TinyOWS is a simple WFS-T server based on PostGIS spatial database. TinyOWS was written with the following things in mind: - KISS approach ! - As OGC standard compliant as possible, aiming to support: - WFS (1.0 and 1.1) - FE (1.0 and 1.1) - Performance is a matter, maps are cool as they're quick to display - Clean source code Code quality policy: All code must meet the following rules : - gcc -ansi -pedantic -Wall compile without any warning (make) - Unit test with Valgrind error and leak free (make valgrind) - Pass trought OGC CITE WFS-T tests (1.0.0 and 1.1.0 SF-0) Code dynamically linked with the following other libriaries: - postgresql 8.x - libxml2.x - flex