The working site for the conference committee of FOSS4G 2013


Last saved by Rollo Home on March 6, 2013

Many people who work with geo software and maps find themselves becoming passionate advocates for the power of geography to make a difference: in government, business, travel, environment, crime reduction, social justice and communications to name just a few of the domains. Open Source Geo software makes this possible.

FOSS4G is the conference for the people working with open source tools; it's a gathering of up to a thousand delegates who are at the core of a community which tirelessly develops, creates and crafts the software used by millions worldwide. 

This software is the glue which binds our community together; we want it to be used to empower and enfranchise anyone to harness the power of geo, regardless of their economic status. From the urban planner in a developing world city, to contributors to a pan-European data sharing project, or a team delivering a mission critical government web site; from the student with little resource but the Internet, to the armchair auditor or data journalist of open data, or a corporate software procurement officer seeking to reduce costs and improve efficiency - all are invited to join our growing community.

At FOSS4G 2013 we want to reach out to potential users, educators, students and policy makers, and show how FOSS4G can enable Geo for All.

This is the old text which I removed:

FOSS4G is the global conference for Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial, organized by the Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo). In 2013, FOSS4G will be held in in the United Kingdom for the first time, at the East Midlands Conference Centre in Nottingham, from 17th to 21st September. FOSS4G 2013 will follow on from the Association for Geospatial Information (AGI) annual GeoCommunity Event at the same venue, and delegates will have an opportunity to attend both events for a full week of Geo-Goodness!

Expect a vibrant mix of workshops, papers, seminars, birds-of-a-feather meetings, and great social events, in a fantastic location. Key dates and travel information will be published shortly, from early September 2012, so check back for updates, follow us on twitter, or sign up to our mailing list for more information.


Steven Feldman on March 4, 2013:

Mark kindly wrote a draft version of the Geo for All mission (I am very tempted to revert to Geo4All, it resonates with FOSS4G) which I have enhanced/butchered/plagiarised.

Needs some input from others so feel free to chip in

Mark Iliffe on March 4, 2013:

Geo4All would be my vote. 

Antony Scott on March 4, 2013:

Have done some more butchering.

Steven Feldman on March 5, 2013:

I think this is good2go

Question now is where should it appear on the site? It could replace the "Welcome" text that links from the "Geo for All" button or it could appear somewhere else or the "Welcome" could go somewhere else or ....

Help me out someone

Jo Cook on March 5, 2013:

I think it could replace what's currently on the welcome page


Steven Feldman on March 5, 2013:

I have uploaded text. Need an image to spice the page up, I've tweeted to see if anyone offers a suitable image but if one of you has one ...

Barry Rowlingson on March 5, 2013:

My go-to free imagery site has turned up a few of things that caught my eye:

There's also a few cheesy graphics like this:

Steven Feldman on March 5, 2013:

That will do nicely :)

Barry Rowlingson on March 5, 2013:

I just fixing the URL to flickr for the image and I notice the image is HUGE (right click, view image, 1800px x 1800px).

I thought WP should have generated versions of it in different sizes, and if I try and insert it again in the post the alternate sizes won't let me select them. Anyone know what's going on here? Where "Anyone" probably means "Jo".

Steven Feldman on March 5, 2013:

I used the edit photo bit in WP to reduce to 60% several times to get the image size down

Barry Rowlingson on March 8, 2013:

Its still a giant file, all its 2 million pixels are being downloaded and then the browser shrinks it. I'll try and do a proper resize and upload a small version.