with symbols of `TYPE` `vector` --------------------------------------------- Polygons can be filled with symbols of `TYPE` `vector`. As for the other symbol fills, the pattern will be generated by using the specified symbol for the tiles. The bounding box of the symbol is used when tiling. Creating vector symbols for polygon fills is done in much the same way as for pixmap symbols. Precision is necessary to get nice symmetrical symbols. The upper left corner of the bounding box of a symbol of `TYPE` `vector` is always (0, 0) in the symbol's coordinate system. The lower right corner of the bounding box is determined by the maximum x and y values of the symbol definition (`POINTS` parameter). The fact that the upper left corner always is at (0,0) makes it convenient to construct symbols such as the dash signature found as number two from the bottom in the centre column of the example below. Both polygon (`FILLED` `true`) and line (`FILLED` `false`) vector symbols can be used. For line symbols, the `WIDTH` parameter of the :ref:`style` will give the line width and the `SIZE` parameter will specify the height of the symbol. .. note:: For vector line symbols (`FILL` off), if a width greater than 1 is specified, the lines will grow to extend outside the original bounding box of the symbol. The parts that are outside of the bounding box will be cut away. :ref:`style` ANGLE can be used for polygon fills, but will only rotate each individual symbol, not the pattern as a whole. It is therefore quite demanding to generate rotated patterns. Below you will find some examples of vector symbols used for polygon fills. The polygon fill is accompanied by the vector symbol used for the fill. The center of the vector symbol is indicated with a red dot. .. figure:: ../../images/symcon-polygonvector.png :align: center :width: 600 :height: 420 Polygon fills - vector Excerpts from the map file for the polygon fill vector examples above ..................................................................... First, the :ref:`layer`\s .. code-block:: mapfile LAYER # chess board STATUS DEFAULT TYPE POLYGON FEATURE POINTS 5 5 5 25 45 25 45 5 5 5 END # Points END # Feature CLASS STYLE SYMBOL "chess" COLOR 0 0 0 SIZE 35 END # STYLE END # CLASS END # LAYER LAYER # x - line STATUS DEFAULT TYPE POLYGON FEATURE POINTS 5 30 5 50 45 50 45 30 5 30 END # Points END # Feature CLASS STYLE SYMBOL "x-line" COLOR 0 0 0 WIDTH 5 SIZE 35 END # STYLE END # CLASS END # LAYER LAYER # v polygon STATUS DEFAULT TYPE POLYGON FEATURE POINTS 5 55 5 75 45 75 45 55 5 55 END # Points END # Feature CLASS STYLE SYMBOL "v-poly" COLOR 0 0 0 SIZE 35 END # STYLE END # CLASS END # LAYER LAYER # Circles STATUS DEFAULT TYPE POLYGON FEATURE POINTS 5 80 5 100 45 100 45 80 5 80 END # Points END # Feature CLASS STYLE SYMBOL "circlef" COLOR 0 0 0 SIZE 20 GAP 25 END # STYLE END # CLASS END # LAYER LAYER # x polygon STATUS DEFAULT TYPE POLYGON FEATURE POINTS 55 5 55 25 95 25 95 5 55 5 END # Points END # Feature CLASS STYLE COLOR 0 0 0 SYMBOL "x-poly-fill" SIZE 35 END # STYLE END # CLASS END # LAYER LAYER # indistinct marsh STATUS DEFAULT TYPE POLYGON FEATURE POINTS 55 30 55 50 95 50 95 30 55 30 END # Points END # Feature CLASS STYLE COLOR 0 0 255 SYMBOL "ind_marsh_poly" SIZE 25 END # STYLE END # CLASS END # LAYER LAYER # diagonal circles STATUS DEFAULT TYPE POLYGON FEATURE POINTS 55 55 55 75 95 75 95 55 55 55 END # Points END # Feature CLASS STYLE COLOR 255 230 51 SYMBOL "diag_dots" SIZE 30 END # STYLE END # CLASS END # LAYER LAYER # diagonal holes in yellow STATUS DEFAULT TYPE POLYGON FEATURE POINTS 55 80 55 100 95 100 95 80 55 80 END # Points END # Feature CLASS STYLE SYMBOL "diag_holes" SIZE 30 COLOR 250 220 102 END # STYLE END # CLASS END # LAYER LAYER # v line + circle STATUS DEFAULT TYPE POLYGON FEATURE POINTS 100 5 100 25 140 25 140 5 100 5 END # Points END # Feature CLASS STYLE COLOR 255 0 0 SYMBOL "circlef" SIZE 30 GAP 45 END # STYLE STYLE COLOR 0 0 0 SYMBOL "v-line" LINEJOIN miter LINECAP butt SIZE 35 WIDTH 10 GAP 45 END # STYLE END # CLASS END # LAYER LAYER # indistinct marsh + diagonal holes in yellow STATUS DEFAULT TYPE POLYGON FEATURE POINTS 100 30 100 50 140 50 140 30 100 30 END # Points END # Feature CLASS STYLE COLOR 0 0 255 SYMBOL "ind_marsh_poly" SIZE 25 END # STYLE STYLE SYMBOL "diag_holes" SIZE 30 COLOR 250 220 0 OPACITY 75 END # STYLE END # CLASS END # LAYER LAYER # x line + circle STATUS DEFAULT TYPE POLYGON FEATURE POINTS 100 55 100 75 140 75 140 55 100 55 END # Points END # Feature CLASS STYLE COLOR 0 0 255 SYMBOL "circle" WIDTH 5 SIZE 20 GAP 30 END # STYLE STYLE COLOR 0 204 0 SYMBOL "x-line" SIZE 10 WIDTH 3 GAP 30 END # STYLE END # CLASS END # LAYER Then the :ref:`symbol`\s: .. code-block:: mapfile SYMBOL NAME "circlef" TYPE ellipse FILLED true POINTS 10 10 END # POINTS END # SYMBOL SYMBOL NAME "circle" TYPE ellipse FILLED false POINTS 10 10 END # POINTS END # SYMBOL SYMBOL NAME "v-line" TYPE vector POINTS 0 0 5 10 10 0 END END SYMBOL NAME "v-poly" TYPE vector FILLED false FILLED true POINTS 0 0 3.5 8 7 0 5.2 0 3.5 4 1.8 0 0 0 END END SYMBOL NAME "x-line" TYPE vector POINTS 0 0 1 1 -99 -99 0 1 1 0 END END SYMBOL NAME "chess" TYPE vector FILLED true POINTS 0 0 10 0 10 10 0 10 0 0 -99 -99 10 10 20 10 20 20 10 20 10 10 END END SYMBOL NAME "x-poly-fill" TYPE vector FILLED true POINTS 0 1.131 0 0 1.131 0 4.566 3.434 8 0 9.131 0 9.131 1.131 5.697 4.566 9.131 8 9.131 9.131 8 9.131 4.566 5.697 1.131 9.131 0 9.131 0 8 3.434 4.566 0 1.131 END # POINTS END # SYMBOL SYMBOL NAME "ind_marsh_poly" TYPE vector FILLED true POINTS # Half line 0 2 4.5 2 4.5 3 0 3 0 2 -99 -99 # Half line 7 2 11.5 2 11.5 3 7 3 7 2 -99 -99 # Hole line 1.25 5 10.25 5 10.25 6 1.25 6 1.25 5 END END SYMBOL NAME "diag_dots" TYPE vector FILLED true POINTS # Central circle: 0.7450 0.4500 0.7365 0.5147 0.7115 0.5750 0.6718 0.6268 0.6200 0.6665 0.5597 0.6915 0.4950 0.7000 0.4303 0.6915 0.3700 0.6665 0.3182 0.6268 0.2785 0.5750 0.2535 0.5147 0.2450 0.4500 0.2535 0.3853 0.2785 0.3250 0.3182 0.2732 0.3700 0.2335 0.4303 0.2085 0.4950 0.2000 0.5597 0.2085 0.6200 0.2335 0.6718 0.2732 0.7115 0.3250 0.7365 0.3853 0.7450 0.4500 -99 -99 0.25 0.0 0.2415 0.0647 0.2165 0.1250 0.1768 0.1768 0.1250 0.2165 0.0647 0.2415 0.0 0.25 0.0 0.0 0.25 0.0 -99 -99 1 0.25 0.9252 0.2415 0.8649 0.2165 0.8132 0.1768 0.7734 0.1250 0.7485 0.0647 0.74 0.0 1 0.0 1 0.25 -99 -99 0.74 1 0.7485 0.9252 0.7734 0.8649 0.8132 0.8132 0.8649 0.7734 0.9252 0.7485 1 0.74 1 1 0.74 1 -99 -99 0.0 0.74 0.0647 0.7485 0.1250 0.7734 0.1768 0.8132 0.2165 0.8649 0.2415 0.9252 0.25 1 0.0 1 0.0 0.74 END END SYMBOL NAME "diag_holes" TYPE vector FILLED true POINTS 0.0 0.0 # Left half circle 0.0 0.24 0.0647 0.2485 0.1250 0.2734 0.1768 0.3132 0.2165 0.3649 0.2415 0.4252 0.25 0.5 0.2415 0.5647 0.2165 0.6250 0.1768 0.6768 0.1250 0.7165 0.0647 0.7415 0.0 0.75 0.0 1.0 # Bottom half circle 0.24 1 0.2485 0.9252 0.2734 0.8649 0.3132 0.8132 0.3649 0.7734 0.4252 0.7485 0.5 0.74 0.5647 0.7485 0.6250 0.7734 0.6768 0.8132 0.7165 0.8649 0.7415 0.9252 0.75 1 1.0 1.0 # Right half circle 1 0.75 0.9252 0.7415 0.8649 0.7165 0.8132 0.6768 0.7734 0.6250 0.7485 0.5647 0.74 0.5 0.7485 0.4252 0.7734 0.3649 0.8132 0.3132 0.8649 0.2734 0.9252 0.2485 1 0.24 1.0 0.0 # Top half circle 0.75 0.0 0.7415 0.0647 0.7165 0.1250 0.6768 0.1768 0.6250 0.2165 0.5647 0.2415 0.5 0.25 0.4252 0.2415 0.3649 0.2165 0.3132 0.1768 0.2734 0.1250 0.2485 0.0647 0.24 0.0 0.0 0.0 END END .. index:: single: Polygon outlines Polygon outlines ---------------- Polygon outlines can be created by using `OUTLINECOLOR` in the :ref:`STYLE`. `WIDTH` specifies the width of the outline. .. code-block:: mapfile STYLE OUTLINECOLOR 0 255 0 WIDTH 3 END # STYLE Dashed polygon outlines can be achieved by using `OUTLINECOLOR`, `WIDTH` and `PATTERN` (together with `LINECAP`, `LINEJOIN` and `LINEJOINMAXSIZE`). For more information on the use of `PATTERN`, see :ref:`construction_pattern_gap`. .. code-block:: mapfile STYLE OUTLINECOLOR 0 255 0 WIDTH 3 PATTERN 10 5 END # PATTERN LINECAP BUTT END # STYLE For some symbol types, it is even possible to style polygon outlines using `OUTLINECOLOR`, `SYMBOL` and `GAP`. .. code-block:: mapfile STYLE OUTLINECOLOR 0 255 0 SYMBOL 'circle' SIZE 5 GAP 15 END # STYLE Examples (Mapserver 4) ====================== The examples in this section were made for MapServer 4. .. note:: Many of these symbols will not work with later versions of Mapserver, but they contain a lot of useful symbol definitions and are therefore provided as reference. The symbols were created with *map* files and *symbol* files (`download_old_symbols`_). If you want to use these MAP files please note, that your MapServer must at least be able to handle 50 symbols. Otherwise you will get an error while loading the *symbol* files. .. _`download_old_symbols`: Basic Symbols ------------- .. image:: ../../images/point-symbol-examples.png .. image:: ../../images/line-symbol-examples.png .. image:: ../../images/pattern-symbol-examples.png Complex Symbols --------------- .. image:: ../../images/point-symbol-complex.png .. image:: ../../images/line-symbol-complex.png .. image:: ../../images/pattern-symbol-complex.png Tricks ====== .. index:: single: Symbol center Changing the center of a point symbol ------------------------------------- Mapserver does all transformations (offset, rotation) with respect to the symbol anchor point. By default, the anchor point is calculated from the symbol's bounding box. In some cases it can be useful to change the anchor point of a symbol. Since version 6.2, this can be done using the :ref:`symbol` `ANCHORPOINT`. Here are some examples of what can be achieved by using the `ANCHORPOINT` mechanisms for point symbols and decorated lines. There are three examples in the illustration, and each example shows the result with and without the use of `ANCHORPOINT`. At the top, arrows are added to lines using `GEOMTRANSFORM` start / end. In the middle, tags are added to lines using `GAP` and `ANGLE`. At the bottom, a point symbol is shifted and rotated. The red dots represent the center points, and the blue dots the offsets. .. figure:: ../../images/symcon-shifttrick.png :align: center Shifting trick Below you will find three tables that contain the :ref:`symbol`\s and the :ref:`style` mechanisms that were used to generate the shifted symbols in the illustration. .. table:: Symbol tricks - shift - arrows +--------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+ | :ref:`symbol`\s | :ref:`layer` :ref:`style`\s | +================================+=================================================+ |.. code-block:: mapfile |.. code-block:: mapfile | | | | | SYMBOL | LAYER # Line | | NAME "arrow-start" | STATUS DEFAULT | | TYPE vector | TYPE LINE | | FILLED true | FEATURE | | POINTS | POINTS | | 0 0.4 | 20 80 | | 3 0.4 | 40 85 | | 3 0 | 60 85 | | 5 0.8 | 70 80 | | 3 1.6 | END # Points | | 3 1.2 | END # Feature | | 0 1.2 | CLASS | | 0 0.4 | STYLE | | END # POINTS | COLOR 0 0 0 | | ANCHORPOINT 0 0.5 | WIDTH 15 | | END # SYMBOL | LINECAP butt | | SYMBOL | END # STYLE | | NAME "arrow-end" | STYLE | | TYPE vector | GEOMTRANSFORM "start" | | FILLED true | COLOR 0 255 0 | | POINTS | SYMBOL "arrow-start" | | 0 0.4 | SIZE 15.0 | | 3 0.4 | ANGLE AUTO | | 3 0 | END # STYLE | | 5 0.8 | STYLE | | 3 1.6 | GEOMTRANSFORM "start" | | 3 1.2 | COLOR 255 0 0 | | 0 1.2 | SYMBOL "circlef" | | 0 0.4 | SIZE 3 | | END # POINTS | END # STYLE | | ANCHORPOINT 1 0.5 | STYLE | | END # SYMBOL | GEOMTRANSFORM "end" | | | COLOR 0 255 0 | | | SYMBOL "arrow-end" | | | SIZE 15.0 | | | ANGLE AUTO | | | END # STYLE | | | STYLE | | | GEOMTRANSFORM "end" | | | COLOR 255 0 0 | | | SYMBOL "circlef" | | | SIZE 3 | | | END # STYLE | | | END # CLASS | | | END # LAYER | +--------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+ .. table:: Symbol tricks - shift - asymmetrical tags +--------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+ | :ref:`symbol`\s | :ref:`layer` :ref:`style`\s | +================================+=================================================+ |.. code-block:: mapfile |.. code-block:: mapfile | | | | | SYMBOL | LAYER # Line - symbol overlay | | NAME "vert-line-shift" | STATUS DEFAULT | | TYPE vector | TYPE LINE | | POINTS | FEATURE | | 0 0 | POINTS | | 0 10 | 20 50 | | END # POINTS | 40 55 | | ANCHORPOINT 0.5 0 | 60 55 | | END # SYMBOL | 70 50 | | | END # Points | | SYMBOL | END # Feature | | NAME "vert-line" | CLASS | | TYPE vector | STYLE | | POINTS | COLOR 0 0 0 | | 0 0 | WIDTH 4 | | 0 10 | END # STYLE | | END # POINTS | STYLE | | END # SYMBOL | COLOR 0 0 0 | | | SYMBOL "vert-line-shift" | | | SIZE 20.0 | | | WIDTH 3 | | | ANGLE 30 | | | GAP -50 | | | END # STYLE | | | STYLE | | | COLOR 255 0 0 | | | SYMBOL "circlef" | | | SIZE 3 | | | GAP 50 | | | END # STYLE | | | END # CLASS | | | END # LAYER | +--------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+ .. table:: Symbol tricks. Unshifted symbol (top) and shifted symbol +--------------------------------+ | :ref:`symbol`\s | +================================+ |.. code-block:: mapfile | | | | SYMBOL | | NAME "v-line" | | TYPE vector | | POINTS | | 0 0 | | 5 10 | | 10 0 | | END # POINTS | | END # SYMBOL | | | | SYMBOL | | NAME "v-line-shift" | | TYPE vector | | POINTS | | 0 0 | | 5 10 | | 10 0 | | END # POINTS | | ANCHORPOINT 0.5 0 | | END # SYMBOL | +--------------------------------+ Mapfile changes related to symbols ================================== Version 6.2 ----------- The `ANCHORPOINT` :ref:`symbol` parameter was added. The `INITIALGAP` :ref:`style` parameter was added. The `GAP` :ref:`style` parameter's behaviour was modified to specify center to center spacing. `PATTERN` support for symbols of `TYPE` `hatch`. Version 6.0 ----------- Parameters related to styling was moved from the :ref:`symbol` element to the :ref:`style` element of :ref:`class` (in :ref:`layer`\): `PATTERN` (introduced in 5.0, previously called `STYLE`), `GAP`, `LINECAP`, `LINEJOIN`, `LINEJOINMAXSIZE` The :ref:`symbol` `TYPE` `cartoline` is no longer needed, and therefore not available in version 6.0. Current Problems / Open Issues ============================== None. The End ========= We hope that this document will help you to present your data in a cartographically nice manner with MapServer and explains some basics and possibilities of the concept of MapServer as well as some weaknesses. It would be great to put together a cartographical symbols library for the profit of everyone. This especially concerns truetype fonts, which have been developed for some projects and contain some typical signatures for cartographical needs. You can also view the `discussion paper for the improvement of the MapServer Graphic-Kernel`_ (German only). .. _`Discussion paper for the improvement of the MapServer Graphic-Kernel`: