T-03:  Building web based GIS applications with GeoExt

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GeoExt is a pure JavaScript toolkit for building rich web GIS applications, merging the power of Ext JS and OpenLayers.

Starting from a simple web page with a draggable map window, attendees will get familiar with Ext JS concepts like data management, UI components and layouts. As GeoExt seamlessly integrates with Ext JS and OpenLayers, the next step is to combine these with geospatial data and map layers. We will show how to assemble GeoExt components into an advanced web GIS application, providing means to filter, style, edit, query and display data in UI components such as forms and grids, using GeoExt to access OGC services.
The applications that attendees will build during the workshop will also showcase recent feature additions and improvements of the framework, like printing, layer tree and legend features.
A quick tour of user extensions (GeoExt.ux) with specific UI components, design tips and performance considerations for GeoExt-based pplications will conclude the workshop.

The target audience for this workshop are web developers interested in the state of the art of web-based GIS applications using open standards. In addition to seeing GeoExt in action, participants will gain an understanding of its modular design by browsing code snippets and making configuration changes. To get the most out of the workshop, some basic knowledge of JavaScript and/or JSON is beneficial.


P. Giraud (1), A. Hocevar (2), Y. Jacolin (3).
(1) camptocamp, (2) OpenGeo, (3) Camptocamp.

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