The working site for the conference committee of FOSS4G 2013

Press release: Keynotes

Keynote speakers? Call for workshops deadline? Sponsors?


Antony Scott on March 4, 2013:

Rollo, are you OK to get this press release together? Shout if you need a hand, I could have a crack at it if necessary. Can we announce the current list of speakers and plus registration plus workshops deadline at end of month (9 submitted so far)?

Steven Feldman on March 4, 2013:

I have a part completed Keynoters page at (you will need edit rights to be able to view as it has not been published)

I am waiting on Rollo for the biography of Ian James, I know I saw it but I cannot find it now.

Edward has promised a picture and biog today/tomorrow.

It would be better to announce when all 4 pics and biogs are up there and page has been published but if you are keen to announce beforehand we could go with a part completed page

Steven Feldman on March 4, 2013:

Rollo has pointed me at the IJ biog so that has now been added to the page, just waiting on Edward. If no one objects I will push the page live later on even if I haven't received the stuff from Edward

Steven Feldman on March 5, 2013:

The Keynoters page has been published and sits within the Programme heading on the menu.

I will chase Edward again later today