OpenLayers.MouseListener.EditingListener.PolygonHoleCutter This mouseListener allows the user to create an interior ring into an existing polygon. As a result, the polygon is drawn with a hole. * Constructor OpenLayers.MouseListener.EditingListener.PolygonHoleCutter() -- Creates a new control. * Methods mouseDblClick -- none -- This event takes place when a dblClick event occurs on the map. mouseDown -- none -- This event takes place when a mouseDown event occurs on the map. mouseMove -- none -- This event takes place when a mouseMove event occurs on the map. If mouse is down, the user can pan the map. mouseUp -- none -- This event takes place when a mouseUp event occurs on the map. If user clicked on an existing polygon, it is hilighted, and next clicks allows to draw the ring. keyDown -- none -- This event takes place when a keyDown event occurs on the map. _finalizeGeometry -- none -- this method is called to update the edited geometry in the selected vector layer _eraseTmpElements -- none -- this method is called to erase all the temporary elements drawn in the interface during the creation of the geometry All other methods are inherited from {OpenLayers.MouseListener.EditingListener} * Options createIsland -- {Boolean} -- if true, a new feature is created as an island.