The working site for the conference committee of FOSS4G 2013

Volunteers and offers of help

Last saved by Steven Feldman on September 6, 2012

Jeremy Morley is looking after this

Stuart Lester responded:
I am keen to help out in any way possible. Publicizing (especially in the local gov area), ushering, etc. I don't do enough with opensource GIS to do the major things but I am more than capable of dogs body tasks!
4 months ago Steven Feldman responded:
Steven Feldman
Stuart you are the No 1 hero on the FOSS4G volunteers list.

Thanks very much


4 months ago Thierry G responded:
If anyone out there is listening, just to say the UK probably has the most vibrant geo-community in Europe (with the focus on 'community') and they are known to organise a great party, preluded by georabble-style (aka beer-infused) lightning talks on anything Geo. They've also managed to increase conference attendance in a time when other geo-events have seen their numbers fall.

Besides Nottingham has Robin Hood, warm beer, England's oldest pub (800 years), red telephone boxes, and it's close to England's geographical centre (in every sense of the word). It would be foolish to host FOSS4G anywhere else.

Thank you and see you soon - count me in.

(From an EU refugee now happily settled in UK)

p.s. Don't listen to Londoners saying it's too far north. They're either confusing it with North London or Helsinki.

4 months ago Thierry G responded:
Just to clarify I'll be happy to help out with pre-event publicity as well as ushering/monitoring/moving chairs/manning the bar etc on 1 of the days itself. Plus I can probably rope in more colleagues at work to do likewise.
4 months ago spatialPhil (Twitter) responded:
Count me in as I'm happy to help in any way I can; no job too small !. Let me know.
4 months ago Richard Fairhurst responded:
Happy to help with connections to OpenStreetMap!

Richard (OSM Foundation director but writing here in a personal capacity)

4 months ago ijturton (Twitter) responded:
I'll help out
4 months ago mloskot (Twitter) liked this post.
4 months ago Ed Freyfogle responded:
Happy to support this

Ed Freyfogle
#geomob organizer

4 months ago simonwheeler2 (Twitter) responded:
Will be great to get FOSS4G in the UK. Happy to help, and I'll drum up support from N Ireland. Wasn't aware of it till a month ago, but good to see AGI are involved in the bidding process
4 months ago coastalrocket (Twitter) responded:
We are the geomob. We handle data everyday. We like a standard or two just don't close the door.

Oh i don't know - I've just become a dad and I'm knackered. I'd be glad to help on some prep work / bleating about it but not sure even if I'll be able to attend yet.

4 months ago markiliffe responded:
I pledge to help and support this!
- Mark Iliffe
4 months ago Steven Feldman responded:
Steven Feldman
All you pledgers are fantastic and I want to thank you and give you your first task:

Can you get this pledge list up to 50 before next Monday midday?

4 months ago Harry Wood responded:
Harry Wood
Happy to help. We had WhereCampUK up in Nottingham and it was great. FOSS4g would be even bigger of course. Anyone who's anyone from the London geo crowd would surely be hopping on the train.
4 months ago spatialPhil (Twitter) responded:
OK - here goes: I pledge to provide a free bottle of geobeer for the first 50 volunteers who pledge and attend FOSS4GUK in 2013 (this assumes we win of course and that your over 18 !)
4 months ago boothrob (Twitter) responded:
I pledge to support this effort (if only for a free geobeer which I may not be able to actually accept.)
I don't know how I'll be able to support beyond twitter/Google+/etc, but I'll try!
4 months ago Giuseppe Sollazzo responded:
I'd be happy to help! Spreading the voice through twitter at the moment, and looking forward to getting involved more.
4 months ago Jo Walsh responded:
Jo Walsh
I'd be thrilled if the collective weight of the UK geo communities could bring FOSS4G and everyone that involves, to the UK.

I pledge to do strange things around the edges of FOSS4G: help Chippy to organise psychogeographic walks, take people to random community centres to eat veggie curry, maybe some very cynical site-specific art if we are lucky.

May i note to the non-UK-based out there, that the lovely thing about Nottingham as a venue, is not just that "anyone who's anyone in London will be able to hop on a train", Harry, but that le tout North of England, Scotland, Wales etc will also be able to hop on an equally convenient train. Gathering of the tribes, and all that.

The Nottingham campus is lovely. It would be like Lausanne 2006 revisited, except...

4 months ago Lukasz responded:
Seeing FOSS4G in UK would be great.
3 months ago Peter Cotroneo responded:
Count me in!
3 months ago abi_csgn (Twitter) responded:
Apologies for the delayed response, I have been away from the desk enjoying the heat wave!
I don't have a wide range of experience with Open Geo technology myself, but I am enthusiastic and the UK Open Geo community has helped our organisation immensely with the development of our systems and efficient working practices.
I hope that a UK based event will encourage others in our situation to look at new opportunities.

I am keen to help in whatever is required, either in the lead up to or during the event.

3 months ago aileen_heal (Twitter) responded:
happy to help however i can
3 months ago SamRFranklin (Twitter) responded:
On my honour, I pledge that I will do my best, to do my duty to #FOSS4GUK and to #BACKTHEBID, to help other people And to keep the Scout Law.

Great work on the bid guys! Just reading it now. The duel #geocom and #foss4g gives a week of geo-goodness! Happy to help!

3 months ago geosmiles (Twitter) responded:
I'd be more than happy to help out when its needed. Open-Source does me a favour, so its pay back time.
3 months ago Moira Livesey responded:
I would be happy to help and to support. It would be excellent to get the conference to the UK. Good luck with the bid!!!
3 months ago Steven Feldman responded:
Steven Feldman
Good on you Moira



2 months ago pigsonthewing (Twitter) responded:
I'll encourage participation from the UK Wikipedia/ Wikimedia community (and I'd be happy to speak about geo-tagging of articles on Wikipedia; and cross-inking between Wikipedia to OSM)
21 days ago Yakus (Twitter) responded:
Great to see you've secured FOSS4G 2013. I've been using OS geo tools for a while now so happy to give a bit back and help in whatever way I can.