# first include proj library # always need include(lib_proj.cmake) # configure executable build option(BUILD_CS2CS "Build cs2cs (coordinate systems to coordinate systems translation tool)" ON) option(BUILD_PROJ "Build proj (cartographic projection tool : latlong <-> projected coordinates" ON) option(BUILD_GEOD "Build geod (computation of geodesic lines)" ON) option(BUILD_NAD2BIN "Build nad2bin (format conversion tool) " ON) if(NOT MSVC) if (NOT APPLE) # Use relative path so that package is relocatable set(CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH "\$ORIGIN/../${LIBDIR}") else () set (CMAKE_INSTALL_NAME_DIR "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/${LIBDIR}") # TO DO: cmake 2.8.12 introduces a way to make the install tree # relocatable with OSX via # (1) set(CMAKE_MACOSX_RPATH ON) and # (2) setting the INSTALL_RPATH property on the executables to # "@loader_path/../${LIBDIR}" endif () endif () if(BUILD_CS2CS) include(bin_cs2cs.cmake) endif(BUILD_CS2CS) if(BUILD_PROJ) include(bin_proj.cmake) endif(BUILD_PROJ) if(BUILD_GEOD) include(bin_geod.cmake) endif(BUILD_GEOD) if(BUILD_NAD2BIN) include(bin_nad2bin.cmake) endif(BUILD_NAD2BIN) if (MSVC OR CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES) # Add _d suffix for your debug versions of the tools set_target_properties (cs2cs binproj geod nad2bin PROPERTIES DEBUG_POSTFIX ${CMAKE_DEBUG_POSTFIX}) endif ()