The working site for the conference committee of FOSS4G 2013

Team Call 2012-12-21

Last saved by Barend Köbben on December 21, 2012

Attendees - AS, SF, BR, JM, MI, JC, IH

Sponsorship Update
New confirms from OS (Diamond) and Metaspatial (supporter)
Already confirmed EDINA (Academic - £5k, for bursaries, = Silver?), Google (Gold), MapGears (supporter). Met Office v. promising for Jan.
Open Development Tech Alliance? Mark working on.
Eclipse - SF to email.
Press releases early Jan (SF)
This represents £42k of c. £80k.

Update from Academic track

In short: things are moving along, there were some delays mostly because of both chairs being busy with other things, but the CfP with submission details will be out before the end of 2012. (BK)

Website link needed (JC/BK)


Update on Program

Programme Selection - Suggested dates for programme selection/meetup: Fri 26th/Sat 27th April, Nottingham. Clash with AGI?
JM liasing with AGI
SF has preference for Sun/Mon
AS will look at wording for consulation on voting and poss voting and submission systems (Google forms?) and circulate to programme group

Update on web site
The "about" button - who writes text for Geo for All
SF to draft text as destination for Big Button by 2nd Jan, and photo
Getting sponsor logos on site
Higher profile for sponsorship in one of the front page boxes

Poss. involvement:
Geeks without Bounds
Nott. hackspace
Discuss with Met Office

Need to discuss in Jan
Jousting? JM

Contract update
Final draft received, will be signed in Jan.
Outstanding - wifi (JM), marquee (price awaited), AV
Book Horizon laptops? Would need to be rebuilt. JM

Remind OSGeo that AGM should be at FOSS4G, not NA. Should be on public board list (JC)
Dates of future meetings
Programme Selection/F2F, 26th/27th/28th/29th April (prob. two days from these), Nottingham, KEEP FREE if poss.
Poss clash with SOTM Birmingham? Not yet open.
Post to OSM lists requesting non-clashing dates (with AGI or FOSS4G), JM
2 weekly meetings from Fri 11th Jan, 2pm (SF/AS invites)


Jo Cook on December 21, 2012:

All, I've tweaked the bits I needed to tweak on the homepage and added in the logo guidelines:

Feel free to suggest comments/changes- bearing in mind that all the widgety bits on the front page will change when we add the sponsors logos

Happy Whatever-You-Celebrate
