The working site for the conference committee of FOSS4G 2013

Running total of papers, workshops and registrations

Last saved by Matt Walker on August 2, 2013

30th July Update
Thur 19th = 599
Fri 20th = 589
Sat 21st = 566
Total delegates including sponsors and comps = 631

8hrs workshop x 75 delegates
16hrs workshop x 91 delegates
Total workshop delegates = 166
Total workshop hours = 2056

Icebreaker x 114
Gala x 566
Closing party x 65
Orchard Hotel 445 rooms (42, 52, 90, 107, 100, 54)
University Rooms (99, 144, 222, 249, 223, 89)

28th June

Thur 18th x 438
Fri 19th x 433
Sat 20th x 416
8hrs workshop x 70*
16hrs workshop x 90*
Icebreaker x 92
Gala x 416
Closing party x 41

*total workshop attendees = 160

21st June
Thur 18th x 432
Fri 19th x 427
Sat 20th x 410
8hrs workshop x 61*
16hrs workshop x 88*
Icebreaker x 89
Gala x 412
Closing party x 39

*total workshop attendees = 149

21st June

Thur 18th x 432
Fri 19th x 427
Sat 20th x 410
8hrs workshop x 61*
16hrs workshop x 88*
Icebreaker x 89
Gala x 412
Closing party x 39

*total workshop attendees = 149

19th June

Thur 18th x 428
Fri 19th x 423
Sat 20th x 406
8hrs workshop x 61*
16hrs workshop x 84*
Icebreaker x 89
Gala x 408
Closing party x 39

*total workshop attendees = 145

18th June

Thur 18th x 418
Fri 19th x 414
Sat 20th x 398
8hrs workshop x 61*
16hrs workshop x 80*
Icebreaker x 88
Gala x 399
Closing party x 39

*total workshop attendees = 141

15th June

Thur 18th x 380
Fri 19th x 376
Sat 20th x 360
8hrs workshop x 55*
16hrs workshop x 70*
Icebreaker x 78
Gala x 361
Closing party x 33

*total workshop attendees = 128

14th June

Thur 18th x 360
Fri 19th x 357
Sat 20th x 342
8hrs workshop x 56*
16hrs workshop x 68*
Icebreaker x 75
Gala x 342
Closing party x 32

*total workshop attendees = 124
13th June

Thur 18th x 297
Fri 19th x 293
Sat 20th x 279
8hrs workshop x 41*
16hrs workshop x 61*
Icebreaker x 63
Gala x 281
Closing party x 26

*total workshop attendees = 102

12th June
Thur 18th x 255
Fri 19th x 250
Sat 20th x 242
8hrs workshop x 29*
16hrs workshop x 53*
Icebreaker x 55
Gala x 241
Closing party x 26

*total workshop attendees = 82

6th June

Thur 18th x 221 (211 full and 10 day tickets)
Fri 19th x 218 (211 full and 7 day tickets)
Sat 20th x 212 (211 full and 1 day tickets)
8hrs workshop x 27*
16hrs workshop x 43*
Icebreaker x 48
Gala x 218
Closing party x 18

*total workshop attendees = 70

30th May
Thur 18th x 183 (175 full and 8 day tickets)
Fri 19th x 180 (175 full and 5 day tickets)
Sat 20th x 175 (175 full and 0 day tickets)
8hrs workshop x 24*
16hrs workshop x 35*
Icebreaker x 43
Gala x 176
Closing party x 16

*total workshop attendees = 59

28th May

Thur 18th x 143 (136 full and 7 day tickets)
Fri 19th x 141 (136 full and 5 day tickets)
Sat 20th x 136 (136 full and 0 day tickets)
Workshop 17th x 19
Workshop 18th x 38
Icebreaker x 30
Gala x 137
Closing party x 10

22nd May (Claire, can you provide us with the numbers of 'full conference' ticket holders so that we're can see the numbers of individual day bookings? These appear to be higher than I'd anticipated)
Thur 18th x 89
Fri 19th x 87
Sat 20th x 84
Workshop 17th x 13
Workshop 18th x 29
Icebreaker x 22
Gala x 85
Closing party x 6

3rd May
Full Conference including Gala Night x 41
Icebreaker x 11
Workshop 18th x 12
Closing party x 4

18th April
Full Conference including Gala Night x 24
Icebreaker x 8
Workshop x 9
Closing party x 2

12th April (AM)
Papers - 177

12th April (AM)
Papers - 126

11th April (PM)
Papers - 87

11th April (AM)
Papers - 82

10th April
Papers - 58
Workshops - 61 (survey site is now closed for collections)

Full Conference including Gala Night x 19
Icebreaker x 6
Workshop x 7
Closing party x 2

5th April
Papers - 40
Workshops - 61 (survey site is now closed for collections)

Full Conference including Gala Night x 18
Icebreaker x 6
Workshop x 7
Closing party x 2

2nd April
Papers - 37
Workshops - 61 (survey site is now closed for collections)

Full Conference including Gala Night x 13
Icebreaker x 5
Workshop x 4
Closing party x 1

28th March
Papers - 28
Workshops - 32

Full Conference including Gala Night x 13
Icebreaker x 5
Workshop x 4
Closing party x 1

22nd March
Papers - 25
Workshops - 23

Academic track
26 papers in review, 23 already have 1 reviewer, 15 reviews already in

Full Conference including Gala Night x 13
Icebreaker x 5
Workshop x 4
Closing party x 1

19th March
Papers - 24
Workshops - 20

Full Conference including Gala Night x 13
Icebreaker x 5
Workshop x 4
Closing party x 1

8th March

Papers - 18
Workshops - 9

Full Conference including Gala Night x 10
Icebreaker x 3
Workshop x 2
Closing party x 1

2nd March
Papers - 17
Workshops - 9

22nd February
Papers - 11
Workshops - 8

15th February

Papers - 8
Workshops - 7


Claire Gilmour on February 15, 2013:

This is the running total of submissions for papers and workshops.  I will be updating this on a weekly basis when I send a confirmation to the authors.

Claire Gilmour on March 8, 2013:

I have updated the paper and workshop totals and added in the registrations received so far

Barend Köbben on April 2, 2013:


How sure are we that the "Notifications for submissions are sent out in batch"...? I see several messages of people being unsure, and to be honest I don't recall having received one on my proposal (although that's some time ago and my memory might betray me)...


Claire Gilmour on April 2, 2013:

I send out confirmation emails on a weekly basis. 

Your confirmation was sent out on Fri 22/03/2013 @ 12:11.


Barend Köbben on April 2, 2013:

Great, thanks for checking. It's probably me being really insecure ;-)


On 02-04-13 15:39, "Claire Gilmour (Basecamp)"

Claire Gilmour on April 11, 2013:

Paper numbers updated.  will do another at the end of the day

Claire Gilmour on April 11, 2013:

Our email is down until probably Monday because our servers are being relocated.  Is anyone able to send confirmations to anyone submitting papers?  I can send the emails and the confirmation to whoever, alternatively I can send it from my gmail account.

Rollo Home on April 11, 2013:

Claire, I can do this - what do I need to do?
Only 89 papers? that means we need 200+ tomorrow.....hmmm. Getting worried.

Jo Cook on April 11, 2013:

Extend if needed but don't worry till Saturday!

Claire Gilmour on April 11, 2013:

Rollo - thanks I will send you an email now

Antony Scott on April 12, 2013:

Paul Ramsey  has now set up the community review page, apart from the link itself, at

Once he's got the system up and running (hopefully by Monday) he will put the link in and we can amend our web page.

I have let him know that we have 207 speaking slots (if we exclude the Diamond Sponsor ones).

Claire, assuming we don't extend the deadline, when would you be able to get the spreadsheet to Paul?

Rollo Home on April 12, 2013:

Notifications to submitters:
we're getting a lot of worried people not sure of whether their submission got in. In order to allay all concerns, can we suggest something like:
- inform all submitters (via the mail list) that a final confirmation will be sent on (date), and that if they have not received an email from (address) then they need to resubmit by (date).
Seems clunky, but it may put peoples minds to rest. Also, it allows us to  'extend' the deadline without actually extending it. Thus we may get a few more submissions (I don't believe we've actually lost any submitted papers so far).

Rollo Home on April 12, 2013:

Antony, thanks for the update. I've added this to the PR and sent to Claire for distribution.
Jo - will you update our website to link to the marking pages?

Barry Rowlingson on April 12, 2013:

I've made some edits to the page to help this.

BUT the big problem is that after submitting a presentation it dumps you back at home page. Could this be changed to dump you to which would at least say "thank you for your submission, you will receive an email notification by the n-th of whentember"?

I've created such a page:

can the SurveyMonkey be spanked into doing this?

Antony Scott on April 12, 2013:


I can update the website, but will wait till the link goes live to do it. There’s a holding page here:

Rollo Home on April 12, 2013:

Barry - an excellent idea....I'll see if this can be done.
(why didn't you think of this weeks ago ;-)

Rollo Home on April 12, 2013:

Claire is on the case - that should work!
Nice one Barry. Not sure that the comments on the mailing list are helping your mood today?! People are full of helpful comments, aren't they.... :-/

Barry - great text. My only comment (!) is to split the text up across  more paragraphs (i.e. add space). It seems that people don't read the text, they scan it for the hyperlink! Short paragraphs (i.e. so short that they're not strictly speaking para's!) are better.....perhaps.

Claire Gilmour on April 12, 2013:


Claire Gilmour on April 12, 2013:

When do we want to close down the call for papers?  Is it definitely closing today? at 5pm or midnight?

Barry Rowlingson on April 12, 2013:

Unless we have put a time zone on the close of the call I'd leave it until at least midday Saturday UK time, which means its no longer Friday anywhere on the planet.

Suchith Anand on April 12, 2013:

Yes, i agree.  

Claire Gilmour on April 12, 2013:

ok will do

Rollo Home on April 12, 2013:

So with papers at 170+ it's seems unlikely that we will hit our 'needed' target of 300. That figure was based on 216 potential slots (9 streams), and having some choice...obviously we can drop a stream, and have less choice (we also have 61 workshops - some of those could easily be converted into presentations I'd guess).

Can we make some sort of decision tomorrow PM (when we should have had the final papers in) as to what to do? Ultimately it ought to Steve's decision, but he's still out of contact. Who is available tomorrow to discuss?

From my perspective, extending the deadline is not an easy choice because of the logistical knock-ons. Also, I'm not convinced it would really help (although talking to Arnulf, he was under the impression that extending the deadline was 'standard practice'). Comments?

For reference the GeoCom paper submission seems to be down by about 50%.

Antony Scott on April 12, 2013:

I’m around tomorrow. It would be useful to know where we stand with the workshops – if the quality/quantity is good, we could run a workshop stream for example. Extending doesn’t send a very confident message, and there’s no guarantee we’d get much more in.


Barry Rowlingson on April 12, 2013:

Will be sporadically online tomorrow so can keep an eye on things and comment. We might get another rush of papers from the Americas later today, but 300 does look unlikely.

It might be okay to add this weekend to the deadline, but we can't go far into next week.

Steven Feldman on April 12, 2013:

Hi from the holy city of Haridwar where we have been revelling in the Aarti :)

Great to see so much activity while I am relaxing

A few thoughts -

We planned for 9 streams and 216 sessions but there is no particular reason for those numbers. We could trim to 8 or even 7 streams and still have a full program with 180 or even 144 sessions. We could also lengthen the slots by a few minutes (most people tend to over run) and allow proper gaps for change overs.

As others have suggested we could have a workshop stream or at least part stream. That would be good for any newbies such as GeoCom delegates.

We can add in a few more plenary events at the end of each day which will reduce the number of slots.

I think we need at least 120/140 top quality sessions including some hands on stuff. 171 is a bit low but not terrible. What harm would be done by extending till Monday midday or midnight? Minor extension gives people chance to submit over the weekend and can't cause too much of a logistical nightmare.

Final call has to be up to you as I'm off on safari tomorrow hopefully to see elephants and possibly leopard



Steven Feldman on April 12, 2013:

What ever you decide be sure to hammer the list and twitter with an announcement

Rollo Home on April 12, 2013:

Right, let's wait to see what the numbers are tomorrow and make a decision....but in essence,
  • 200 papers appears to be an acceptable number to work with - currently on 180. Will only go for an extension if that number doesn't rise.
  • an extension can't go beyond Sunday night due to logistical issues. We would need to allow time for US - Alaska is about 9 hours behind us, so that takes us to early morning Monday BST.
  • if we extend - we will tweet and hit the list hard.
Claire - can you keep us updated with regard to papers?!

In regard to a 'newbie' session, I wonder if we should run this (or duplicate) within the GeoCom streams? Talking to Claire, she thought that they would have the space, and was going to raise with the AWG to see what they thought. I see some sense in presenting the basics of 'open' (licensing, rights, liabilities, SLA's, business models, etc.) to that crowd. I'm fairly certain that I could pull together three speakers to fill a 2 - 3 hour streamed session. We may have to incentivise though (#geobeer usually does the trick - nothings is actually free is it?!).

Steven Feldman on April 13, 2013:

Don't forget we also have the Academic track to accommodate. Barend or FJ can you guess how many papers we will have in that track?

Peter Batty on April 13, 2013:

In Denver we had up to 9 tracks, but one was the academic track as Steven points out, and another was a "tutorials" track which were like half length workshops, an hour and a half sessions (see the Denver schedule online for the detail). Most of the tutorials were sessions that were submitted as workshops. Since you have lots of workshop proposals (more than we did), you could consider at least one if not two tracks of tutorials. And you can always just drop a track, I think 9 is a lot anyway. We had about 150 paper slots in Denver from what I remember.

I still have an abstract to submit today :) !! And I imagine there are more from the States from last night.

Steven Feldman on April 13, 2013:

Lets leave submissions open till midnight Sunday (choose a US time zone) to let the last few in

Can someone announce?

I like the idea of a tutorial stream, it enables us to be more selective on papers

BTW do I get chairman's privilege on a late submission? Something along the lines of "What those enterprise sales guys never tell the customer - a guide to selling Open"

Rollo Home on April 13, 2013:

We'll get an update on paper this PM (around 2'ish), but the more this is thrashed out, the more it seems that we're just about OK (between presentations, workshops and academic submissions).

So we'll 'accept' papers over the week-end, and then start the community voting on Monday as planned.....

Cheers all.

Rollo Home on April 13, 2013:

OK - submissions:
  • test submission (i.e. people testing the system): 140
  • null submission (i.e. no title/abstract provided): 55 (it might be worth checking with some of these submitters whether they intended on actually providing anything)
  • valid submission: 229.
I think that's sufficient. We'll see what comes in over the rest of the week-end, and I'll email those 'null' submitters for confirmation of their position.

Cheers all,

Rollo Home on April 15, 2013:

Claire, there have been some late submission requests generated by the email I sent to the 'null' entries. I've given them today. There is also some 'cleaning' necessary before the list goes to the Community Vote. Can you send me a copy of the database at about mid-day? I'll tidy up and the forward to Paul Ramsey.

Rollo Home on April 15, 2013:

Question: is the 15th - 23rd enough time for the community vote? How long have other FOSS events given? (a fine time to ask, I know, but I wonder if we could extend to overlap with the F2F without any discernible impact?)

Jo Cook on April 15, 2013:

I don't know how long previous events have given- Paul is probably the best person to ask about that, but I think we can overlap with the F2F without worrying too much- basically if the community vote threw up some surprises then we could adapt our selection to take that into account.

Peter Batty on April 15, 2013:

I'd plan to finish it before your F2F personally - I think that you should take the community vote as the starting point for selection, it greatly simplifies things to do it that way. But I think a week is enough time for voting - it's like abstract selection, everyone will tend to do it at the last minute anyway if you allow a longer period. I will double check how long we allowed when we did it for Denver, but from memory I think it was a week or so.

Peter Batty on April 15, 2013:

I just checked and for Denver we ran the community vote from April 27th to May 8th, so about a week and a half. So you would be a little less but not hugely different.

Antony Scott on April 15, 2013:

We have billed the community voting as running from today to 21st, so we should not have a problem I don't think. Paul is expecting the data by today, so he should be able to turn it round quickly.

Jeremy Morley on April 15, 2013:

Hi everyone - sorry I've been both quiet and absent, a combination of holidays and the death of my father shortly before Easter. I'm back online now but have quite a backlog of stuff to clear. Looking forward to next week's paper judging though.


Claire Gilmour on June 19, 2013:

Totals updated.

I have changed the prices on the registration system to the standard prices.

Do the early bird prices need to be removed from or at least struck through.

I am on leave tomorrow and probably not able to check emails - anything major I will be contactable on 07922 321335

Steven Feldman on June 19, 2013:

Early bird prices removed