The working site for the conference committee of FOSS4G 2013

Team Call 05-04-2013

Last saved by Franz-Josef Behr on April 5, 2013

Attendees: Mark, Claire, Matt, Jo, Barry, Suchith, Ian Holt

Apologies: Steven, Jeremy

I (Franz-Josef) have lectures / lab exercises this afternoon. Antony (flu :-( )
Barend (in a train without WiFi)

Review actions from previous meeting
Publicity gone out on other mailing list, some publicity/prize etc at GISRUK. Website updated to reflect close of workshop call.
Met Office need to clarify requirements for hackathon asap
No movement on contract/wifi Jeremy to contact on Monday

No one present

Key Stats
Small increase on last call- nothing to worry about

Academic track
20 reviews received, for 26 submissions still 53 reviews outstanding.
Not very much submissions accepted (IMHO -- FJ)
Deadline is 24th April - but Franz-Josef and Barend contacted the reviewers to submit earlier.

CfP and CfW
Need to be able to get programme submissions to Paul Ramsey asap after 12th April to set up community voting. Need to decide on an extension as close to the 12th as possible- review on 10th
61 workshop submissions but many repeats.

Claire to put news release in AGI press release, with link to maptember:
Press releases to go to Claire to go on AGI website

Contract and wifi
Jeremy to contact on Monday

F2F 24/25 April
Draft agenda from Steven
Suchith to liaise with Claire/Jeremy about logistics

Barry has haggled- 2750 +VAT and expenses for a 1 hour show- no objections to going ahead with this. Contracts via AGI

Comms meeting 10th
Workshop meeting 8th
F2F 19th


Jo Cook on April 5, 2013:

I've created a skeleton agenda for today's call. Please add anything you'd like to cover.  Can we have an update on stats (registrations, CfP, final workshop total) as well? If you're not able to attend, stick your name in the apologies section.

Thanks, and speak to you all later!


Suchith Anand on April 5, 2013:

Just to check , the meeting is at 2pm? i havent got the conference call invite yet. Is Ian or Anthony sending this out? thanks


Claire Gilmour on April 5, 2013:

registrations and submission document has been updated

Antony Scott on April 5, 2013:

Hello ,


Ian Edwards invites you to attend this online meeting.

Topic:    FOSS4G Team Call

Date:     Every 2 weeks on Friday, from Friday, January 25, 2013 to Friday, September 20, 2013

Time:     2:00 pm, GMT Time (London, GMT)

Meeting Number:           848 738 248

Meeting Password:         met5724foss4g




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Barry Rowlingson on April 5, 2013:

Really, GMT?

Time:     2:00 pm, GMT Time (London, GMT)

We put the clocks forward, so that would be 1.00pm BST? I'm thinking this is a mistake and its really 2.00pm BST...

Jo Cook on April 5, 2013:

I'm assuming BST...

Antony Scott on April 6, 2013:

Received the email below from the British Red Cross.  A couple of points:
  • We should probably set up some email contacts on the site now - they could forward to designated people (or Basecamp groups)?
  • I have replied saying we don't do a discount for attendance, but asking if they wanted to exhibit, in which case we could consider (with no commitment). I was going to ask anyway if MapAction (which has a stand at AGI) could keep it there for FOSS4G.
One for the next call I guess.
Hi Scott
Your email address was the only one I could find on
We are tying to find someone to contact regarding Charity discounts for the conference?
Any chance you could forward me the details of the appropriate person it would be appreciated.
Kind regards
GIS team facilitator
British Red Cross.

Rollo Home on April 10, 2013:

It would be great to have the BRC on board somehow (and MapAction). The AGI have third sector membership - perhaps this is something we could pursue via that route? Do you have a full name for Andrew?

Antony Scott on April 10, 2013:

No, strangely no full nameor other contact details, just Have not heard back from him as to whether he wants to attend or exhibit.