OpenLayers.Layer.Google The Google Layer in OpenLayers allows you to include Google Maps functionality in your OpenLayers maps. In order to use the Google Layer, you must first obtain an API key for Google Maps, and include the Google Maps API script in your page. Once you have done this, * Constructor OpenLayers.Layer.Google(name, options?) -- Constructor for Google layer. Accepts name and options. * Methods getOLLonLatFromGLatLng(GLonLat) -- {OpenLayers.LonLat} -- Convert from GLatLon to OpenLayers LonLat getGLatLngFromOLLonLat({OpenLayers.LonLat|lonlat}) -- GLatLon -- Convert From OpenLayers LonLat to GLatLon getOLPixelFromGPoint(GPoint) -- {OpenLayers.Pixel} -- Convert from GPoint to OpenLayers.Pixel getGPointFromOLPixel({OpenLayers.Pixel|pixel}) -- GPoint -- Create GPoint from OpenLayers Pixel. * Parameters type -- one of G_NORMAL_MAP, G_SATELLITE_MAP, G_HYBRID_MAP, used to choose the type of map to display. (See GMapType in the Google documentation for more.)