Vector Layer ZIndex Test

The map includes one base layer (vmap0) and three overlays, namely a vector layer, a fake layer with no images, and a dmsolutions layer. The overlays are added to the map in this order: the vector layer, the fake layer, and the dmsolutions layer. The map also includes a select feature control, which when activated bumped the vector layer z-index to some high value. This makes feature selection work, even though other overlays were added after the vector layer.

If the fake layer is removed from the map (first link below), the vector layer's z-index must not be reset, so the vector layer must not go under the dmsolutions layer and feature selection must continue to function as expected.

If one of the SelectFeature controls is deactivated or activated (second and third link below), the vector layer should change it's position in the layer stack: on top if at least one of the controls is activated, covered by other layers if both are deactivated.

Remove the fake layer
Toggle the click SelectFeature control's active status
Toggle the hover SelectFeature control's active status