OpenLayers.Layer.VirtualEarth The Virtual Earth Layer in OpenLayers allows you to include Virtual Earth Maps in your OpenLayers maps. In order to use the Virtual Earth Layer, you must first include the Virtual Earth API script in your page. Once you have done this, simply add the layer to your map. * Constructor OpenLayers.Layer.VirtualEarth(name) -- Constructor for Virtual Earth layer. Accepts name. * Methods getOLLonLatFromVELatLng(VELatLon) -- {OpenLayers.LonLat} -- Convert from VELatLon to OpenLayers LonLat getVELatLngFromOLLonLat({OpenLayers.LonLat|lonlat}) -- VELatLon -- Convert From OpenLayers LonLat to VELatLon getOLPixelFromVEPoint(Msn.VE.Pixel) -- {OpenLayers.Pixel} -- Convert from VEPoint to OpenLayers.Pixel getGPointFromOLPixel({OpenLayers.Pixel|pixel}) -- Msn.VE.Pixel -- Create Msvn.VE.Pixel from OpenLayers Pixel.