W-12:  GeoNetwork for dummies, or how to setup an SDI in 3 hours 

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 The workshop will focus on the implementation of a GeoNetwork opensource based catalog to serve and access geospatial data in a Spatial Data Infrastructure. 
A local catalog will be installed and configured. Harvesting of spatial data resources from remote servers will be configured and geospatial web map services will be set up using the embedded GeoServer and configured for access through the catalog web interface.

Participants will create INSPIRE compliant metadata and learn how to develop and use custom metadata templates based on the ISO19115/19119 metadata standards. Participants will use the catalog in different ways, including the web interface and OGC-CSW ISO. The new ebRIM CSW ISO interface, the OAI-MHP and GeoRSS protocols will be introduced.

Attention will also be given to import and export functionality of the catalog that allow integration of the publishing process in existing workflows like desktop GIS or operational data processing servers using free and proprietary tools.


J. Ticheler, J. Garcia, H. Doeleman.

author's bio

The instructor has developed and led multiple workshops on GeoNetwork opensource since the start of the project. Successful workshops were held at the FOSS4G conferences, within the United Nations and within the GeoNetwork opensource community. Furthermore he has held numerous presentations on the software and on Spatial Data Infrastructure and open source software in general.

Previous workshops a.o.:
FOSS4G2006 - Using the GeoNetwork opensource Spatial Data Catalog.
FOSS4G2007 – Using the GeoNetwork open source Spatial Data Catalog.
FOSS4G2008 – Instructor of workshop. FOSS4G2009 - Organizing your geospatial data and services using GeoNetwork opensource.
GeoConnexion article - Open Source #10 - GeoNetwork opensource.

workshop level


attendee's previous knowledge



Instructions (PDF) and ISO image of CD-ROM (620MB)

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