The working site for the conference committee of FOSS4G 2013

Code Sprints / Workshops Planning

Last saved by Matt Walker on March 24, 2013

Highest Priority

Workshops (2 consecutive days)
We will facilitate workshops by providing space either in the GeoTent or a lab and suitable pc's. The selection of workshops will run in parallel with paper selection and follow the same process.

A call will be put out for workshops of either:

Encourage introductory workshops as well as more technical to benefit new audience and satisfy core crowd.

Code Sprint (1 day, with facilities available throughout)

Self organising groups around projects. An announcement will be made to inform the community what and when is being made available and links to the wiki to allow the various projects to identify interest and get organised. Having themes and project descriptions for the self organising groups would make it easier for new people to get involved. 

Code sprint area in GeoTent for duration, expanded for main code sprint day

Marquee Code Sprint (1 day) - Bringing Others To The OSGEO Tribe