{% extends "registration/base.html" %} {% load i18n %} {% block title %}{% trans "Log in" %}{% endblock %} {% block content %} {% if not user.is_authenticated %} {% if form.errors %}

{% trans "Please correct the errors below:" %}

{% endif %}
{% if form.username.errors %} {{ form.username.errors|join:", " }}{% endif %}
{{ form.username }}
{% if form.password.errors %} {{ form.password.errors|join:", " }}{% endif %}
{{ form.password }}

{% trans "If you don't have an account, you can" %} {% trans "sign up for one." %}

{% trans "Forgot your password? You can" %} {% trans "reset it" %} {% trans "and receive an email." %}

{% else %}

{% trans "You are already logged in" %} | {{user.email|escape}}

{% trans "Log Out" %}

{% endif %} {% endblock %}