The working site for the conference committee of FOSS4G 2013

Press release: Full programme


Jeremy Morley on May 15, 2013:

Can we discuss timing on Friday?  This date is starting to feel a little late to me: I wonder how many international travellers will be wanting to make decisions (including the cycle of getting approval from a boss) on the basis of the full programme. To wait to mid-June to present a case for travel and then be able to book to come in September feels a little late towards the Summer. Any way we can accelerate? I know there's a lot still to fix but even a week earlier would help, i think.

Barry Rowlingson on May 15, 2013:

What seems to minimally need doing is for Rollo to assign talks to sessions, and for the workshop team to assign workshops to days. Stuff in plenaries can wait.

I am working on a nice timetable management system but if we can get out a giant ugly HTML <TABLE> with everything timed on it then that'll do for now.