{% extends "registration/base.html" %} {% load i18n %} {% block title %}{% trans "Sign up" %}{% endblock %} {% block content %} {% if form.errors %}

{% trans "Please correct the errors below: " %}{{ form.non_field_errors }}

{% endif %}

{% trans "Create an account" %}

{% if form.username.errors %}

{{ form.username.errors.as_text }}

{% endif %} {{ form.username }}

{% if form.email.errors %}

{{ form.email.errors.as_text }}

{% endif %} {{ form.email }}

{% if form.password1.errors %}

{{ form.password1.errors.as_text }}

{% endif %} {{ form.password1 }}

{% if form.password2.errors %}

{{ form.password2.errors.as_text }}

{% endif %} {{ form.password2 }}

{% trans "Please fill out the form (all fields are required), and your account will be created." %}
{% trans "You'll then be sent an email with instructions on how to finish your registration." %}

{% trans "If you already have an account, you can" %} {% trans "login here" %}.

{% endblock %} {% block login %}{% endblock %}