# # Test WMS # # REQUIRES: INPUT=GDAL OUTPUT=KML SUPPORTS=WMS # Draw a map with a single polygon layer. BBOX is set to keep image square # RUN_PARMS: wms_get_map_polygon.kml [MAPSERV] QUERY_STRING="map=[MAPFILE]&SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.1.0&REQUEST=GetMap&SRS=EPSG:4326&BBOX=-67.5725,42.3683,-58.9275,48.13&FORMAT=kml&WIDTH=300&HEIGHT=200&STYLES=&LAYERS=road" > [RESULT_DEMIME] # Same with KMZ output # RUN_PARMS: wms_get_map_polygon.kmz [MAPSERV] QUERY_STRING="map=[MAPFILE]&SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.1.0&REQUEST=GetMap&SRS=EPSG:4326&BBOX=-67.5725,42.3683,-58.9275,48.13&FORMAT=kmz&WIDTH=300&HEIGHT=200&STYLES=&LAYERS=road" > [RESULT_DEMIME] MAP NAME WMS_TEST STATUS ON SIZE 400 300 #EXTENT 2018000 -73300 3410396 647400 #UNITS METERS EXTENT -67.5725 42 -58.9275 48.5 UNITS DD IMAGECOLOR 255 255 255 SHAPEPATH ./data SYMBOLSET etc/symbols.sym FONTSET etc/fonts.txt # # Start of web interface definition # WEB IMAGEPATH "/tmp/ms_tmp/" IMAGEURL "/ms_tmp/" METADATA "ows_updatesequence" "123" "wms_title" "Test simple wms" "wms_onlineresource" "http://localhost/path/to/wms_simple?" "wms_srs" "EPSG:42304 EPSG:42101 EPSG:4269 EPSG:4326" "ows_schemas_location" "http://schemas.opengis.net" "ows_keywordlist" "ogc,wms,mapserver" "ows_service_onlineresource" "http://www.mapserver.org/" "ows_fees" "None" "ows_accessconstraints" "None" "ows_addresstype" "postal" "ows_address" "123 SomeRoad Road" "ows_city" "Toronto" "ows_stateorprovince" "Ontario" "ows_postcode" "xxx-xxx" "ows_country" "Canada" "ows_contactelectronicmailaddress" "tomkralidis@xxxxxxx.xxx" "ows_contactvoicetelephone" "+xx-xxx-xxx-xxxx" "ows_contactfacsimiletelephone" "+xx-xxx-xxx-xxxx" "ows_contactperson" "Tom Kralidis" "ows_contactorganization" "MapServer" "ows_contactposition" "self" "ows_rootlayer_title" "My Layers" "ows_rootlayer_abstract" "These are my layers" "ows_rootlayer_keywordlist" "layers,list" "ows_layerlimit" "1" "ows_enable_request" "*" END END PROJECTION "init=epsg:4326" #"init=./data/epsg2:42304" END # # Start of layer definitions # LAYER NAME road DATA road TEMPLATE "ttt" METADATA "wms_title" "road" "wms_description" "Roads of I.P.E." "wms_srs" "EPSG:43204" "gml_include_items" "all" END TYPE LINE STATUS ON PROJECTION "init=./data/epsg2:42304" END DUMP TRUE CLASSITEM "Name_e" CLASS NAME "Roads" SYMBOL 0 COLOR 220 0 0 END END # Layer END # Map File