The working site for the conference committee of FOSS4G 2013

Team Call 2013-04-19

Last saved by Steven Feldman on April 19, 2013

Attendees: SF, IE, JGM, BR, SA, CG, AS, AP, JC, IH, MI, RH

Apologies:  Barend Köbben; Franz-Josef (lectures)

Program selection

Hackathon update

Contract Update

Academic Track



Call for Maps

Other activities?

Publicity Plans

Academic Bursaries



Steven Feldman on April 19, 2013:

Suggested topics for discussion for this afternoon's call. Have I missed anything?

Usual login details courtesy of the Met Office webex account

Speak to you later


Antony Scott on April 19, 2013:

Have added a couple of items under publicity.
Login details:



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Rollo Home on April 19, 2013:

I'll be a bit late due to a meeting: 2:30'ish. (Calling from mobile)

Antony Scott on April 19, 2013:

I was doing notes but kept losing stuff :-( maybe we were fighting... anyway think everything was covered, I will run through again later.

Antony Scott on April 23, 2013:


Are you in touch with Paul about results from community voting?

Steven Feldman on April 23, 2013:

I have posted the results as a file this morning