The working site for the conference committee of FOSS4G 2013

Testing OJS installation

Last saved by Barend Köbben on December 28, 2012


Tests performed

  1. I enrolled myself as an editor (
  2. I sent an email out of the same panel. I am not sure if I toggled the option to receive a cc to my address.
  3. I created another user (reviewer) fjbehr2, with the options "Generate a random password", "Send the user a welcome email containing their username and password.", "Require the user to change their password the next time they log in."
    fjbehr2 received the invitation, could log in and change his password.
  4. I created a section "Preface", and added Barend as section editor.
  5. I added for myself the role as "Added role: Section editor"
  6. I added and activated a Review Form.
  7. I created two issues - one for TGIS, one for online OSGEO Journal. Perhaps we should have more than one of the latter.
  8. 2012-11-16: I invited another reviewer (Dr. Pradeepkumar from the reviewer list), who accepted.
  9. 2012-11-17: I assigned reviewer fjbehr2 to a test submission I uploaded in my role as author before. The review form defined in step 6 should be used. The reviewer accepted and could download the Submission Manuscript. He filled out the review form and uploaded an additional test file. He decided "Revisions required" and submitted his review. He can see all his reviews in the Archive.
  10. The process on the side of fjbehr (editor) was at the beginning not fully clear for me. I could assign the submission to an editor (myself), but the submission was still marked as "under review". I went back to my "User Home" page, there I had four roles: Journal Manager, Editor, Section Editor, Author. Editor, Section Editor showed both a submission "in review".
  11. As editor, I could see the "Review Form Response" as well as the file submittd by the reviewer.  I informed the author by a mail (the form provided was empty, so I wrote some short text). This mail reached the author. But he (or me as the editoir?) received also another email still including placeholders (
    As one of the reviewers for the submission, "{$articleTitle}," to
  12. Barry is investigating this issue.
  13. 2012-11-21: I created another user as test author: testauthor01
  14. ToDo: Author guidelines have to be provided. However, instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review, are already there.
  15. Test Author01:
    We have reached a decision regarding your submission to FOSS4G 2013 Academic
    Track, "Test title 01".
    Our decision is to: ????

    I wonder if the decision has to be typed manually...?
    => [BK}: NO, there are four "EDITOR DECISION" emails in the setup section "prepared emails",  called ACCEPT, DECLINE, RESUBMIT and REVISIONS. I edit the ACCEPT and that wordks. Problem remains how to distinguish the 'normal' acceptances from the "TGIS" ones. I guess we could either "misuse" the RESUBMIT one for that, or in the ACCEPT one have a message that these people will be contacted separately (as I have put now in the messgae). But we don not have to solve that now.
    => (28-12) did solve that by


Franz-Josef Behr on December 27, 2012:

The TGIS ones could be informed specifically by editing the prepared email manually (as I understand your suggestions).