# # Test supports for image reprojection. # # This also incidentally tests the EXTENT keyword for a layer as a source # of georeferencing (#3402). # # REQUIRES: SUPPORTS=PROJ # # MAP NAME TEST STATUS ON SIZE 200 200 EXTENT 500001 3762155.98 536808.88 3795492.60 IMAGECOLOR 255 255 0 PROJECTION "proj=utm" "zone=11" "datum=WGS84" END IMAGETYPE png8_t OUTPUTFORMAT NAME png8_t DRIVER "GD/PNG" IMAGEMODE PC256 TRANSPARENT OFF END LAYER NAME grey TYPE raster STATUS default DATA data/grey_raw.tif PROJECTION "proj=latlong" "datum=WGS84" END EXTENT -117 34 -116.6 34.3 END END # of map file