value pair. * * The key is the name to be used by the tile caching system to store cached * tiles within the base cache directory. This key should be a single word * that uniquely identifies the map. * * The value associated with each key is an array of three values. The first * value is a human-readable name to be presented to the user (should the * application choose to do so) and the second value is the path to the map * file. It is assumed that the map file is fully configured for use with * MapServer/MapScript as no error checking or setting of values is done. The * third value is an array of scale values for zooming. */ $aszMapFiles = array( "world" => array( "World", "/www/openlayers/htdocs/world/", array( 10000 ) , "JPEG") /* Add more elements to this array to offer multiple mapfiles */ ); /****************************************************************************** * figure out which map file to use and set up the necessary variables for * the rest of the code to use. This does need to be done on every page load * unfortunately. * * szMap should be set to the default map file to use but can change if * this script is called with map=. */ $szMap = 'world'; /****************************************************************************** * kaMap! caching * * this is the directory within which kaMap! will create its tile cache. The * directory does NOT have to be web-accessible, but it must be writable by the * web-server-user and allow creation of both directories AND files. * * the tile caching system will create a separate subdirectory within the base * cache directory for each map file. Within the cache directory for each map * file, directories will be created for each group of layers. Within the group * directories, directories will be created at each of the configured scales * for the application (see mapfile configuration above.) */ $szBaseCacheDir = "/var/cache/kamap/"; /***** END OF CONFIGURABLE STUFF - unless you know what you are doing *****/ if (isset($_REQUEST['map']) && isset($aszMapFiles[$_REQUEST['map']])) { $szMap = $_REQUEST['map']; } $szMapCacheDir = $szBaseCacheDir.$szMap."/"; $szMapName = $aszMapFiles[$szMap][0]; $szMapFile = $aszMapFiles[$szMap][1]; $anScales = $aszMapFiles[$szMap][2]; setOutputFormat($aszMapFiles[$szMap][3]); /****************************************************************************** * output format of the map and resulting tiles * * The output format used with MapServer can greatly affect appearance and * performance. It is recommended to use an 8 bit format such as PNG * * NOTE: the tile caching code in tile.php is not configurable here. It * currently assumes that it is outputting 8bit PNG files. If you change to * PNG24 here then you will need to update tile.php to use the gd function * imagecreatetruecolor. If you change the output format to jpeg then * you would need to change imagepng() to imagejpeg(). A nice enhancement * would be to make that fully configurable from here. */ function setOutputFormat($szFormat) { switch($szFormat) { case "PNG24": $GLOBALS['szMapImageFormat'] = 'PNG24'; //mapscript format name $GLOBALS['szMapImageCreateFunction'] = "imagecreatefrompng"; // appropriate GD function $GLOBALS['szImageExtension'] = '.png'; //file extension $GLOBALS['szImageCreateFunction'] = "imagecreatetruecolor"; //or imagecreatetruecolor if PNG24 ... $GLOBALS['szImageOutputFunction'] = "imagepng"; //or imagegif, imagejpeg ... $GLOBALS['szImageHeader'] = 'image/png'; //the content-type of the image break; case "GIF": $GLOBALS['szMapImageFormat'] = 'GIF'; //mapscript format name $GLOBALS['szMapImageCreateFunction'] = "imagecreatefromgif"; // appropriate GD function $GLOBALS['szImageExtension'] = '.gif'; //file extension $GLOBALS['szImageCreateFunction'] = "imagecreate"; //or imagecreatetruecolor if PNG24 ... $GLOBALS['szImageOutputFunction'] = "imagegif"; //or imagegif, imagejpeg ... $GLOBALS['szImageHeader'] = 'image/gif'; //the content-type of the image break; case "JPEG": $GLOBALS['szMapImageFormat'] = 'JPEG'; //mapscript format name $GLOBALS['szMapImageCreateFunction'] = "imagecreatefromjpeg"; // appropriate GD function $GLOBALS['szImageExtension'] = '.jpg'; //file extension $GLOBALS['szImageCreateFunction'] = "imagecreatetruecolor"; //or imagecreatetruecolor if PNG24 ... $GLOBALS['szImageOutputFunction'] = "imagejpeg"; //or imagegif, imagejpeg ... $GLOBALS['szImageHeader'] = 'image/jpeg'; //the content-type of the image break; case "PNG": $GLOBALS['szMapImageFormat'] = 'PNG'; //mapscript format name $GLOBALS['szMapImageCreateFunction'] = "imagecreatefrompng"; // appropriate GD function $GLOBALS['szImageExtension'] = '.png'; //file extension $GLOBALS['szImageCreateFunction'] = "imagecreate"; //or imagecreatetruecolor if PNG24 ... $GLOBALS['szImageOutputFunction'] = "imagepng"; //or imagegif, imagejpeg ... $GLOBALS['szImageHeader'] = 'image/png'; //the content-type of the image break; case "DITHERED": case "PNG8": $GLOBALS['szMapImageFormat'] = 'dithered'; $GLOBALS['szMapImageCreateFunction'] = "imagecreatefrompng"; $GLOBALS['szImageExtension'] = '.png'; $GLOBALS['szImageCreateFunction'] = "imagecreate"; $GLOBALS['szImageOutputFunction'] = "imagepng"; $GLOBALS['szImageHeader'] = 'image/png'; break; } } /** * create all directories in a directory tree - found on the php web site * under the mkdir function ... */ function makeDirs($strPath, $mode = 0775) { return is_dir($strPath) or ( makeDirs(dirname($strPath), $mode) and mkdir($strPath, $mode) ); } /** * This function replaces all special characters in the given string. * * @param szString string - The string to convert. * * @return string converted */ function normalizeString($szString) { // Normalize string by replacing all special characters // e.g. "" // becomes "http___my_host_com_cgi_bin_mywms_" return preg_replace("/(\W)/", "_", $szString); } /* bug 1253 - root permissions required to delete cached files */ $orig_umask = umask(0); /* create the main cache directory if necessary */ if (!@is_dir($szMapCacheDir)) makeDirs($szMapCacheDir); /* get the various request parameters * also need to make sure inputs are clean, especially those used to * build paths and filenames */ $top = isset( $_REQUEST['t'] ) ? intval($_REQUEST['t']) : 0; $left = isset( $_REQUEST['l'] ) ? intval($_REQUEST['l']) : 0; $scale = isset( $_REQUEST['s'] ) ? $_REQUEST['s'] : $anScales[0]; $bForce = isset($_REQUEST['force'])? true : false; $groups = isset( $_REQUEST['g'] ) ? $_REQUEST['g'] : ""; $layers = isset( $_REQUEST['layers'] ) ? $_REQUEST['layers'] : ""; // dynamic imageformat ---------------------------------------------- //use the function in config.php to set the output format if (isset($_REQUEST['i'])) setOutputFormat( $_REQUEST['i'] ); //---------------------------------------------------------------- /* tileid=t#####l#### can be used instead of t+l parameters. Useful in * regenerating the cache for instance. */ if (isset( $_REQUEST['tileid']) && preg_match("/t(-?\d+)l(-?\d+)/", $_REQUEST['tileid'], $aMatch) ) { $top = intval($aMatch[1]); $left = intval($aMatch[2]); } /* Calculate the metatile's top-left corner coordinates. * Include the $metaBuffer around the metatile to account for various * rendering issues happening around the edge of a map */ $metaLeft = floor( ($left)/($tileWidth*$metaWidth) ) * $tileWidth * $metaWidth; $metaTop = floor( ($top)/($tileHeight*$metaHeight) ) * $tileHeight *$metaHeight; $szMetaTileId = "t".$metaTop."l".$metaLeft; $metaLeft -= $metaBuffer; $metaTop -= $metaBuffer; /* caching is done by scale value, then groups and layers and finally metatile * and tile id. Create a new directory if necessary */ $szGroupDir = $groups != "" ? normalizeString($groups) : "def"; $szLayerDir = $layers != "" ? normalizeString($layers) : "def"; $szCacheDir = $szMapCacheDir."/".$scale."/".$szGroupDir."/".$szLayerDir."/".$szMetaTileId; if (!@is_dir($szCacheDir)) makeDirs($szCacheDir); /* resolve cache hit - clear the os stat cache if necessary */ $szTileId = "t".$top."l".$left; $szCacheFile = $szCacheDir."/".$szTileId.$szImageExtension; clearstatcache(); $szMetaDir = $szCacheDir."/meta"; if (!@is_Dir($szMetaDir)) makeDirs($szMetaDir); /* simple locking in case there are several requests for the same meta tile at the same time - only draw it once to help with performance */ $szLockFile = $szMetaDir."/lock_".$metaTop."_".$metaLeft; $fpLockFile = fopen($szLockFile, "a+"); clearstatcache(); if (!file_exists($szCacheFile) || $bForce) { flock($fpLockFile, LOCK_EX); fwrite($fpLockFile, "."); //check once more to see if the cache file was created while waiting for //the lock clearstatcache(); if (!file_exists($szCacheFile) || $bForce) { if (!extension_loaded('MapScript')) { dl( $szPHPMapScriptModule ); } if (!extension_loaded('gd')) { dl( $szPHPGDModule); } if (!@is_Dir($szMetaDir)) makeDirs($szMetaDir); $oMap = ms_newMapObj($szMapFile); /* Metatile width/height include 2x the metaBuffer value */ $oMap->set('width', $tileWidth * $metaWidth + 2*$metaBuffer); $oMap->set('height', $tileHeight * $metaHeight + 2*$metaBuffer); /* Tell MapServer to not render labels inside the metaBuffer area * (new in 4.6) * TODO: Until MapServer bugs 1353/1355 are resolved, we need to * pass a negative value for "labelcache_map_edge_buffer" */ $oMap->setMetadata("labelcache_map_edge_buffer", -$metaBuffer); $inchesPerUnit = array(1, 12, 63360.0, 39.3701, 39370.1, 4374754); $geoWidth = $scale/($oMap->resolution*$inchesPerUnit[$oMap->units]); $geoHeight = $scale/($oMap->resolution*$inchesPerUnit[$oMap->units]); /* draw the metatile */ $minx = $metaLeft * $geoWidth; $maxx = $minx + $geoWidth * $oMap->width; $maxy = -1 * $metaTop * $geoHeight; $miny = $maxy - $geoHeight * $oMap->height; $nLayers = $oMap->numlayers; $oMap->setExtent($minx,$miny,$maxx,$maxy); $oMap->selectOutputFormat( $szMapImageFormat ); $aszLayers = array(); if ($groups || $layers) { /* Draw only specified layers instead of default from mapfile*/ if ($layers) { $aszLayers = explode(",", $layers); } if ($groups) { $aszGroups = explode(",", $groups); } for($i=0;$i<$nLayers;$i++) { $oLayer = $oMap->getLayer($i); if (($aszGroups && in_array($oLayer->group,$aszGroups)) || ($aszLayers && in_array($oLayer->name,$aszLayers)) || ($aszGroups && $oLayer->group == '' && in_array( "__base__", $aszGroups))) { $oLayer->set("status", MS_ON ); } else { $oLayer->set("status", MS_OFF ); } } //need transparency if groups or layers are used $oMap->outputformat->set("transparent", MS_ON ); } else { $oMap->outputformat->set("transparent", MS_OFF ); } $szMetaImg = $szMetaDir."/t".$metaTop."l".$metaLeft.$szImageExtension; $oImg = $oMap->draw(); $oImg->saveImage($szMetaImg); $oImg->free(); eval("\$oGDImg = ".$szMapImageCreateFunction."('".$szMetaImg."');"); if ($bDebug) { $blue = imagecolorallocate($oGDImg, 0, 0, 255); imagerectangle($oGDImg, 0, 0, $tileWidth * $metaWidth - 1, $tileHeight * $metaHeight - 1, $blue ); } for($i=0;$i<$metaWidth;$i++) { for ($j=0;$j<$metaHeight;$j++) { eval("\$oTile = ".$szImageCreateFunction."( ".$tileWidth.",".$tileHeight." );"); // Allocate BG color for the tile (in case the metatile has transparent BG) $nTransparent = imagecolorallocate($oTile, $oMap->imagecolor->red, $oMap->imagecolor->green, $oMap->imagecolor->blue); //if ($oMap->outputformat->transparent == MS_ON) //{ imagecolortransparent( $oTile,$nTransparent); //} $tileTop = $j*$tileHeight + $metaBuffer; $tileLeft = $i*$tileWidth + $metaBuffer; imagecopy( $oTile, $oGDImg, 0, 0, $tileLeft, $tileTop, $tileWidth, $tileHeight ); /* debugging stuff */ if ($bDebug) { $black = imagecolorallocate($oTile, 1, 1, 1); $green = imagecolorallocate($oTile, 0, 128, 0 ); $red = imagecolorallocate($oTile, 255, 0, 0); imagerectangle( $oTile, 1, 1, $tileWidth-2, $tileHeight-2, $green ); imageline( $oTile, 0, $tileHeight/2, $tileWidth-1, $tileHeight/2, $red); imageline( $oTile, $tileWidth/2, 0, $tileWidth/2, $tileHeight-1, $red); imagestring ( $oTile, 3, 10, 10, ($metaLeft+$tileLeft)." x ".($metaTop+$tileTop), $black ); imagestring ( $oTile, 3, 10, 30, ($minx+$i*$geoWidth)." x ".($maxy - $j*$geoHeight), $black ); } $szTileImg = $szCacheDir."/t".($metaTop+$tileTop)."l".($metaLeft+$tileLeft).$szImageExtension; eval("$szImageOutputFunction( \$oTile, '".$szTileImg."' );"); imagedestroy($oTile); $oTile = null; } } if ($oGDImg != null) { imagedestroy($oGDImg); $oGDImg = null; } if (!$bDebug) { unlink( $szMetaImg ); } } //release the exclusive lock flock($fpLockFile, LOCK_UN ); } //acquire shared lock for reading to prevent a problem that could occur //if a tile exists but is only partially generated. flock($fpLockFile, LOCK_SH); $h = fopen($szCacheFile, "r"); header("Content-Type: ".$szImageHeader); header("Content-Length: " . filesize($szCacheFile)); header("Expires: " . date( "D, d M Y H:i:s GMT", time() + 31536000 )); header("Cache-Control: max-age=31536000, must-revalidate" ); fpassthru($h); fclose($h); //release lock fclose($fpLockFile); /* bug 1253 - root permissions required to delete cached files */ umask($orig_umask); exit; ?>