The working site for the conference committee of FOSS4G 2013

Team Call 2012-11-16

Last saved by Steven Feldman on November 16, 2012

16:00 GMT
Barry, Barend, Claire, Jeremy, Jo, Peter, Mark, Steven, Suchith, Addy, Ian

Agenda (let's try to keep the call brief as it will be late for Barend)

Update on web site - Barry ran us through the proof of concept site and it received universal support.
Aim to have second version and browser test by 23rd for discussion and then aim to approve in next conference call and go live on 30th.
Agreed that all colds are the responsibility of Mike Saunt (joke)

Sponsorship Update
Google confirmed as Gold (can announce)
MapGears confirmed as Supporter
EDINA confirmed sponsorship for academic bursaries
Still waiting for go ahead to announce Ordnance Survey - chased Ian Holt - probably early December

Update from programme team Jeremy ran us through initial thoughts
Teaser for CfP in mid December and submission start mid January. Use the AGI submission system for papers and workshops
Hackathon question from Ian Edwards, Met Office - discussed and approved subject to being able to agree the scope. Mark to act as our liaison

Academic Track
Update - submission system seems to be working but FJ will do some more test and config. Jo asked whether there would be any styling to make the submission system look like part of the main site. Action to review styling before we go live.
Any submissions yet? Not published yet. Target date is beginning of December.
Status of review panel - close to complete and sufficient numbers. Closing date for recommendations is 23/11
Other - need to decide how many papers we have space for (defer to early 2013)

Venue and budgets
Contract update - Claire advised that we are awaiting the final contract but promised for next week.
Wifi update - Jeremy has found the right guy in IS. New authentication should be easier, considering how to get wifi into the marquee. Considering how to open up ports.
Budget approved by OSGeo Board

No mapping party on 12th December

30th November at 2.00pm
Webex via Antony


Antony Scott on October 30, 2012:

Hi all, a quick note about comms for the next team call. I now realise that I will probably on the road for the next call, though I should be able to call in from my mobile. There are a couple of options for hosting:
  1. I set it up and give someone else hosting privileges so that they can kick it off. This should work fine, as long as that person is OK for the meeting time (obviously), and has had a stable WebEx experience up until now
  2. Someone else with WebEx or similar sets something up (Jeremy?)
I'm easy either way, we just need a volunteer and if it's #1, a quick test beforehand would be prudent.

As a side note, Sustain is going to be turning WebEx off at some stage (don't know when), after which we could use the new ShoreTel VOIP system we have which has screen sharing a la WebEx but only dial-in access as far as I can see.

Jeremy Morley on October 30, 2012:

We should be able to set up the call (our MeetingZone service has a Webexy thing) if that's easier for you, Antony. Let me know if that's what you want to do.


Antony Scott on October 31, 2012:

Jeremy - that would be great - assume you can dial into it direct without being online, which we will need. Good opportunity to test it as a backup too.


Steven Feldman on November 1, 2012:

Jeremy will you send out the invite please

Jeremy Morley on November 9, 2012:

Dear all,

Is there any chance of moving the call to be a bit later, after 3:30 please, next Friday?

I've had a meeting land in my diary between 11 & 3:30 that I'm loathe to miss or move as it's an unlikely gap in the diary between a lot of people.

Just sorting out WebEx access at the moment (currently my account is set up for telephone conferencing and screen sharing but not full WebEx). Details asap at the start of the week.


Antony Scott on November 9, 2012:

Ok with me, let me know if you want me to set up sustain webex and make you host.

Jeremy Morley on November 9, 2012:

Will do - I'm waiting for a reply on the WebEx access. If it's too difficult or expensive I'll get back you, Antony, but it would be useful to have the facility on my account.

Steven Feldman on November 9, 2012:

OK with me

Jeremy Morley on November 13, 2012:

I've sent a holding invite for Friday - timing a little later, as discussed, as noone responded to say no.

It seems that we're not subscribed to the full Webex service. I can set up a voice call (with local access numbers) with a service to share screens (a system called <A HREF=''>; Glance </A>), or I believe Antony can "lend" us his Webex?


Antony Scott on November 13, 2012:

Jeremy, I didn't get an invite... suggest going with your system, gives us a chance to test in case we lose our webex.

Steven Feldman on November 14, 2012:

Don't worry about a screen share a dial in is all we really need

Jeremy Morley on November 16, 2012:

I've added dial-in details to the invite, but here they are again, for easy access. Everyone in the UK, please dial 08443 387109 preferably (spreads the cost), otherwise use 020 8323 1526 (you pay the call cost, I pay the telecom service cost). International dial-in numbers are in the PDF below.

I can set up screen sharing tomorrow easily enough. You'll need to navigate to a particular URL and enter a meeting code - details in the text document.

I'll dial in to start the call at 4pm!


Jeremy Morley on November 16, 2012:

The PIN code to join today's conference call is 5410142#

The phone numbers & screen sharing details are repeated in this thread on Basecamp too.

There's an option to record the conversation if anyone thinks they might want to replay it. Also, I'm not precious about this: if we want to try Skype instead (or IRC, or...) to start off the call, then this facility will still be available to fall back to if needed.

And, erm, "someone" needs to set an agenda... There's a notepad in the thread too.

Suchith Anand on November 16, 2012:

I will be attending today's tele meeting.

Also to let you know that i am going to India from Nov 29- Jan 9th  so will not be able to attend meetings during that period.

Ian Holt on November 16, 2012:

Is it too late to join?

Addy Pope on November 16, 2012:

epic timekeeping fail by Pope. flap flap flap.

Jo Cook on November 23, 2012:


I think my previous comment only went to Addy, apols...

Anyhow, minutes (sanitised and without sponsorship stuff) are on osgeo wiki. If Barry is busy, I could pop a quick email out to the various lists?
