The working site for the conference committee of FOSS4G 2013

Summary of Academic Tracks at FOSS4G Conferences

Last saved by Serena Coetzee on August 25, 2012

As gleaned from the web sites on August 23rd 2012. Its possible I've
missed some of the info or that its been removed since the conference
closed, so absence of something like an AT committee does not imply
there wasn't one.

Denver 2011

24 presentations

== Personnel

Rafael Moreno is listed as ‘Academic Track’ in the conference
committee. There’s no mention of a separate academic panel but that
doesn’t mean one didn’t exist.

Members of the 2011 FOSS4G Conference Academic Track (in no particular order)


Tyler Erickson

Michigan Tech Research Institute, USA


Serena Coetzee

University of Pretoria, South Africa


Maria Brovelli

Politecnico di Milano campus Como, Italy


Helena Mitasova

North Carolina State University, USA


Thierry Badard

Laval University, Canada


Venkatesh Raghavan

Osaka City University, Japan


Jeff McKenna

Geteway Geomatics, Canada


Songnian Li

Ryerson University, Canada


Rafael Moreno

University of Colorado Denver, USA

== Publication

The website claims 8-10 papers to be published in TGIS, others for the
OSGeo Journal. Papers are in TGIS vol 16, issue 2 (April 2012).

Barcelona 2010

16 presentations

== Personnel

“Submitted papers will be thoroughly reviewed by three members of the
international scientific committee”. The committee consists of 12
Academic Chairs and 42 other members.

== Publication

“High quality submissions will be published in the following journals
according to the journals formatting guidelines: Applied
Geoinformatics, International Journal of Geoinformatics, Geofocus,
Environmental Modelling & Software”

Sydney 2009

12 presentations

== Personnel

No mention of the refereeing committee, and nobody on the organising
committee singled out as academic track rep.

== Publication

“These will be included in a reputed publication” but no more
said. I've found one in the OSGeo Journal and one on dam break
modelling in Natural Hazards, so it seems some found an academic home.

Cape Town 2008

Over 50 papers listed in the “Academic Papers” section, (over 100
in the separate “Presentations” section)

== Personnel

Three of the local committee listed as directors of the academic
papers track. Papers were ‘peer reviewed’ by 25 reviewers. The list is published in the printed proceedings, but not online.

== Publication

The proceedings are available online, see, click 'Presentations' in the right hand side menu, then select 'Academic Papers' in the dropdown.
A selected number of authors were invited to submit a revised paper to the South African Computer Journal (SACJ). Theses revised papers went through the SACJ reviewing process and some of them were published in SACJ Issue 43. Issue 43 can be downloaded from the 2008 conference home page at