The working site for the conference committee of FOSS4G 2013

Team Call 2013-02-22

Last saved by Rollo Home on March 1, 2013

Attendance - Ian, Jeremy, Addy, Rollo, Barry, Antony, Claire, Jo, Franz-Josef, 

Apologies - Barend, Suchith, Steven, Mark, Franz-Josef (partially

registration is now open and we have 2 registrations!!
Prices as stated on the site - £350 early bird and so on.
need to get registrations flowing


Call for presentations

Call for Workshops

Hackathon update
first of google hangouts has happened (actually 2) 
Need updates for next meeting!
Jo needs a link to the hackathon, Claire may know where it is on EventBrite....

Code Sprint
Need updates for next meeting!

Call for Maps
 - Barend volunteers for jury duty and other help (sort of obliged to, since I call myself Cartographer...)
Ken has produced a doc which is on basecamp. The big thing at the moment is the logistics around a digital display. Talking to OS to see if they will take a sponsorship lead to shout about it and perhaps supply some big monitors. Also chatting to CASA about the ipad wall. 
Idea is to have this as a continuing background thing where folk can mill around and see the maps.
Will be a judging session and an award session.

Paper selection F2F dates -

Publicity (Marketing & PR)


Academic Track
18 submissions, 5 from one author
nobody from the community I am familiar with (except Maria B)
Little bit disappointing - 
closing tonight
perhaps people are looking to submit through the standard track
leave the instructions for authors, but clearly state that it is now closed but leave Barend's email address for authors to contact the team.
Leave open til Monday

Confirmed 19 sponsors, revenue after early book discounts = £77.2k

Diamond = £25k
  • Ordnance Survey

  • Gold = £18k

    Silver = £18k

    Bronze = £9k

    Supporter = £7.2k

    Keynote speakers
    Need 1 more!!! 
    Panel of speakers for a session?
    Ian Painter?
    Martin Daley 
    Henk Schelton (Geodan) what is the angle?
    [note Barend: knwo him well, nice person and OK speaker but really NOT Open source, quite old school GIS firm)
    JM to send emial to Tim Berners-Lee 

    ACTION -
    Need the Bio's for keynotes - can we add these to the website.  JM defers this to the comms group to decide how this fits with their PR drive.

    Open Source Conference in April

    Link to Google Doc:

    Next Call


    Antony Scott on February 22, 2013:

    Hi all, have created an agenda for the call this pm - please annotate/add as appropriate.

    Barend Köbben on February 22, 2013:

    Hi all,

    Unfortunately I can't make the call today (teaching obligations).
    Franz-Josef will be there for at least a while. We now have 17 submissions
    in for the AT, with a few that promised to deliver (Jeremy?). We have 37
    or so authors registered, so I think we can expect some more for sure, and
    others have commented that traditionally lots come in at the last moment.
    Let's hope this is indeed true...

    Suchith Anand on February 22, 2013:

    Please accept my apologies for today meeting as am busy with some urgent work deadlines.

    I will work on the academic bursaries actions in the weekend and keep you all updated.

    Addy Pope on February 22, 2013:

    Just been to the MetOffice site and it said meeting canceled.  Am i in the wrong virtual enviroment?

    Claire Gilmour on February 22, 2013:

    I cant find the link at all! - I know it is in my emails somewhere.

    Jo Cook on February 22, 2013:

    Starting date:          Friday, February 22, 2013
      Starting time:        2:00 pm, GMT Time (London, GMT)
      Duration:     1 hour
      Meeting number:       848 738 248
      Meeting password:     met5724foss4g
      Audio conference:     To receive a call back, provide your phone
    number when you join the meeting, or call the number below and enter the
    access code.
       UK - Toll:      +44-203-478-5289
            Access code: 848 738 248

    Antony Scott on February 22, 2013:

    Addy Pope on February 22, 2013:

    Magic, i m in.  Link in the google calender entry i have was wrong/old

    Jo Cook on February 22, 2013:

    Hmm, old-school phone method- I'm getting "I'm sorry your meeting number is not valid". I'll see if I can find another method- carry on without me for the moment :-)

    Franz-Josef Behr on February 22, 2013:

    Sorry, but I have technical problems (Java not working...)


    Jeremy Morley on February 22, 2013:

    Could dial in via telephone, Franz-Josef?

    Franz-Josef Behr on February 22, 2013:

    Now I hear everythingand see Jeremy's desktopn

    Rollo Home on March 1, 2013:

    Ian - did you get anywhere with this open source conference?
    What is the status of someone attending? I could get there if required.

    Ian Edwards on March 1, 2013:

    Hi Rollo,

    - OSGeo-UK has agreed to be a non-financial supporter.
    - We have sent them the OSGeo:UK logo (but it has not been added to the
    - They have repeatedly offered two free tickets (yourself and Jo), but are
    slow with details of how we will receive them
    - They are confirming with their supervisor how/when they want the details
    of FOSS4G to circulate to their delegates

    They seem keen, but, despite many emails and a phone call earlier this
    week, I haven't managed to get any specific action from them. They're
    either very busy, or a bit slow to respond.

    Ian Edwards on March 1, 2013:

    GISRUK (3-5th Apr, Liverpool) have asked for FOSS4G flyers / registration information that they can circulate to their delegates in conference bags. I'm waiting on a reply on numbers of flyers required.

    Either Addy or I will also be promoting FOSS4G at the end of the conference when awarding an OSGeo:UK prize to one of the presenters.

    Suchith Anand on March 3, 2013:

    Good to hear that Ian, Addy are attending GISRUK in April. Good opportunity to promote FOSS4G  esp with the OSGeo:UK award for the best student research using open source geo software arranged.

    btw I wont be able to attend this Friday's LOC team call as this whole week (4th-8th March) i am participating in EU Science at the European Parliament in Brussels. It is an excellent opportunity to meet and discuss ideas with key decision makers and top scientists for future research collaborations.
